
Promises Quotes

There are 1818 quotes

"Every time you keep a promise to yourself, you raise that self-conviction, that self-belief."
"Keeping promises to yourself is just this insanely powerful tactic."
"When you keep your promises to yourself, you build self-respect."
"No politician, not me, not Boris, no one should make a promise unless they absolutely know they can deliver it." - Jeremy Hunt
"Self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to you."
"Trump promised an infrastructure bill; it never came. Trump promised a repeal and replace of healthcare; it never happened."
"You're protecting yourself against this person's harmful actions or rejection, or even worse, like a false promise."
"Self-confidence is really self-trust. It comes from the promises that I keep to myself."
"God is not a man that He should lie; He does not make promises that He will not fulfill."
"These precious promises have been given to us that through these promises, we can be partakers of the divine nature."
"God's Way is perfect, all the Lord's promises proved true."
"God's way is perfect, and His promises are true."
"I've got a chance to start over, and I promise you, and I promise myself, I won't make the wrong choice again."
"Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises."
"Over 8,000 promises that are available for you and I as daughters and sons of God...most of those promises in the Bible, He did not place them in our hand; He placed them in our reach."
"You can only say better things are coming so many times before it just sounds like an empty promise."
"You must fulfill your promises, otherwise, you can face a huge loss."
"If you abide in me and my word abides in you, you ask whatever you want, and it'll be done."
"This wouldn't be an issue if China had just kept its promise."
"The Chinese government never keeps its promises unless it's somehow in their favor."
"God is a faithful God, that is, he will do what he says he will do, how he says he will do it, when he says he will do it, and there are no exceptions."
"In the end, she has promised basically immortality via way of Luke's Resurrection in exchange for her undoubted loyalty."
"As much as I wanted to talk about the bone daddy assassin himself, I did promise a video on Ishtar."
"The value of the promise depends upon the promiser."
"You have to keep the promises that you make to yourself."
"Like billowing clouds that bring no rain is the person who talks big but never produces."
"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes in Christ."
"Being in control of your promises and what you're making is a sign of mastery of the art."
"Async await is just a more elegant way to handle promises."
"Keep the little promises that you make to yourself."
"Your word is your word, and don't compromise on it."
"God says, 'I'm going to restore.' Okay? To restore means to give you back what you have lost."
"Be careful what you promise God will take you up on it."
"Do I write my name in blood to make sure that you trust me? Probably not, because maybe it's not the last one."
"He reveals that he'll do whatever it takes to fulfill his mother's wishes."
"I will never ask you for anything in exchange for something inferior."
"When you find a promise that relates to your situation and meets your need, that promise is God's will for you."
"Resting in God's promises is an active form of rest."
"And almost karmically, the magic responds to that. Elevates it. Your promises literally change reality in this world."
"Isn’t it enough that someone kept their promise to you? Don’t you already benefit? It sort of just seems like double-prizes at that point."
"Once you understand, you can't stop understanding."
"Helps I not make any promises yeah unless they're like really normal it almost certainly will like give them a chuckle it'll it'll have an effect it'll"
"When your reality is not in alignment with the promises of god don't you neglect or nullify or reinterpret the promises of god you've got to stand on the promises of god."
"We keep our promises. They risked their lives. We promised we'd take them. We're going to take them."
"Make sure that the commitments you're making, you can keep."
"For any commander in chief, the first 12 months are full of campaign promises delivered and deferred." - NBC News White House Correspondent Monica Alba
"I won't let him down. I won't let anyone down."
"Crushing is the process and soaring is the promise."
"We win when we run on real solutions, not impossible promises."
"Patience and grace go hand in hand. Most people get messed up between the promise and the delivery."
"I executed the plan, you promised we would change the world together."
"I made this promise to myself and I said... I will always love you and value you."
"Sweetheart, it's a custom. I too was promised to your dad back when I was a kid,"
"Remember, the dark side never follows through on its promises, and the Force will be with you always."
"He would never do it again he apologized gifts wine etc."
"He said he would never do it again he apologized gifts wine etc."
"We've seen failed leadership in Chicago with Lori Lightfoot, we've seen failed leadership at Pritzker."
"I knew he had made good on his promise and I had to make good on mine."
"Starforge is, or at least was, a game that came with a lot of promises and delivered on barely any of them."
"Make little promises to yourself and keep those promises man."
"This is one sacred adventure we're embarking on, I hope this island will keep its promises."
"We will make America powerful again, wealthy again, strong again, proud again, safe again, and great again."
"Make sure if they don't do what they said, you hold them accountable."
"You can promise people the world and they will buy into it but if you can't deliver on that promise then people are going to call you out for it."
"We literally have one promise that was made to our ancestors out of all history and religions that I've studied, I've only found one solid promise made specifically to our people."
"We will have 100 million vaccine doses before the end of this year."
"I'm not broken, I won't break it, I promise."
"We're gonna have winning like you've never seen before in 2016... putting America first."
"The answer isn't to move to the center. Democrats need to make good on promises."
"Ethics is another good thing, if you say you're gonna do something, by gosh, you wanna do it."
"These promises are actual promises of the graces from the flame of love."
"CD Projekt Red went on to release every game that is set out to release with no compromises and never over-promising anything ever."
"They reconcile after all these years, and Max promises to take care of Hannah."
"Please be patient with me, I want to give you the world."
"I'm gonna show you better, I'm gonna marry you just like that."
"A decade's not that long. We do see a lot of really big promises from a lot of these companies as far as building EVs and that infrastructure in the next one to two decades, which is promising."
"Do not over promise, if you're gonna make a promise deliver on the promise."
"If I do win the election, I'll talk to Dave."
"Cyberpunk will let you explore a variety of different interactions with the game world and its people – that was a lie."
"I'll make this promise. I'll promise to you, Jessica. I'll promise all of our viewers. I will not pretend like I never said it was gonna be Mephisto."
"Every single promise made in all these plotlines collide seamlessly to result in a thoroughly cathartic climax."
"Bernie Sanders goes, 'We're gonna deliver for you. Here's what we're going to deliver.'"
"What we're looking to do is deliver our big promise... to respect the referendum result."
"Every and any promise they made was meaningless."
"My promises are secure; they won't disappoint you."
"You are a seed of Abraham. Now, being the seed of Abraham, what he promised Abraham is mine, too."
"With such big and bold promises from these companies over the years, it's important for all of us to ask ourselves: Do we have technological gold, a trojan horse, or a chess master hiding under a table?"
"This is a man who makes good on his promises."
"I think going forward, a better move from a lot of these people that are creating these NFT projects is, look, you can lay out potential roadmaps, but stop promising what you're going to do for people."
"I know this is not how you would have chosen it, but I can make you happy. I need to."
"I'm gonna be known for this. When Pat says something's gonna happen, it's done. I wanted everybody to say this: 'When Pat says something, it's going to get done.'"
"We have this basic conviction that he is who he says he is and he will keep his every single promise."
"I want it all. God, you promised it. It's in your word. I want it all."
"I am genuinely concerned with the numerous promises you've made and even suggested yourself that will or can be done but they do not yet I need your help and you have graciously offered to but when please."
"I testify that bad days come to an end, that faith always triumphs, and that heavenly promises are always kept."
"The Forgotten men and women of America will never, ever be forgotten again."
"Any promise that God makes in his word is redeemable at any shop of life because his words are actions in motion."
"They were literally able to deliver on their promises."
"It's not just a pay cut, it's a broken promise."
"They're gonna have to offer or bring something to you very soon."
"Your word is very important. When you say you're gonna do something, you should do it."
"Formulated correctly that will actually do what it promises."
"Prepare to embrace the future with faith; these promises will be yours."
"The tragedy is that the people who suffer the most are the ones that are told we're going to take care of you."
"I recognize your false confidence and I calculated promises." - Kendrick Lamar
"Talk is cheap. You can say you're going to do something but when you actually do it, okay, that's when I'm gonna make a video going, 'Hey, this is a great product, you should go buy it.'"
"Mom, I can't give you kids quite yet, but I can give you touchdowns. How's four of them sound?"
"We have a moral duty to fulfill the promises we made to the voters, and that is exactly what we're going to do."
"They want to offer you everything. You're gonna fall in love with somebody."
"We miss you and we want you back. We will find you no matter what it takes."
"You have to promise me that you won't stop caring."
"No matter what happens, promise me you'll come find me."
"Efforts are always way better than promises."
"If you make the promises however you make them and you deliver, people will keep listening next time."
"Reparations were promised to black people but were never given to black people."
"Really starting to your point about kind of small promises starting with setting the intentions."
"You aren't promising things to people that is going to be a life-changing thing or a business changing thing for them and then kind of write them off."
"He's right. I can't give up. I made a promise."
"Tell of the fulfillment of the promises to faith."
"This won't be easy to get hold of, but if it means a chance to get some inside information on Liyue Harbor's development plan for next year, then it's the deal of a lifetime."
"I'll get you a boulder the size of a mountain."
"Keeping promises with yourself is what can build confidence."
"This seed to seal guarantee is a false hollow promise that is impossible for them to fulfill."
"I made a promise, Madeline. And what are we if not the staples of tradition?"
"When Elon Musk promises something, he's going to deliver."
"Just promise me one thing that you'll never grow up even if you're a hundred years old."
"This was according to Treyarch supposed to be the deepest and richest Call of Duty experience to date."
"Is this a country of its word? I think it is, or it should be."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"Yes we have problems yes you're going to get elected and fix them."
"Campaign promises matter, even if fulfilling them is controversial."
"Let's make a promise of dreams today. Let's promise that we will never leave our dreams behind."
"There's nothing that would lead me to believe that Joe Biden's gonna do anything that he says he's going to do."
"Everything that you think should be in a realistic MMO is promised with all the bells and whistles to get you to strike that pledge button."
"I'm a man of integrity... when I tell you I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna do it."
"Deep frustration that President Joe Biden, Democrats have failed to deliver on their early promises."
"If I'm president I will have that War settled in one day, 24 hours."
"The promise of financial freedom that draws in so many distributors year after year."
"Trust is a series of promises kept. Maybe we can earn your trust again."
"He is obligated to fulfill his word; whatever God promised, He will fulfill."
"When I think about all the promises he's made when he said I will never leave you nor forsake you never means no matter what happens."
"If my words abide in you and you abide in me, you can ask whatever you wish and it'll be done for you."
"That's how match made in heaven works, promise you that."
"I promise I will never sing an apology video if I do you can unsubscribe report me call the police."
"What do you need a promise for? What do you need a guarantee for?"
"We all promised each other that we would never speak of him not ever."
"When God makes a promise, he doesn't let that promise down."
"System Shock is going to be completed and all our promises fulfilled."
"If I mentioned something in the past and it never happened, hold on a second."
"Trust us this time, we're really going to adhere to these rules."
"I don't even know why he did this this time because I mean he did the same thing in 2016, promised this big health care plan, it never came."
"Listen to me when you realize that all of God's promises are yes and amen in Jesus, you already have everything you need promised to you."
"Some people love to promise more than they can give."
"God will keep all of his promises, but he's not obligated to keep our potential."
"Self-confidence comes from keeping the promises you make to yourself."
"A game that promises to deliver an experience that gamers will enjoy for years to come."
"Gifting eventually is coming, no matter what. Gifting will be out eventually."
"The new covenant is built on better promises."
"Jesus intercepted all of our bad promises and made them good."
"An oath as a promise of what is what they're going to do for the next year that they make before the gods."
"The past, the black community has been promised everything from the Democrats and they've got nothing."
"We're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made."
"God promises to shower you with Benefits Beyond Your Wildest Dreams."
"Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament; he didn't get rid of it. So all those promises that we have in the Old Testament, we have them in the New Testament even greater."
"The New Testament promises are based on better promises."
"It's this idea that you can get people to deny their own experiences because you're promising them something that is not always 100% true."
"God promises that in the next 12 hours you will receive an abundance of blessings."
"Cortes promises to deliver peace and justice to this land."
"People just want to assume that everyone has some evil intent."
"Trust is built by keeping your promises and when someone tells you they're gonna do something repeatedly and then they don't do it, it doesn't help build trust."
"We have a plan, we're delivering results. All he has to offer is cuts, fights."
"Proud warriors reduced to tears because of broken promises."
"We never even realized 'we were poor' until later in life."
"I'm sorry, we ran out of time, but we will do part two."
"Stay tuned, I promise you it's going to be worth the wait."
"He will govern for all Americans, and you know that of course has to be backed up by actions."
"The mission set out by socialists is to deliver on the promises of capitalism that capitalism can't actually provide."
"It's just simply a matter of keeping promises to your readers and viewers."
"I won't let you down. Normally I let my grandma down or myself, it's you you have to worry about."
"Let's take turns. I'll give it back, I royally promise."
"People say promises out of anger sometimes, but their actions are what really define them."
"The rainbow is coming... even when the Sun sets, God's promise is always there."
"He could be America's greatest president if he keeps his campaign promises."
"I'm not going to do anything like this again, I promise. That's my promise."
"Just remember how good he is and what promises he actually has for us."
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promises not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
"I apologize to anyone where I made a promise and I said I would be back on camera soon and it didn't happen."
"We're not just working, we're making every promise come true."
"God is not slack concerning his promise... not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance." - 2 Peter 3:9
"I made a pact with God when I was at the bottom of the ocean: 'If you rescue me, I will never go back to the sea again.' Never."
"It's not very often that I can promise you that you will see something tonight you have never seen before."
"Ask your boss to put any promises that they're making in writing. If they don't put it in writing, it's not a good sign."
"You need three things: Don't make a promise that you cannot verifiably keep, track playing time, take every opportunity to boost players' morale."
"God's principles are the path to God's promises."
"I'm gonna do better, I'm gonna call more, I'm gonna come out there and see y'all. Ma, I'm serious."
"You cannot promise something you can't deliver."
"Broken promises... it's just a bit disappointing."
"Be true to your word, not just in promises but also in actions."
"As we had promised, this will be my last trip as an adventurer."
"That was my exact words too you know what I'm gonna steal a piece of bubble gum situation I promise you and I kept my word and my life has been amazing ever since."