
Spiritual Guidance Quotes

There are 4417 quotes

"Are you noticing the signs of synchronicity that the spirit world has been sending to you?"
"Whenever you see feathers, it's your spirit guides reminding you of your self-worth."
"Spirit of the Living God, thank you for constantly going ahead of us, for not leaving us without leaders or tools or voices to help lead us along the way."
"The parables were taught so that it would give God and the Holy Spirit an opportunity to become your tour guide so that they can take you into yourself to a place where you cannot go by yourself."
"If you've ever been very alone, very sad, very depressed, the reason why you're still here is because of this spirit guide."
"I want to help you win in relationships, and I really do believe it is God's intention and idea for every one of us to win in relationships."
"When God is speaking to you, it won't let you rest."
"Leaders from the unreal to the real, leaders from darkness unto light, leaders from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"I want to thank you for your time, for your support. I hope that this reading has helped raise your vibration or at least confirm what you already know and give you something to look forward to."
"Your higher self has literally been working as a spirit guide to you."
"Achievement is your card of blessing from Lord Ganesha."
"The first thing your guides want you to know is that you are worthy. You are worthy, you are good enough. You are worthy of all the guidance that comes to you. You are constantly guided and you are so honored. Don't ever feel unworthy, or like you're not good enough of guidance of your angels or in life in general, develop that sense of worthiness."
"The fifth thing that your spirit guides wants you to know is that you are way bigger than you think."
"Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide, and whomsoever Allah allows to be led astray, none can guide aright."
"The most precious asks is that Allah give you guidance."
"He restores my soul. He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake."
"It's nice when you can go to the Lord and get the short list from Him of that which He wants you to focus on, that which needs your attention right here, right now, rather than being overwhelmed with the enormity of all the different responsibilities."
"This is the word of the Lord. This is the Bible study we need right now. This is what we need in Congress, the White House, and in every house."
"Trust yourself, trust what you're feeling, trust your intuition, and above all, trust in spirit and your guides because they have got your back."
"Trust that insights will flow soon because you asked so clearly of higher consciousness."
"Little by little, I will drive the enemies out of your life, until you have grown strong enough to take full possession of the land I have given you."
"You are very protected. No matter what you've been through, the Angels have never forsaken you. You've never been walking this journey alone."
"God is committed to walking with us where brokenness in our life is concerned."
"The Bible tells us to guard our hearts because out of our hearts flow the issues of life."
"See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."
"One word from God is more powerful than a million well-intentioned words from good friends. One word changes everything."
"Leaders from the unreal to the real, leaders from darkness into light, leaders from death to immortality. Oh peace, peace, peace."
"Remember, spirit is literally saying have optimism, have faith, nothing bad is going to happen."
"Trust the third eye, go within, and I think that's the key thing here."
"I feel like what spirit wants you to know is that you can trust what you feel intuitively."
"It is not a sin to be alone, and it's not a sin to experience loneliness. It only becomes a sin when we start to indulge it and when we fail to obey the instruction of the word of God which is given to us to help us dispel the loneliness in our life."
"You two were brought into each other's lives for a reason, that it was divinely led or guided."
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
"Your spirit guides are sending you a lot of signs."
"I have heard from the Lord, and I have a word for you tonight, and I believe it's going to speak right to you in a very deep place."
"He has told you, O man, what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God."
"The shift is on, the shift is on. Stop asking questions, just go with the flow."
"You are the one. Obey what the Holy Spirit is saying."
"Ask God to give you the spirit of discernment. That's what you really need."
"You can always reach out to them and ask them for guidance and clarity on anything, really."
"My person counts for nothing. It is a brother who speaks to you, who has become your father by the will of the Lord."
"Instead of defining our worth, purpose, and identity according to their culture, we are now defining it according to God's word."
"If astrology ever makes you feel fearful or worried, it is not coming from source."
"If Allah used you to guide one person, it's better for you than the most expensive of conveyances of the times."
"Spirit wants you to know that you're on the right path."
"If you forgive others, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
"Your conscious awareness is fundamental in your connection to your guides."
"Ask your guides to reinforce the messages in your 3D reality."
"This is intended to bring you insight as to timing when you're going to meet your next romance, what you're working on emotionally and spiritually during your singlehood, why you're single, and a bit of information about your new romance."
"The Bible tells me in Matthew 6:33, 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you.'"
"The only thing that can stop the help is our own refusal of it."
"You have a shepherd who keeps you. Yes, you may be sheep amongst wolves, but you have a Good Shepherd."
"We teach believers how to go to Jesus in them and that's the secret."
"The moment the focus of the prophetic ministry becomes about the prophet, it's no longer a prophetic ministry."
"And when they say to you, 'Seek those who are mediums and wizards who whisper and mutter,' should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah 8:19-20)
"Never ignore the leading of your spirit. Your spirit knows stuff."
"The imagery of a cloud shading you from the hot sun during the day and the fire warming you, lighting your path in the cold or the dark night... that is what our covenants and what our connection with Christ should do."
"Gather the children of this wild country and teach them what they need to know for salvation. Fear nothing; I will help you."
"You are in the right place at the right time for the word that God wants to give you."
"The Lord kept pressing it in my spirit to do this now and to share this word now because of the time frame that we're in and because of what's going on."
"You can begin to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit with confidence and clarity."
"Stay in your power; this is what Spirit is saying."
"Let's clarify them... A lost loved one watches over you."
"You may be guided by dead loved ones toward the right one."
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
"Your prayers, your affirmations, and visualizations will help you and this person come together."
"Test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world."
"The basis of all discernment is the Word of God."
"When you do have hope, when you do think of the light, this is a sign that your angels are near and that your higher self is activated."
"Heaven wants to put our homes back together. Our homes were intended to be an outpost of heaven."
"Our purpose in His Kingdom should be to bring each other to Christ."
"Something is gonna happen before the end of the year that's gonna seem like a curse... but it's not. It's actually a blessing in disguise from your Angels, your spirit guides."
"Spirit is guiding this person to work on the things that truly matter for them."
"Your guardian angel is teaching you the essence of unconditional love."
"When he issues something, he's going to help you accomplish it, if you believe it and obey it."
"We have had our fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?"
"Don't ever let somebody else misrepresent God and run you away from church. You ought to know God for yourself."
"You're being divinely redirected and he's asking you to follow your intuition towards this new path."
"Your spirit guides and old family members are there with you right now, helping guide you through this."
"Not by might, not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord."
"Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, heaven is my home, God is my father, Christ is my Savior, the Holy Spirit is my guide."
"The spirit of the Lord is more than willing to take your hand right now and move you into your next phase of your life."
"Spirit guide: What is meant to be will always find its way. You need to trust in your current path."
"Next time you're sitting in general conference or you're reading through the scriptures and you notice a commandment, instead of thinking something else I have to do, we should rejoice and say thank heaven He's revealed to me another portion of the overall blueprint for how to build a Christ-like character."
"Your spirit guides are saying yes, you're being tested in faith when it comes to your money. Your money is going to be fine. In fact, it's going to double."
"Leaders from the Unreal to the real lead us from darkness into light, lead us from death to immortality. Om peace, peace, peace."
"When the Holy Spirit speaks, when God lays a clear path before you, step out in faith, lay hold of the promise of God, and you will live in surrender."
"Obedience to the Holy Spirit is not just about how clearly you hear him, but about how quickly you respond when he speaks."
"I really feel like your spirit guides are coming through right now, and they want to tell you, 'Hey, you got this. You have enough power, you have enough strength.'"
"The word that the Lord had put in my heart to share with you is truly a word that brought deliverance in my life."
"If you see 11:11 a lot... it means that your angels and your spirit guides are there to support you."
"Trust that first instinct that is being led here because that is going to be the voice of your higher self."
"Trust me, everything that you're doing, everything that you plan to do, there is some invisible entity that's either influencing you, coercing you, encouraging you, or leading you."
"Your Spirit guides are heavily blessing you right now and watching over you."
"I heard one of my Spirit guides, they said 'don't react.' So I looked them dead in their eyes and I said, 'You know something? I said I'mma pray for you. I said God loves you and I love you, and I'm going to pray for you. Everything going to be okay.'"
"Pets can be spirit guides... brought into your life to help ease your pain and comfort you."
"A real word from God will never speak to the surface of your situation."
"Don't let the arrogant make you sad. Don't let those who are transgressing against Allah make you sad."
"We've got to see Jesus as He's always meant to be seen, and sometimes it requires you going to find a parent, a spiritual parent, who can show you the Jesus of the Bible."
"You can cry as anointed as you are, you still remain outside; the door will not respond to tears, it will respond to the key."
"Your spirit guide is not only out there; it is also in here, part of your third eye, part of your intuition."
"You need more grace. We come to this next line in the Lord's Prayer: 'Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.'"
"When life hits you, and you're being tested and tempted, the question is, which way are you going to go? Are you going to go with God as a test, or with Satan as a temptation?"
"Spirit is saying, have patience at this time. Things will unfold for you."
"We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith."
"What do you do when the tests and the trials come your way? Do you quickly take life into your own hands, or do you quickly go to your knees and ask the Lord what he wants you to do?"
"When I'm making the right decision, peace follows."
"When your spirit abides in us, when your spirit leads us, the impossible becomes possible."
"Your spiritual team wants and needs you to know you are more than capable, even if you have not found your profession or your purpose or your career yet."
"Many great teachings have been given to us through the law, the prophets, and the others that followed them."
"Being embodied on this earth is because you are a very high frequency, but the earth plane, the existence of humanity at this time, is much more low vibration, and you're here to help lift that vibration up to where you exist very naturally."
"You're greatly amazed in yourself at who you have become because you were led by the Spirit of God."
"Using runes to help with the future is more like asking for spiritual guidance or spiritual help if you have a situation you're not quite sure on."
"Spirit is saying that you have so much more power than you realize."
"So, dear friend, pray before you read God's word and ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ears and eyes so that you can hear from God."
"My desire for people, if I think they're doing something wrong, is for them to repent, turn to God, have a good life, and get to heaven, not to die a horrible death."
"Broad is the road that leads to destruction, but narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
"If you build your house on the kingdoms of the world, it's going to collapse. If you build your house on the kingdom of God, you're going to be all right no matter what happens in this world."
"He just keeps showing up and I get the sense all the time that he is just putting his arm around me saying, 'Let's go. Let's go on another adventure.'"
"Stay on the covenant path. Your life will be easier, happier, and filled with joy."
"May Allah make us people that inspire and are inspired."
"It's absolutely necessary as we start shifting into higher states of consciousness to begin to really allow the higher self to guide us."
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls."
"There will come a time where you have to stand on what it is that you believe, and you're gonna have to know Jesus for yourself or you will be swayed."
"You cannot be led by your emotions in this hour; you have to be led by the Lord."
"Spirit is saying they want you to honor how far you have come on your journey."
"Lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul... that your days may be multiplied, and the days of your children, as the days of heaven upon the earth."
"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not unto your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
"We don't have to guess at these things, we don't have to argue; we go back to the Divine. Our creator knows best how we should live."
"The Avatar comes as a destroyer of doubt, as a powerful demonstration of the truths of religion to us."
"Always acknowledge your intuitions. That's the voice of God saying to you, 'No, don't do this.'"
"You see how deep this is, the message to the churches is really a message to all of us."
"May your path be illuminated by the Inner Light of wisdom, compassion, and love, and may you find in the depths of your own being the peace and understanding that you seek."
"Jesus Christ presents the clearest picture of God's character and his will for our lives."
"Hunger is better than anything you can possess because hunger will make sure that you have the appetite for where God is calling you."
"Keep on talking to me, Jesus... till you fix me, till you regulate it, keep on talking to me."
"The message of Mary is consistent everywhere else she has appeared in approved apparitions."
"It's not Iman in Allah, it's not Iman in the Quran, it's not good deeds. The first Iman the first faith they are called to is faith in the messenger."
"The answer to the question of knowing how to recognize Elohim influence in your life...this is found in Galatians chapter 5 verses 16 through 26."
"Jesus says it's in your best interest for me as a person to go and then for me to send the third person the Holy Spirit as your helper."
"Everything of course in miracles points to right because those are really like timeless spiritual truths."
"He needs men who are determined to keep themselves sexually pure."
"Your intuition is your guardian angel speaking to you."
"You need to submit all this job, all these children, all my husband, stop it. Because whatever is important for you, you would make room for it, you will make time for it."
"I think that this connection is divinely protected, your guides are watching over you, they are protecting you through all of this."
"I do not want anything that cannot be found within the framework of the revelation the Christian revelation."
"It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."
"Ask Jesus how you're supposed to live your life. Get up every day and say, 'Lord, I love you. I want to serve you today. I don't want to do anything to disappoint you. Lead me and guide me, show me the way.' And he will."
"Do not undervalue the potency of prayer over your message."
"Jesus is your Savior, but he can only go so far on your own. He wants to be your pole vaulter as your Messiah."
"Our responsibility is to stay in our lane, just as God creates a lane for us."
"Helping the lost find their way home to their spiritual heritage of the One."
"Whatever questions or problems you have, the answer is always found in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ."
"If your spirit is trying to lead you somewhere, go go don't question it just get up and go."
"If a dream really is from God it will find a way to bear fruit."
"You are meant for abundance, your angels want you to know that."
"Recognizing and valuing our dreams can be the key to unlocking deeper spiritual direction, revelation, and fulfillment."
"In times of spiritual dryness, it's perfect to examine your heart because spiritual dryness reveals inordinate loves, false hopes."
"Ultimately, only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus."
"Make sure that you continue to stay on course, stay close to God, and continue your preparations."
"You can ask your guardian angel to help you to combat the specific defects and to help you to strengthen your... strengthen you."
"Your guardian angel has to do with your arrogance, your pride, your obnoxiousness all the time."
"God wants to exalt us, but to think that we should do it on our own is a core problem."
"The prophets' number one goal is to testify of Jesus Christ and to get us to come unto Him."
"There is no other way nor means whereby any of us can find enduring joy; it's only in and through him."
"Pulling that Republican lever doesn't make you stand for something. You will fold without God."
"It is your spirit that will create them. It is your spirit that will guide you."
"There's a healing mantle on you. Get ready, Steve, the viewers that are watching right now, touch the screen if you can. There's a special impartation."
"We need someone to help us out, to follow Christ, to follow God."
"We're going nowhere that matters without the Savior and His gospel."
"Consult Allah in every decision that you make before you make a final decision, especially as it concerns marriage."
"Sometimes the church may not address what you're going through."
"Recognize what God has already revealed to you personally while waiting for that next Revelation to come and that the next Revelation should correlate with what you've previously been given."
"We're asking the question we're asking you to go within to the seventh Direction and make up your own mind make up your own heart."
"A book revealed directly from our creator, the words of our creator, sent as a guidance for me and you, how to live a spirituality, how to function as a society."
"Don't settle for a life mate, a classmate, or any other kind of mate."
"Through the sea of darkness, a light pierced through Avacyn, their lost angel."
"Do you wish to get to God? Take his way, so quiet, so easy."
"Wisdom is so important... if we don't have wisdom, we're not going to know what to do with what God gives us anyway."
"Pain is God's megaphone, and it directs you, it guides you. Pain never leaves you where it found you."
"Remember God, love each other, get rid of the nonsense."
"God has a plan for your life and a plan for my life."
"Every single believer has the Holy Spirit indwelling them, leading and guiding."
"If I'm going to live moment by moment in the power of the Holy Spirit, I must listen to the initial promptings of the Spirit."
"The Spirit of God within you speaks to your spirit with strong inclinations, guiding and directing your path."
"My sheep listen to my voice, I know them and they follow me."
"Having a collection of commander staples can make the deck brewing process much less overwhelming."
"Feel that you're being guided, see what spirit's guiding you towards, and allow your heart to speak."
"The lips of a priest should keep knowledge, and people should seek the law from his mouth, for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts." - Malachi 2:7
"We can choose to let God and His Word lead our hearts instead of letting our hearts lead us."
"Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you and show you Great and Mighty things which you do not know."
"God remains Sovereign, Seated on his throne, guiding and protecting us."
"Standing firm in the Lord is not just advice, it's a directive."
"Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you."
"God's not going to do what he asked you to do."
"Father, thank you for what you have given me to teach on today, take us to school."
"You're allowing the divine to choose for you."
"Ezra, the scribe and priest, became the spiritual leader of the people of Israel, and helped them to preserve the divine word of the Bible at the center of their lives and at the heart of their faith."
"Go back and get it, family. The scriptures are clear in communicating that we are all facing an evil invisible adversary."
"A true liberated guru's words are living... instrumental in conveying that unseen power of the guru's blessings."