
Behavioral Psychology Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"Your beliefs dictate your destiny. It's not some quotable; it's the fact that it's at the core of behavioral psychology."
"Kids do well if they can, which has become the guiding philosophy of our work."
"Reciprocity is this idea that if we act first, that will create a reciprocal response from somebody else."
"I don't think making people feel stupid has ever helped anyone change."
"Positive reinforcement can work, regardless of how small or seemingly insignificant it seems."
"We've known for a while social media incentivizes bad behavior because it fuels engagement."
"There's no consequential thinking. You know how you think of the consequences? The youth are not having consequences thinking."
"Perfectionism leads to procrastination which leads to paralysis."
"Positivity can be a dangerous veil for very sketchy behavior."
"Weakness is always met with more aggression."
"Once we keep checking them off the list, we build a habit."
"The less you do, the more she'll chase you, and inadvertently, the more you do, the less she will chase you."
"Borderline personality disorder is instability in personal relationships, emotions, behavior."
"Procrastination is intentionally delaying a task that needs to be done even though you know it will come with a cost." - Adam Grant
"If you've ever caught yourself reaching for a cookie... it wasn't you."
"I do believe in shame. Sometimes shame works."
"When you want to encourage a good habit, make the cue obvious, the craving attractive, the response easy, and the reward satisfying."
"If you want to discourage a bad habit, make the cue invisible, the craving unattractive, the response hard, and the reward unsatisfying."
"Gamification is about carefully selecting the elements we love about games and adding them to a non-game context."
"This type of thinking and behavior of needing to maintain a cleansed home crosses over into relating to people."
"Behavior is the fruit, you gotta get to the root."
"Willpower doesn't really work, rituals work."
"Change isn't going to happen unless the guy wants to do it. It's all just a victim complex."
"Acting out is not necessarily antisocial... in most cases it's self-defeating and self-destructive."
"Positive reinforcement is like the most powerful thing you can do to get people to do something."
"Habits are literally everything in everyday life."
"You plant a thought, you get an action. You plant an action, you get a habit."
"Nice guys are always the type of guys that always put the woman's interests first, he puts her on a pedestal, he kisses her butt, treats her like the queen."
"You come away thinking, 'Hmm, that behavior simply works better.'"
"I think the perverse incentives of social media lead to a lot of these behaviors."
"Your childhood programming becomes your habits of perception and behavior."
"Insecure people lash out as a way to compensate for their insecurities and their fragile egos."
"Our thoughts not only lead to actions but our actions lead to thoughts."
"People don't usually do things unless it makes them happy."
"Behavioral psychology stresses upon the fact that all behaviors are acquired through learning and practicing."
"People are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors when the reward outweighs the risk."
"Correction is statistically harder after committing to an opinion."
"I'd be happy to rotate into any superior behavior if someone could show it to me."
"People will do to you what you allow exactly."
"When a guy knows that his wife is his girlfriend or whoever significant other if he knows that she doesn't put up with anything gives a little crack and oh I can get away with this."
"To change his mind, he must first change his speech."
"You're like a rat that's sitting there key pressing to get a little jolt of electricity in your reward system."
"We are always going to go back to our default setting as human beings."
"Your brain is wired as a punishment and reward system. If you get punished for something, you're not going to do it again, and if you get rewarded for something, you're going to keep on doing it."
"Small bits of friction can have a disproportionate effect."
"You can come to an incredibly wrong conclusion if you don't consider how people adjust their behavior due to a change in perceived safety."
"If you recognize when you're going into one of the emotions that I call the big three the ones that put you on a slippery slope towards self-defeating behaviors then you buy yourself some time to actually prevent the behavior that tends to follow."
"Addictions have discrete phases: enjoyment, habituation, and dependency."
"Video games don't make people more violent, but a violent person would find it easier."
"Between stimulus and response there is a space, and in that space lies our freedom."
"It's reverse psychology from now on. If you want something, pretend you don't want it."
"When you tell someone they cannot do something, oftentimes they will be drawn to that restricted behavior even more, even if it concerns an issue of public health."
"Having a the concept of single tasking is a kind of hack for what you're going to tend to do by default."
"Make it hard for you to say no to that good deed."
"The results of the Good Samaritan experiment revealed a significant impact of time pressure on helping behavior, underscoring the powerful influence of situational factors in shaping human behavior."
"If you want to encourage players to exhibit a certain Behavior, give them a carrot to chase."
"The procrastination thing is very, very real."
"Sometimes if you have a bad habit, the easiest thing to do is replace it with a better one."
"Guilt and shame are powerful behavioral motivators in the toxic family."
"My definition of game really is just understanding of human behavior pattern."
"The Seinfeld strategy... creating a streak was like a psychological hack."
"Motivation is what we're naturally inclined to do."
"A lot of behavior is driven just by peer pressure."
"If you incentivize people to say 'oh it wasn't me,' people will begin ideas will plant themselves in people's minds."
"Reciprocity is a social norm we follow where we respond to a positive action with another positive action."
"If you want something to go on a long time just keep slapping somebody on the hand. If you want something to stop fast then you have to threaten something that they can't live without."
"Focusing on negative trajectories is easier than on positive ones."
"Victimhood is an addictive state, a form of learned helplessness."
"There's a beast in every man that needs to be exercised."
"Pretending you can just not think about sex sets you up for failure."
"It's going to take a traumatic event before people change their mind here."
"Effort reward heuristic which is we enjoy things more and appreciate them more if we put a little effort upfront."
"If you affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"Ego enhancement drives narcissistic behavior, instrumental goals drive machiavellianism, and psychopathy."
"Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts lead to actions, actions over time become habits."
"Facebook essentially amplifies the worst of human nature."
"It all goes back to that fundamental law: to approach or avoid something."
"Human personality is quite diverse and even under very different conditions, you're going to see people behave sometimes in ways they ought not."
"I'd like to think that all human beings are not inherently bad and even the worst Among Us are just healing unmet needs in some way."
"Social proof is enormously important in human behavior."
"Consequences do, not emotions change behavior." - Omar Ian
"When it gets to extremes, the rules go out the window."
"If you reward or punish a behavior, it will exist."
"You can influence what people want by the way they are raised. Yes, you can do that 100%."
"Forcing behaviors is not how society should function."
"The problem today isn't knowing what to do, it's understanding how to make ourselves do it."
"Unit bias, the standard suggested amount of consumption like the food serving size that's perceived to be appropriate, a person would consume it all even if it was too much for that particular person."
"If you tell people what to do, they will not do it. If you show people what to do and they do it, then they'll do it again."
"What you repeatedly do or hear gets ingrained in your subconscious mind. What gets ingrained in your subconscious mind becomes an unconscious activity."
"Somebody once said that the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken."
"The essential spirit of Quantum Jumping might be summed up in American psychologist William James' words: 'If you want a quality, act as if you already have it.'"
"It's like something takes over and I don't think anymore, I just act."
"The cycle of abuse suggests that individuals who are treated disrespectfully during their formative years may normalize this behavior and allow others to treat them similarly."
"That's the way things are in behavior a lot of times, isn't it? We push real hard, we get pushed back real hard, and we don't essentially grow because we're so busy fighting."
"Life consists of habits, good habits and bad habits."
"Pathological love according to this article refers to a pattern of behavior characterized by a maladaptive pervasive and excessive interest towards one or more romantic partners."
"Learning skills that work with human behavior."
"It pisses me off because they're going about it in a way that's going to get people more stuck into their lizard brain mentality."
"Once you start building habits, it just becomes like second nature."
"Most of us know perfectly well what we ought to do; our trouble is that we don't want to do it."
"There's actually evidence that active procrastinators are more similar to non-procrastinators than to passive procrastinators in certain ways."
"Good habits can crowd out the bad ones, creating less space for them to exist."
"The lazier you are, the easier you make it, the more likely you are to keep doing it."
"The path of least resistance is a very real thing."
"Humans by and large have a very strong tendency to act in accordance with who they say they are."
"We're going to see and try to debunk some of these...every bad behavior requires strong consequences."
"Avoidance behaviors are actually an effective and very necessary part of overcoming your pain."
"Behavior change is much harder when it comes from a place of shame."
"Hostile aggression is motivated by feelings of anger with intent to cause pain."
"Positive reinforcement always works, in my opinion."
"Getting a notification on your smartphone or pulling down to refresh on a social media app triggers the same response in our brains as the one that happens when we're playing a slot machine at a casino."
"How important is behavioral psychology to your research or trading? Very, to recognize some of your own cognitive issues."
"The behavioral psychology side of fitness is far more important."
"For anger, usually the urge is to attack; for fear, usually the urge is to avoid or to hide."
"It's called reasoned action theory or the theory of reasoned action or the theory of planned behavior."
"The theory of planned behavior is a good model for predicting and explaining intentions."
"Alter casting, an influence technique where you cast someone into a social role so that they will be more likely to do the thing that we want them to do."
"Operant conditioning is learning through reward and punishment."
"Positive reinforcement can have a significant effect on motivation."
"A variable ratio schedule is the most resistant to extinction."
"Understanding the relationships between environment and behavior... that's been the traditional domain of behavioral psychology."
"Behavior occurs because it's reinforced."
"All habits have three parts: there's a trigger, there's a pattern you repeat, and then there's a reward."