
Creator Economy Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"Business, as well as any other domain of life, evolves. If you get trapped in a paradigm and don't realize the power of personal brands and the emergence of the creator economy, then you're eventually going to get left behind."
"You are the infinite niche. I'm bringing a new concept to how you progress in your brand growth as a creator, freelancer, coach, consultant, online business owner, and general agency owner."
"The Creator economy is projected to double in size from 250 billion to 480 billion over the next 5 years."
"The Creator economy...it's going to eat everything. I genuinely believe that."
"Creators are able to compete in serious business because of their scale and now the sophistication of the creator economy."
"Powerful argument: it's obvious no benefits are being passed on to the creators, who are the lifeblood of what made them successful in the first place."
"This is going to be a really powerful combination, putting together Fortnite's 70 million monthly active users with the power of the Unreal Editor and a new Creator Economy."
"We welcome anyone to join us in the future where original content is owned by its creators, where developer earnings are a function of fun."
"The creator economy is currently valued at $20 billion, with estimations that it could grow to $104.2 billion this year."
"On Spotify or YouTube, the creator gets paid roughly half of one cent, which means they need about 1,000 plays just to afford a cup of coffee."
"These channels are built on the backs of creators who actually contribute to the world with their creations."
"Sponsorships are most content creators' bread and butter."
"TikTok's focus on creators right from day one was one of the biggest factors of its success."
"This is not me just youtuber flexing; we also have a lot of expenses."
"Fanbase is pioneering a new era of social media for the Creator economy."
"YouTube having its own priorities, its own goals. If it cared for creators, it would listen to creators."
"People overestimate how much money creators make. Our earnings mostly come from small amounts over time."
"Equity Partnerships with creators is one of the best things you can do this year."
"It's actually a genius idea and it wouldn't surprise me if we have other creators reaching out to Floatplane being like 'I need this, this is the best thing ever' very, very shortly."
"Creators have so much leverage. Creators don't even know that yet. They have no idea, and moves like you made are helping creators kind of open their minds a little bit."
"The creator economy is changing, and there are more opportunities for creators to make a good living, like a real good living."
"The Creator Code provides stability for full-time content creators."
"You are not going to be the smart, well-rounded person that you could be if you stop learning."
"There are over a quarter million creators that are earning money every month."
"YouTube creators had tweeted... $70 billion paid to creators, artists, media companies."
"You don't need an agent if you're a small creator... I didn't really know my worth, I didn't know anything about the industry."
"Creator economy is hopefully going to be huge in the new world."
"That's just like a monthly check that I get from YouTube from the creator working their ass off filming, editing, and uploading."
"YouTube is given a space for a number of alternative voices to garner an audience and make a living."
"Tick Tock is going to be getting bigger... there's going to be a lot more money in certain creators as well."
"Non-fungible tokens enabling connections between creators and fans."
"YouTube makes a lot of these creators ask themselves, 'What is it worth it for me to pour time into this passion project I have?'"
"We as creators work damn hard to accumulate any dollar we can and when they're not obstructed by copyright claims, the monetization and various other obstacles creators should be able to rely on receiving the money that they have earned."
"This is what you have a mess, an absolute mess in which defy have completely screwed over their creators and their employees alike."
"Let creators get their bag like look the creator economy is booming."
"I really believe in that, and I believe in creators. I think it's literally never been a better time to be a creator."
"It's never been a better time to be a creator."
"This move is great for creators but a really bad sign for the business health of Twitch."
"People are doing it and it seems to be working because there are creators making a lot of money through it."
"Content creators should not live in constant fear of being next on the chopping block."
"But again I'm like if I were these creators I'd be like I have a better chance of making more money on Kickstarter or Indiegogo right now."
"People want to be able to give content creators money, and that's great."
"As a creator I need to know what my split is at least."
"Concern creating is a lot of work. It isn't fair to creators to have them do a full-time job but want them not to be paid for it."
"He's a fantastic creator and if anything like if you only have a certain amount of money to give and you're supporting me on my patron go to his go to his he deserves it."
"Part of what I do is being me and asking me to change that, well you might as well just take back your pledges on Patreon and your support and everything and just go somewhere else because that's not me."
"The rise of relatability overtaking aspirational as the linchpin word for creators."
"This crop that we know as the Creator economy of right now is the future of entertainment."
"I just think it's cool that people can be paid for the work they make here."
"Web three is we'll put ownership back onto your hands put creatorship back into your hands and let you monetize off of it"
"It's a major priority to enable monetization by content creators people need to make a living and prosper from their work."
"Don't blame a creator for leaving a platform."
"Membership is a game-changing income stream for Content creators because it lets you do what you do best which is share your video content and you get paid to do it."
"Making money on YouTube is an incredible style of earning for a Creator."
"Nowadays with social media, it's the best time ever to be an independent creator."
"Youtubers themselves simply cannot trust you to do what's best for its creators."
"The opportunity of today's Creator economy reminds me of the California Gold Rush."
"If you like what I do and want to support me in a more personal way, consider becoming a patron on Patreon or a member here on YouTube."
"Think more like business owners and less like influencers and creators."
"There is real money to be made in the creator economy."
"Here we are in a world where the top creators could just live stream once a month and watch their income go up faster than Dogecoin."
"I think they should probably be making making more with the audience that they've they've commanded and built."
"Decentralized infrastructure for creator economy."
"Earning a living directly from your audience is one of the most sustainable ways for creators to build a business."
"Together we can unlock a massively bigger creator economy to reflect who we are and what we hope to build." - Zuckerberg
"We believe anyone should have the opportunity to earn money from their videos and turn their channels into successful businesses."
"Games are evolving into economies where creators can participate."
"The majority of creators actually tend to earn a full-time living by diversifying their income and not off of their ad revenue."
"Someone's going to figure out a decentralized Twitter please please I mean so you can actually reward creators and and having an economy in addition to just a platform."
"If we don't win this, Roblox is gonna have to start paying the star creators. So, they're gonna have to start paying us to upload Roblox videos."
"It's not realistic for me, but yeah, there's a lot of YouTubers that make millions of dollars without question. It's crazy."
"The majority of every dollar that I get from you guys is going to be reinvested back into the community."
"Fundamentally, all the biggest, most successful Platforms in the world pay their top creators, not the other way around."
"In the Creator economy, everyone can find their niche and provide value while getting paid for it."
"I think the Creator economy really starts to live in what each individual Creator wants for themselves."
"If creators start adopting it, it will do well."
"...a broader trend in the Creator economy and I think it's important to talk about."
"Digital products can actually be a really awesome solution for most creators."
"The power of the Creator economy."
"As the Creator economy continues to Boom most creators end up feeling isolated I mean literally me and Jordan are in two complete different buildings when working together like I haven't seen them in weeks I miss you bro I miss you too man we need to hang out more."
"Creators of all backgrounds are the new and future professional career class."
"Success without losing your soul in the Creator economy."
"Myself and the team have over 5 years of experience in the Creator economy. We have raised over $20 million for creators as their marketing consultants, and most importantly, creators really love working with us."
"This is all birthed from creators feeling like they weren't paid or they weren't treated fairly."
"It's estimated that 50 million people around the world now consider themselves creators."
"the Creator economy is only going to continue growing into 2023 and Beyond and there is still just so much opportunity out there even for a small Creator"
"What we're trying to do is take creators, artists, communities, brands, and help them tokenize their identities, put them online, enable fans, collectors, and people all around the world to participate in economies that are being built by these unique creators."
"A shorts Creator could make just as much money as a long form Creator."
"It would not be hard for it would be an accounting error for them to actually compensate creators for what they do."
"I opened a Patreon in early 2016, and it was pretty amazing."
"If you build a relationship with your audience, you can monetize; you can make money however you want, and the money doesn't flow to Twitter or Facebook, it flows to the creators."
"I do make money from the videos that I create."
"You as a creator... are going to be put into designing an interesting community that people want to join."
"I think that the creator economy is that it opens doors for more people than would be traditionally allowed in."
"The Creator economy assumes that you're consistently trying to make progress in life, right, as on an individual level and the community that you are bringing up with you both are evolving."
"We probably understand more than anybody how much creators actually make."
"You want every dollar in this Creator economy to be passing through our products and services."
"YouTube is one of the platforms that pays the best for their creators."
"Our vision really worked, creators benefited, made a lot more money than they would have."
"The Creator economy is one that I've wholeheartedly believe in. It's who we trust, often more the creators that show up on our feed."
"You can make a million dollars a year if you want to as a Creator, absolutely."
"Creators can have a much more direct relationship with the people who want to support them."
"Paying for access is going to become huge for small creators."
"Less than 0.1 percent of YouTube creators make a living at it because it's not this easy thing to do."
"We've helped over 40,000 creators generate tens of millions of dollars and we're profitable."
"The tension between generative AI and creator economy is indicative of the challenges and disruptions faced by the entire ecosystem."
"The reason OnlyFans is better is because finally the actual creators are getting more control over their pay for participating in sex work."
"...the creator marketplace is something TikTok actually developed for creators to be able to get contacted by brands within the app and make it a seamless process."
"...creators absolutely love this because they can list their actual profile on this marketplace and get contacted by brands like yourselves to actually get paid."
"Pricing is one of the hardest things, and it's something that I think every creator struggles with."
"The Creator economy offers a lot more opportunities than you might think to actually start making money online."
"It would be nice to not feel the constant upload pressure."
"The creator economy is just getting started."
"...there's real potential for like independent producers and creators to thrive."
"The opportunities available to social media creators at the moment are absolutely insane."
"I believe that it's important that creators own their relationship with their audience."
"There's tons of opportunity in what's known as the Creator economy."
"If you want your citizens to create content or goods and be a creator economy and not just be a consumer, you need to have fast upload and download speeds."
"We really just want people to get paid."
"Content creators should be paid first and foremost."
"We're seeing tremendous energy around the creator economy."
"The Creator economy, art, storytelling, programming, engineering, that becomes a bigger pie that more people can do."
"There is no industry that is off limits right now for creators."
"I think the creator economy has very much arrived."
"The Creator economy across all media becomes a bigger pie that more people can do."
"Our goal is to maximize Creator Prosperity; this is a movement, I promise you."
"Advertising is a big deal for creators who may rely on the site's payouts to support themselves."
"The fact today that all of us that create things or curate things can actually go direct to consumer is amazing."
"Welcome to the life of a creator where your entire career can disappear in a day."
"Audiences understand brand deals are a necessary part of the ecosystem and it's supporting their creators."