
Emotional Control Quotes

There are 1184 quotes

"We can actually turn on emotions by stimulating specific areas of the brain."
"It's really about taking control of how you feel in that moment and what you can do about it impartially."
"You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are the master of your thoughts, reactions, and emotions."
"If you're able through mindfulness to interrupt this conversation and simply witness the feeling of anger as it arises you'll find that you can't be angry for more than a few moments at a time."
"Kraven... focuses on his goals with laser-like accuracy, not getting caught up in other emotions and deviating from the plan."
"You can control how you feel; you are accountable for your emotions."
"We are completely in control of our emotional state."
"I am in possession of myself. No one has access to my control. I am mastering my emotions, relationships, sexuality, spirituality, and financial choices."
"Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time; one or the other must dominate."
"You may not be in control of how you feel in the moment, but you can always, always, always, always be in control of what you think, and that will change how you're feeling."
"Meditation is important because it reduces stress and, more importantly, it helps you have control over your thoughts and emotions throughout the day."
"You can control your emotions; it's just you have to reprogram your subconscious."
"You can't control the things that trigger you and the fact that you're going to feel afraid and you're going to feel doubt and you're going to feel uncertain, but you can always interrupt that feeling and take control in the moment."
"Change is to be greater than the habituations, drives, and emotions that have been conditioned in the body."
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures that no matter what comes your way, you're the one in control."
"Catch yourself right now, especially if you're just getting started with investing, and make sure that you're making logical decisions rather than ones based on emotion."
"Being able to control emotions, being able to be calm and present, staying centered—these are things that I've started to incorporate more in my life."
"If you change your mood for 90 seconds, think about how much control we have."
"We're not in perfect control of our emotions. We respond in ways emotionally that clouds our judgment."
"Our thoughts control our feelings, and our feelings control our actions."
"You can choose what to think and how to feel."
"Happiness is earned through perfect control of the emotional nature."
"Every successful trader has figured out a way to keep their discipline and emotions in check."
"I can't control my cancer, but I can control my fear, and that distinction meant everything to her."
"A professional actor has control over his emotions and can come out of character straight away."
"One of the best ways to control your emotions in trading is to reduce your risk to a point that you are emotionless about the amount of money you're losing on a trade."
"The highest expression of a twelfth house moon person is someone who's in control of their emotions and can heal people."
"Never let emotions block you from getting what you need."
"The trick isn't about overcoming the fear. It's about acknowledging it... and then you can choose to do with them what you want versus being controlled by emotion."
"You actually want to be more robotic; you need to control your emotions as a trader and look to the logical sharp statistics, the probabilities."
"It's hard to not be emotional... usually, in the middle of a crisis scenario, I'm pretty good at being not emotional."
"Martial arts give you tools...strategy, emotional control, the capacity for you to visualize and other elements."
"Raven is the epitome of that. She's someone who's so powerful, she can destroy everything, and so she has to have a vice grip on her emotions to not let that slip."
"Mastering emotional control is one of the most dominant power moves that every man, especially every man who desires to walk in his masculinity, should master."
"Control your emotions. If you can control your emotions, you can control everything about you and control the room."
"The quickest way to lose control of your life is to try to craft a life with no negative emotion."
"All I in my mind so I wouldn't cry 'cause I was like don't you know, don't you stand up here and and let him make you cry 'cause he's saying you know you think you're something you'll never be anything and I was like you don't know you're not God."
"Emotions are your one of your greatest challenges and you need to be able to maintain control of them."
"It's chess; it's a thinking man's game, not an emotional game."
"I swear to all the gods, teenagers have more control over their hormones than these two idiots."
"What we're trying to do with rational thought is to overcome our emotional limitations and control our physiology in a way that is superior to what our emotions would intuitively lead us to."
"If you're one of those people who is constantly worrying about the calamities in the future, using these techniques will help you feel relaxed and in control, feeling calmer, happier, and more authentic."
"Kyoko, don't worry. I'm fine. I just need to calm down a little. I need to get my emotions in order."
"Teaching people as early as you can to be able to control their emotions... not be at the whim of your emotions."
"I control how I feel; I can feel energetic, excited, and happy right now just by changing my state."
"I want to have mastery over my emotions; I don't want to be ruled by anxiety or fear."
"Self-control in the face of provocation is the litmus test for refinement."
"The worst thing you can do is overreact... Knowing how to handle it is the key."
"The wise king may have done what many never achieve: he let go of his anger."
"This is the one skill that I wish everyone could learn, because it's like flipping a switch on your emotions, switching off the struggle and turning on peace with your emotions."
"Don't allow your emotions to dictate your reactions to any situation."
"The more you practice, the more you'll start to catch it earlier and earlier, so you can quell it. And that's a skill."
"I was mad at myself... I was not in control enough of my emotions and my temper."
"They'll start talking differently, acting differently, and be adverse to hearing anything negative about the group. All signs of emotional manipulation."
"The best solution is to just not have sex with the man who's not really into you for the long run. By not having casual sex, you are strengthening your ability to be in control of your emotions."
"Emotional control is absolutely key to an individual."
"Maintain your mental equilibrium; don't involve emotions in your decisions."
"Being a man and being masculine, it's about controlling your emotions, not hiding them or destroying them."
"Emotional control is absolutely essential to be a successful trader."
"Your reaction determines the outcome. By reacting calmly, we can dim the flames and bring about a more positive outcome."
"When I was young I was so emotionally out of control... now I can just kind of be within." - Tom Dwan
"No one's completely in control of their emotions towards the unknown."
"The richest people are those who control their emotions."
"Controlling our emotions and becoming more emotionally aware is gonna restore our power."
"Win your battles all over the pitch, stay in control emotionally, and try to play in their half as much as we can."
"Refuse to be angry, refuse to hate, refuse to be afraid."
"The rational side of things helps you live a better life, understand things, and put your emotions under control."
"Keeping your composure during a police interaction can have a major impact on the outcome."
"You don't have to be angry to be a great fighter, absolutely."
"She's got to be one of the strongest people I've ever met. It's not to say she wasn't feeling inside but how she carries herself and gets through things."
"Jesus said, 'I want to control your feelings.'"
"The King of Cups represents emotional mastery."
"I think most people are able to understand that we can have a nuanced discussion around it without getting angry."
"Start with a small account to control your emotions, it gets dark in them trading streets."
"You can literally manifest feelings. You can manifest feeling good."
"If you use this five-step process and you really focus on your approach to the market you're going to remove all emotions."
"Don't fall prey to FOMO and FUD; the best traders make decisions based on strategy and logic."
"Create space with no reason—it will make the target think it's their fault and the desires will increase."
"If you want to be one of the people that's making a lot of money from all this craziness, you have to be financially educated, patient, and take out the emotion from the equation."
"Even in this hysterical moment, you need to be able to hold two truths in your hands at the same time."
"He's serious, fine, fine. Miro is just right now the amount of anger that he's suppressing is a little bit frightening."
"You also must have a risk management plan that keeps you out of your emotions and initially keeps you from blowing your account."
"Always wait for confirmation. Don't trade based on your emotions and always have a plan when you're trading in the stock market."
"A trend where we regain control of our emotions, impulses, freedom, and the autonomy of our brains."
"The single greatest source of stress in your life is trying to live your life apart from a daily connection to Christ."
"Trading successfully requires you take unemotional decisive action at the right time repeatedly."
"You have to understand, emotion's great in life. Love and empathy are great times to have emotion. Just in trading, it will inevitably work against you."
"No matter what I can be in control of how I choose to react regardless of the circumstance."
"If you look at anyone that's happy or successful in life, it's because they know how to keep fear in check."
"Patience, patience, patience. Hold on, remove emotion away from it. Patience, hodl, and DCA, and you'll be set."
"Remove emotion. If you're not in on the game, take emotion out of it. Remove your limbic system... and buy small regular chunks of Bitcoin."
"Responding instead of reacting is really the process of developing self control over your emotions."
"Can you control your emotions to not let them provoke you to have an emotional response?"
"Let us be very objective in our comments rather than emotional."
"You cannot control how you feel, but you can always control what you think and how you behave."
"Don't let media fud and don't let social media flood drive you out of the market. Usually, you're your own worst enemy."
"If you can learn to goof about something, you take away all its power, it's true, own it."
"Don't cry about shit that you don't control."
"What they really needed to do was control their emotions. If only they had some Mental Health Training, maybe they would have fared better."
"Losing your temper is weak, it's actually weak."
"Reacting is easy, staying in stillness is difficult."
"Emotion in that sense is your sovereign master."
"You gotta give it up for the people that get screamed at like that and just don't lose their mind."
"It's all about control - fear, guilt, and control."
"Not without emotion, but certainly without hesitation."
"You need to develop robotic indifference. Prepare for all market conditions and have a stop loss."
"As Christians, we must strive to suppress our anger and wrath as it conflicts with our new nature, which is in line with the nature of Christ himself."
"Be patient. Don't lose the reward by getting angry now."
"You are being led in the right direction, you're moving towards the sun."
"You cannot get offended. You cannot let people's stuff get inside of you because you become like them and then you're ineffective."
"Being a genuine person doesn't mean putting everybody in your business no that's not being genuine that's wanting attention and not controlling your emotions."
"We need more emotional discipline as well as intellectual discipline."
"No excuses. You can enjoy an uptrend without intoxicating yourself with one."
"You are in control of your emotions, your mind, your body, of everything. You have complete control over how you allow a situation to affect you."
"Victory in life... victory over our thoughts... victory in our emotions."
"Never give someone the power to give you happiness."
"Your mindset needs to be boring, absolutely boring."
"There is no such thing as play money for me and yet I have to invest in this space for my children's future. How do you keep emotion out of it? Manipulation is taking its toll. Just hold tight."
"When you stop getting angry after losing, you've lost twice."
"There's only one way to lose when you argue, and that's showing your emotions. Right, the minute you do that, you lose, literally." - Maintaining composure is key in any argument.
"When you can take the darkest [ __ ] in your life and laugh at it, then you got control of it."
"Our reason could cause us to override our passions. Our reason could motivate us to extend our empathy."
"People allow emotions to get the best of them. No room for emotion in the big leagues. Passion, yes. But being clouded by insecurities is a huge vulnerability."
"In 10 to 20 years, men should take their leadership role back, stop getting emotional over women's games."
"The alternative is like just let your emotions run run everything and run you into the dirt. Don't let that happen, man."
"A man who is a master of himself can end a sorrow as quickly as he can invent a pleasure."
"Think about it. You're frowning, you're sad, you're depressed, but we, every single day, we decide how we're going to think."
"Do not make decisions off of emotion. Try to remain cool and collected."
"You can't let your emotions dictate your gameplay."
"Successful investing does not require stratospheric IQ, insider information, or luck for that matter."
"You cannot control love until you have some to control."
"This interaction demonstrates the importance of maintaining composure during a police interaction."
"You are not your feelings and that you do have control."
"Begin to control our atmosphere with the joy of the Lord."
"Your sorrows and uncertainties do not have permission to take away your joy."
"Don't go making no permanent decisions with temporary anger and temporary feelings."
"Neither should you females. Don't want a guy who's all emotion. Why? It's because that doesn't reflect the nature of Jesus."
"The reason why people don't get rich is because they let their emotions run wild."
"In investing, the best thing to do is nothing... It's best to simply remain dispassionate about all the emotionally charged things."
"Anger and emotion are strategically counterproductive. You must always stay calm and objective."
"It's absolutely critical for us to be as clear-headed as rational and non-emotional."
"Don't bite the bait, don't react the way they're trying to make you react."
"He never breaks, he never has a facial expression or an attitude that he should not have if the moment that he is in at that current time was actually happening."
"I move from a state of reacting to a state of responding."
"You can't help how you feel. God has given you authority over your feelings."
"I built this for Bruce," Tony explains, holding the crown designed to control emotions.
"No matter what people do to us, we have a choice on how we react to it."
"Calm, collected energy. Intention. The words. Choosing what we bring."
"Responding versus reacting is key. Control your emotional state and diffuse the narcissist's drama."
"Don't let the loss sway your emotions there. Don't be negative because of the loss."
"Bitcoin is not going to shoot up to 50 million in 10 minutes. It's not going to shoot down to a dollar in 10 minutes. Collect your thoughts, learn some TA, and relax, man."
"It's much less reliant on strategy and it's just the base CSing, minion wave manipulation, discipline, you know, emotional control and whatnot."
"Be a normal person the reasonable adult be rational and don't get overly emotional about things it never leads anywhere good."
"...maintain your calm will be one of your biggest strengths."
"The duration of how long you feel bad about something is up to you entirely."
"A meek man is a man in complete control of his moods and his moods are the highest, for he knows he must keep a high mood if he would walk with the highest."
"You must not panic in Rocket League; it's very easy to panic."
"If you follow the logic repetitively and you're not swayed by emotions, you're not swayed by greed or fear, you're going to be an exceptional Trader."
"Wow, just a flurry of emotions that he's gonna have to keep in check for the next four days."
"On the one hand, I do want to get through this entire video without shedding a single tear, but on the other hand..."
"You have the power to impact the way that you feel."
"The successful investor controls fear and greed."
"Your feelings don't have to control you until you start the process of not letting them control you."
"You have the power to shift your emotions at any moment."
"Fear is that energy which is most used and fed upon by those entities you describe as negative."
"Gain control over how you feel about money, and you will start to gain control over how you spend it."
"None of these things move me. Keep calm and remain classy."
"Manage yourself, or your feelings will manage you."
"Controlling your emotions is going to be paramount."
"If you're afraid of something, you give it power over you."
"Don't take it personal, get out of your emotions."
"Nothing can stay the same forever and so you want to make decisions based on sound fundamentals not based on emotion."
"We have to be careful that we don't get too ahead of ourselves with our emotions and we really realize that the first part of us getting to the bottom of this is actually going to be us exposing the false movements and false leaders that arise."
"It's really important for crazy people to stay calm."
"Sometimes you've gotta hone that emotion, you've gotta be professional."
"Please don't let those people control your feelings because it's only you who can control your feelings."
"It's never good to be emotional. It doesn't matter if a trade's going against you or for you."
"Hasbro Stock's not going to go straight down to zero or negative... but at the same time, it doesn't mean to panic, make emotional decisions and irrational decisions that you will regret historically..."
"The God of War is someone who is the master of emotions and stratagem."
"How can I feel different? You have that latitude."
"Understanding how your brain works can help you learn how to stop reacting to emotions."
"When you can learn to identify the fight-flight-freeze response, you can learn techniques to calm yourself down."
"In the market, we have to move away from our emotions because there's no room for emotions."
"Rage shouldn't overtake our hearts and subdue our ability to think."
"Fear is an emotion, emotions have no place in your trading."
"Don't let your emotions have you doing things that aren't in your best interest. Don't be too emotionally charged to take action."
"I know it’s hard to not let anger turn into hate and a desire for revenge."
"I do not fear, I do not worry, affirm yourself when you do it."
"No matter what it is that your external world looks like around you, you always have the power to come back to Inner Peace, to have control over your emotional energy and how you were spending it."
"Please do not let panic get the best of you."
"Our ultimate goal is this mind which up to now has been the slave of destructive emotion."
"Her work does what most people fail to do when talking about this subject which is that it removes a lot of the emotion from the debate."
"Control your own emotions, buy low sell high, and get involved in the markets when you can. That is it, that is simply all you can do."
"Don't let your emotions rule your life. Your emotions are not supposed to control you."
"Impeccable character allows speaking truth without being controlled by anger or fear."
"Maintaining composure in conflict is a sign of strength."
"Passive investing takes the emotion out of investing. Emotion, you see, can seriously damage your wealth."
"The only difference between a man and every other living creature is that men can control their feelings and be consistent in their work."
"Having a good entry and exit strategy removes emotion from the equation, and you will be a much better trader."
"Don't let the reporter get you angry or agitated."