
Receptivity Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Are you ready to receive? That's the big thing here for being the magnet."
"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving emotionally."
"I am open and receptive to all of the abundance life offers me."
"Feel fully deserving to receive, releasing your ego's plan and opening to being a vehicle for abundance."
"Prosperity is flowing towards you, so be open to receiving it."
"This is a time of good fortune and abundance; be willing to receive all of the good things in your life."
"The universe can only come in if there's space to receive."
"Remember that you deserve love and be open to receiving that."
"The open hand of praise is the same hand that receives the blessings."
"God is always positioned to give. The question is, are we in a position to receive?"
"I am opening myself to receive infinite and inexhaustible positive energy."
"Relax and ready to receive. Do not be over obsessed with the things that you want."
"You cannot assist a non-receptive mind. You can't convince, you can't convert. You just love them."
"Abundance is your ability to receive, and the Emperor says there are resources available for you."
"The sooner you release it, the more they can start to come to you."
"It's hard to fill a cup which is already full."
"I think it's my faith... It helps you be open to the love that people want to give you."
"Your mind must be open and unoccupied for ideas to come."
"Trust the message in the moment, trust the message and its timing, and also be open to receiving the message."
"How am I going to receive great things in this world if I'm not good at receiving?"
"The challenge is being open to receive, not only just healing but also being open to having faith."
"Express gratitude for what you have; open your heart to receive more."
"She is built to receive. Have I positioned myself to be receptive to what God is about to do?"
"Many people have learned to be generous givers, but more than ever God is calling you to become a good receiver."
"Don't be afraid to ask or to receive help that's worth it."
"Fear that we've gotten so detailed in this conversation that won't feel constructive to a lot of people because it's hard to hear any of it."
"Radical open-mindedness so that you can take in all that's available for you."
"Many Christians today are containers, they want to receive from God, they're not vehicles through whom God can bless."
"She was receptive, she liked his song very much."
"Open up to receiving abundance in all forms; be ready to receive."
"A prophetic message awaits; find peace to receive it."
"The universe has many more blessings and many more gifts that wants to be brought to us and we're not going to be in the energy to receive them if we're not open."
"Being open to receiving massive blessings, allowing yourself to receive help or information."
"It's about making yourself available for revelation and receiving, not about working for it."
"Embrace this receptive energy once you get into it and start looking for your opportunities."
"It requires us to have an open heart, open mind, open spirit - really be open towards it."
"I am open and receptive to all the universe has to offer me."
"You have everything to gain by being open right now."
"Opening yourself up so that you can receive it from divine, from the universe."
"An open hand receives much better than a closed fist."
"Constantly inspire myself; be open and receptive to what you got going on."
"You deserve to receive the energy of this knight of cups."
"Being open and receptive is a feminine quality that men love."
"He's more willing to give than you are to receive."
"The age of open doors: Men and women's minds are open as never before to receive the truth."
"Be open to receive, don't hold back, because there is opportunity here."
"One of the greatest blocks in our ability to manifest our greatest desires is an inability to allow ourselves to receive."
"Opening the channels from money to us, being open to giving and receiving."
"Setting yourself up to receive what is truly best for you."
"Surrender to radical receptivity and receive with grace."
"Be open to receiving what the universe wants to bring into you."
"Purification leads to a place of rapid receptivity."
"It is up to us to have eyes to see and ears to hear."
"Things that come to you don't need to generate from you... they can come to you, they can be open to things, and maybe they become yours."
"I learned that things that come to you... they can come to you, they can be open to things, and maybe they become yours."
"You're being taught how to be more receptive."
"The more empty you become, the more you will allow in."
"We just have a posture to receive the things that you want to give us."
"I hope you were open to receive these messages."
"These early hours are when our consciousness is most receptive to messages and guidance from higher planes of existence."
"Gratitude means something's happening to you... your body then when you're feeling gratitude is in the perfect state of receiving."
"You have this ability to receive the good that life has to offer. It makes you very abundant and magnetic."
"Challenging ourselves to maintain an open mind and remain receptive to Life's surprises is essential."
"Allow yourself to receive, letting go of any sense of unworthiness."
"Those who are ready to receive you will be awakened by your presence."
"Open your heart a little bit and open up those hands so that you can receive."
"Even if it's the greatest thing, if it came to you when you're not ready for it, then it is not a good thing."
"This was a message, and I could just listen."
"Distraction is the first principle of mind control, keep the mind blank and receptive."
"The universe responds to the light of your heart; open your arms to receive."
"Embrace the vine abundance that's coming in, all you need to do is let go."
"You're open to receiving because you gave so much."
"You're kind of in a very very receptive waiting in a sense space and it's all just going to flow effortlessly."
"Only you can know for yourself how these messages apply to you personally, so always only take the messages when and how they connect with you."
"Accept blessings into your life when they come."
"The patient's attitude should be one of absolute receptivity."
"Now it's time for you to learn how to graciously receive just as with the ebb and flow of the tides."
"Abundance in many forms is flowing to you now, just decide to receive it."
"Your job is just to say, 'And I give thanks that I am open to receive.' Enjoy, enjoy."
"Abundance feels like flow. It's receiving, receptivity, respect."
"You must be the student, the open vessel, and the one who receives."
"The infinite is always imparting itself to me."
"You're in a very open and receptive energy, Cancer. Be prepared to receive, be prepared to be blessed."
"Say yes to God first and make room for His yes in your life."
"Stay open to receiving the right energy and information."
"I am open to receiving all that is good and meant for me now."
"It's all about whether the audience you have is receptive to that."
"We're here to learn how to love and how to receive love."
"It's time to open deeply and receive the blessings of abundance in your life on all levels."
"The only thing you have to do is receive these blessings."
"You are making room to receive new things, believe in the magic of life."
"Your job right now is less about giving and more about receiving."
"Set the intention that you are ready and willing to receive the messages that you need the most."
"Open yourself up to receive something greater than what's in front of you."
"These silent meditation rounds, the talks, guided meditation, sound meditation, these are opportunities to become more and more receptive, open to the sounds and the silence, the movement and the stillness."
"Life can effortlessly bring them to you if you're just willing to be receptive and follow the guidance that it's trying to give you."
"Be receptive to what that guidance might look like, even if it doesn't make sense in the moment."
"You're blocked off to hearing the advice you need to hear."
"Love flows through you and to you."
"Abundance is pouring into your life, so don't block the flow."
"Gratitude elevates your vibration, making you more receptive to the blessings the quantum field has to offer."
"You're open to what they have to say, you're open to what they have to show you."
"Gratitude is that perfect state of receivership."
"I am open and receptive to the abundance that comes my way."
"Let yourself be open to receiving."
"You have to put yourself in the right receptive position with the right goal in mind."
"Open mind, coming with an open mind."
"You have to be receptive to the messages that you're receiving."
"One reason fall is good for planting is because the ground is receptive."
"Don't try to force the message; it may not be for you, so just listen to your intuition."
"Whoever is struck delivers himself to the other of the self in awe; a special kind of attention arises, a friendly receptivity for the other."
"Open yourself up to the Holy Spirit."
"You could have had a belief that what was creating some blocks or resistance with receptivity or receiving what you deserve was this belief like, 'Oh I have to really earn it or I have to work so hard to receive anything.'"
"May the Lord bless each one of us with increased knowledge and testimony, and may we be open and receptive to the spirit of Revelation."
"Create openings for love to enter your life."
"Open up your heart to the possibility."
"Collaborating is important and if you can't take if you're not receptive to feedback you're not gonna you're not gonna last."
"Don't get so fixed on one thing that you won't receive."
"Please go into this video with an open mind."
"Create space to talk to the Lord and to hear from Him too."
"What do you need to do in order to hear from God?"
"Be open to whatever is coming through."
"We can predispose people to be moved by the Spirit, clear away obstacles, and make it easier for them to be receptive to God's grace."
"I come with a blank space and a blank mind."
"I am trying to slow down and be in a receptive energy where I can let signs and truths come to me."
"You make space for the right thing. You make space for someone who's right to come along."
"To be open to a different experience is always possible, but you have to be willing to receive it."
"Attention is never unwanted or spurned," she sighed, still smiling but reservedness weighing down her words.
"There's something here that you're possibly already expecting or you just need to get into the receptive mode, the expectation of this thing."
"Hold space. Always have a little room in your life for something new."
"Someone's got to just knock it out cut it out and if you've already put yourself out there then yeah let them come to you."
"You need to receive whatever it is you're supposed to receive out of that."
"Good feedback is not just about conveying the point we're trying to make, it's about creating a condition in which the person is more likely to listen and hear it."
"When we want love, we don't chase it. We just open our heart and be in the energy of receiving, and it comes."
"Every one of those terms - altruism, empathy, kindness, compassion, love, caring, connection - all those have to do with a receptive state."
"This person's gonna be so open for love."
"I was completely closed off to this idea of receiving, which in essence is feminine energy."
"Feminine energy is the receiving energy."
"You have to actually be open to receiving those manifestations."
"To make magic happen in any area of your life it's kind of like you have to have an open vessel... you have to allow things to start flowing in."
"You guys aren't supposed to be overly strategizing about it or wondering. You're just supposed to be receptive and receiving with rest and rejuvenation."
"You're just gonna receive something because you're open to receiving it."
"Be open to communication and insightful information, even if it's challenging to receive."
"...making sure that if you do have someone around you that catches your eye you are staying receptive to them and you're letting them come towards you, you're making sure that they have that dignity of trying to come towards you."
"The more clear our mind becomes, the more we can receive."
"Buckle up for this is an immensely valuable video for those who have the ears to listen."
"This is not a thing that you have to fight and strive for. This is a thing you have to learn to receive."
"I'm always happy to have my views adjusted by someone who comes along with better ideas."
"Your assignment is to practice stillness. If your spirit man is calm, still, when the word of God drops in your spirit man, immediately you will pick it up."
"If you open yourself up to opportunities, you're likely to receive opportunities."
"Effective prayer is receiving what is on God's heart and then praying it back to him."
"Your mind is like a parachute, it's only going to work properly when it's open."
"Promise to think over their ideas and consider them carefully. They may be right."
"Your job is to tune your spiritual ears to God's frequency."
"A mind that is open to everything is a mind that invites in miracles."
"It's easy for me to receive because I'm on the Creator's frequency."
"The person of God is the word, the word is pointless if there are no ears to hear him."
"Beware of people who are all for autonomy, beware of receptivity. No, not beware of receptivity, open yourself up to it."
"Don't just sit and wait, prepare yourself to actually receive it."
"I feel like generally people are like good and like I feel like people are receptive and interested."
"The more feminine person must be more playful, open, girly, follow more, and receive the strength and love of the masculine person."
"Like a hormone cannot influence a cell without the appropriate receptor, the Holy Ghost cannot guide us, comfort us, and testify to us if we don't develop our own 'spiritual receptors.'"
"When wisdom presents itself through whatever vessel, are we being attentive?"
"Opening minds to what you have to say."
"The ideal way to be in the world is to be blank as a piece of uncarved wood yet receptive as a hollow in the hills."
"We have no capacity anymore to receive what the heavens is forever trying to give us."
"Taking your attention away from your goal brings you into the state of receptivity. This is the deeper purpose for releasing attachment."
"Meditation is quietness with a listening heart, an obedient heart, a receptive heart."
"Children are given very minimal kinds of cultural conditions, very little kinds of resources. They will take to religious beliefs like ducks to water."
"Cultivate the state of receptivity, allow yourself pockets of time where you are deliberately slowing down."
"It's only making ourselves available to that, and then it can be delivered to us, and so you find that the love you are looking for, the connection, the bliss, the humor, is all present without looking for it."
"Step into an energy of openness, of receiving. I am open to receive my treasure in whatever form that takes."
"You gotta find an opportunity and let a door open for spirit to bring in that love."
"Being able to receive in all of these areas is incredibly important."
"I'm also very willing to have an opinion, listen to someone, and have it change in real time."
"Information and knowledge are everywhere, education is everywhere, you just have to open your mind up, open your ears, open your eyes and be receptive."
"The miracle is looking for a vessel."
"People don't have their defenses up when hearing a story. People love listening to stories."
"Most of the ABA people I work with are very open to and receptive to CPS."
"Start at a place of empty, you can't be filled if you're already full."
"Just allow ourselves to stay open for that."
"I love working with youth. I feel like I make the most difference working with youth because they're not as firmly entrenched in whatever it is they're going through. They're pretty often receptive to change. They've got their whole life ahead of them."
"I am open and receptive to new streams of income from unexpected sources."
"He was really open to outside the box ideas."
"When I sit down with a new book I think to myself almost like I would an empty vessel. I want to shed my mind of as many predispositions and prejudices and biases as possible and I want to let the work operate on me."
"It's not about getting or even manifesting, it's about allowing it, perceiving it, and receiving it."
"Having a firm technique is important, but equally, if not more important, is your ability to open up and receive."
"If I'm listening with the idea of really being with something, the state that I'm in plays a role in that. If I'm sick, I probably wouldn't do it."
"Make them a part of the process. I think they'll be more inclined and more open to it as well."
"Those moments where we stop all doings and become profoundly receptive, quiet, open, it's that listening presence that really touches and tastes the mystery."
"They're only gonna be able to give it to you if you're in good energy."
"''We grow as human beings when we are most open, most receptive, to that world around us, because we're not strangers in it.''"
"Receptivity isn't the same as passivity."
"Now is a fertile time for something to be created or for you to receive something."
"Spirit is asking you to be completely receptive and open to the quality of relationships, career, and circumstances that will really nurture you."
"You can't pour light into a cup that's already full."
"Come with an open heart and ears."
"It's like you're kind of at all times a little bit available to be communicated with."
"The essence of masculinity is protectiveness and protecting the receptivity of the female."
"I am open to receive all good things. I am open to receive my treasure. I am open to receive help. I am open to receive blessings because they are all around you."