
Motivational Speaking Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Creatively, you're in a place where you can teach or speak, especially if you're looking to do motivational speaking or establish a brand or product."
"Thank you for joining me today for our discussion about growth mindset, what it is, and how to cultivate a growth mindset."
"I want them to come to Lakewood or our meetings and be lifted up."
"Without the anointing, you are a motivational speaker; with the anointing, you have a preacher with a difference."
"I don't be up here just saying stuff to like help people feel better about themselves. I want us to actually live something."
"I'm trying to grab you by the collar and say hey, let's live your life."
"Everything starts with your thought... but you add a whole lot of turbo boost to it with your tongue."
"100 percent belief has never been anything that I am short on and for any of you guys I am short in stature five six but I've never been short in belief, right?"
"But let's just say okay we're gonna shoot for the moon and even if you miss you land Among the Stars."
"The message is inspiring, the message is like, 'Cool, you're going to fail, so did I. You're going to stop first or die, doesn't matter, just welcome to the club.'"
"I'm not a guru, I'm not a motivational speaker."
"I spend millions of dollars saying the same fucking shit in 400,000 ways, hoping today's going to be the fucking day."
"Especially with me, nobody is spending more time and energy and resources trying to show people what to do."
"If you’re alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you’ve a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until long after this bright star we live around burns out."
"Let somebody know that will let somebody else know that will let everybody your mother your aunties even the enemies the haters let them know that we're alive this is their come to Jesus moment."
"If you wake up every morning and you say how lucky you are you tend to be happier, right?"
"Do it power fast, just BAM like a like like up you gotta aim look at that thing and don't let up my friend look right straight down there you stay right aim shoot fire unto that thing break."
"I want to switch it up from something as serious as, you're going to die to it's time to live."
"If you can make a hundred thousand dollars, y'all, you can make a million dollars. I promise you it is not that far."
"I always want you guys to walk away from my readings feeling like 'I can take over the world if I want to right now.'"
"We have work to do, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you kinda for watching, it's been a pleasure as always."
"If you listen to 80 percent of the stuff Pep said go back and listen to me."
"So I think what people need is hope. I think the thing I fight in speeches and wherever I go is just the sheer amount of cynicism."
"I think there's a lot of rah-rah motivational speaker business advice out there that is utter horseshit."
"You gotta perform, you gotta give the extra."
"I am so, if there's one group that I want to reach and I talk about this constantly on social media and my work, it's people who are black-pilled."
"Use this as motivation to know I've got to prioritize on building that tax-free bucket."
"That drives me to make more of this content for you."
"This is not about a doom and gloom presentation, this is about the greatest opportunity in human history."
"Keep listening to more of my content, you need fucking positivity coming through your ears, when fucking all that negativity's coming your head."
"The reason why this was a big deal: this guy encourages people to share their story, that's who he is."
"I'm here to also inspire you and keep you motivated and keep you positive... because I care about you."
"I stand on this stage tonight as a daughter of a maid and a janitor."
"I've been able to motivate people even though it wasn't my goal."
"You get what you want if you want that kangaroo then you believe what you want and don't take no for an answer and you will get what you want I promise it's a guarantee it's the law."
"Our goal is to introduce you to the people and ideas that will help you actually execute on your dreams."
"On the days when you don't want to do it for you, do it for us."
"I changed people's lives and I'm gonna change your life."
"Leadership is leadership. I often get people who say, you know, can you come speak to organization? We sell used cars. Do you know anything about used car leadership? I'm like, yes 100%."
"Your future is at stake. It means that we're all vulnerable." - Matt Walsh
"Don't forget to put your positive pants on and I'll catch you in the next one."
"Listen guys, know who you're talking to. I'm not gonna quit. If I can't do it, I'm gonna keep trying so I can do it."
"Wow wow Wes, let's start gardeni and let's start right now."
"I want them drinking from a fire hose of opportunity."
"One of the biggest things that drives me today is that the world speaks about so much negativity that I feel a requirement to talk about positivity."
"The only thing that we have to fear is fear itself."
"If you got energy, you got power. You have everything."
"We are an embarrassment. We're an absolute embarrassment."
"Why couldn't positivity be contagious as well? Hey, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry about it. We got this. Why couldn't that be as contagious? Because it is."
"Be the change you want to see everybody... that was a quick shameless plug you feel better trust me."
"We're all gonna make it, we're definitely all gonna make it with YouTubers like yourself spreading the word as well."
"Honestly, I'm happy if I inspire you at all."
"If I can help one person in one small way feel maybe just a little bit more sure of themselves when they're walking into the gym then I can retire today."
"When I spoke, I could get people to believe... in me."
"Tom Cruise tells me yes I can... 60 year old Tom Cruise, 60 yes you can."
"Fat loss simplified: mate, you need to move a bit more, you need to eat a bit less. Thank you, Bundaberg, you've been a great crowd."
"More importantly to be inspired and to walk away with a sense of hope."
"Each day, I give daily advice every time I make a video. Guys, look at yourself right now and then look at yourself and look at how far you've come."
"That's real money y'all see, do y'all see this, this is real money and it's just like this, this really can happen bro, it don't take no special person."
"I could change one person's thinking and somebody's thinking that they could do it. So that's worth it."
"The only reason why I'm here today is because I didn't quit."
"You're not defined by your past the future is what you make it thanks for tuning in see you guys next time be well."
"The revelatory knowledge that this guy delivers on both the things that hold you back and the things that will set you free are guaranteed to propel you lightyears ahead of your competition if you're willing to work for it, that is."
"There’s no excuse for anyone out there why you can’t do it too."
"It's time to break it... and I would love the honor of kicking your ass for the next 60 days."
"Be mindful of your attention to detail because it's so infectious sharing knowledge."
"I see the desire, you want to be number one, that's exactly what I want to see you do."
"I would say yes and how funny is it that the strength card is like this woman who's taming the lion you know so I would say yes to you there."
"Money is naturally attracted towards appreciation and gratitude."
"The authority wants to take me down but the danger will rise."
"We would we if we ever rise to the level of courage that our ancestors had."
"You just end up doing it when you believe, think, and say it."
"I really hope that this resonated and made sense for you."
"It's not about flexing, it's about showing what's possible."
"Your right to exercise your free speech doesn't come at the expense of someone else's."
"You've got the mental faculties, you've certainly got the power - it's always flowing to and through you."
"You follow? So when I'm coming up to my thing and I'm gonna try and do my thing, I am going to do it to the best of my—do you see what I'm saying?"
"Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the [__] up."
"Put on your big girl panties. You might sh*t them, but I'm about to throw a lot of new perspectives at you."
"There's lots of reasons to be positive... It's gotta be done."
"I need you ladies to start acting with a sense of urgency."
"The goal isn't to wake up the sheep, the goal is to wake up the lions."
"We're better than that, we can do better than that."
"I think it's very important for people to know that they can keep going."
"Yo bro it's because of your videos I was on the brink of suicide."
"Your transparency, just what you've said today, I guarantee you what you've said today can save a thousand lives in America this year."
"Thank you guys so much for being here as always I appreciate you beyond words stay kind and stay beautiful and I'll see you next time it's not a race you can never first missed."
"You're the captain of Manchester United for Christ's sake."
"Thoughts become things. Keep chasing your greatness, never stop believing in yourself."
"From fear to fuel, go into passion. Do you feel it? Because if you do, then you're the queen of cups."
"A world without joy and humor isn’t a compelling world to fight for."
"Full of charisma, a teacher, lecturer, motivational speaker, full of energy, charisma, and fun."
"You're sowing a seed into your destiny. Do you understand the power of a seed?"
"Where your focus goes is where energy flows."
"Supposed to be that hype man, that Muhammad Ali odd, right?"
"You get to reach and inspire and help people, or at least that's what y'all do to me and say that I inspire you all motivate."
"Why your friends and family and partner don't want to see you become successful or win."
"If y'all would have never lit that fire from the very beginning, we wouldn't have that today." - Unknown speaker
"Simplify your life until that drawer is tidy so you can come home, put things in it, close the door, and then later, open it up and find out exactly what you need from that drawer and get it out easily."
"We need to come together and just end all this nonsense."
"There's no time to be negative. Life is way too short to be negative."
"She showed up super confident, but today's fear that we have to conquer is the fear of death. That's a big one."
"Till next time, go do something awesome with your day."
"When I say play hard, I'm not talking about like every team in the world talks about... We're talking about shockingly hard."
"We need a vision, we need action, we need to do things which make changes."
"It's awesome to hear what you're saying right now with, 'Hey, this feels good because of these reasons.'"
"Affirmation is really powerful, the more we speak about it, the more coming past."
"The most inspiring pitch I've heard yet on the show."
"Grateful, nice. Well, listen, you guys have paved away Matthew, thank the Lord, gosh darn it, okay, listen, all right, so it's good it scoots."
"Let it out, coach. Once you start coaching, the killer will creep back in."
"I don't want to leave y'all with bad news... I want to hopefully inspire."
"Go out there and take some of these lessons that I've showed you today."
"I try to stay in my lane of what I feel called to do. My core message is how do you have a healthy self-image, how do you let go of the past, how do you raise good children, how do you reach your dreams."
"The more positivity and good stuff we put out into the world, the more it's gonna come back."
"Churchill rallied the populace with some of the most famous speeches ever broadcast."
"I don't want my channel to be about what you can't do, I want it to be about what you absolutely can if you bust your ass."
"You will not laugh, you will not cry, you will learn by the numbers, I will teach you. Now get up, get on your feet for this."
"It's about making a difference. It's about giving people that confidence back."
"I always talk to you guys about hope, we just need hope."
"What a turnaround! I know some of y'all were probably like, 'hey this preacher's crazy,' well I'm so crazy that I'm willing to go the extra mile for Jesus because he went the extra mile for you."
"Miss Dandridge, you can look at it as thinking it was the end or you can look at it as the beginning."
"Fear is another Financial killer it will keep you broke that's how you get out of that mess guys see I'm here on this channel I'm about Solutions but it's about solutions that can get you to where you want to get to."
"I'll let every failure you made turn into a testimony that will help millions of people."
"You are the backbone of this channel, the unstoppable force that keeps this channel going."
"I believe that God put me on this planet to teach and to teach people how to take their message, their passion, and to help the world with it and profit in the process."
"I'm not here to tell you your future or how to live your life. I'm here to inspire you guys to reach your goals."
"My main take-home message, it's like a TED talk, is just try not to be too hard on yourself."
"I use that power on the team I love it oh I love it okay everyone saying take the shots here go charity drive to the party enemies here we go we're getting married."
"Take baby steps toward ending the baby steps."
"You can accomplish absolutely anything if you stay positive and keep trying you believe yes sir and you are such an inspiration to all of us."
"If I can help inspire anybody, it's worth it."
"Together on this channel, bro, we can achieve everything, we can achieve anything."
"Money's been telling you what to do your whole life, and now you're about to tell it what to do." - Dave Ramsey
"None of us have a crystal ball. We don't know how we're gonna have to push."
"If I can do it, trust me, you can absolutely do it."
"My real job is to help you make real changes in your life."
"Enjoy the journey, even if you're preaching to an empty room."
"I hope you're thinking about a big dream or vision you're going after and I hope you're rating yourself as I'm going through these."
"You won't just live, you'll live to the fullest."
"Let's get it. Whoo!" - Get pumped for success in affiliate marketing.
"We've got to get out of this endless descent to hell." - Dave Rubin
"We've got kind of like lightning in a bottle here that we need to share to motivate our kids." - Jose Hernandez
"It's time for recompense!" - Signifying a season of restoration and reward.
"Thank you guys like always for watching, you guys go out there and go on some adventures of your own, live life, beat the status quo, y'all know the drill, enjoy the rest of your day."
"This is what human beings are like. So we want to be something more, that's why we're all here today."
"Motivation and inspiration are more important than information and compliance."
"If one person watching today just says screw this old story and makes it an empowering story, I think the game changes forever."
"Everything you say is fire, just believe that."
"Just go do it. I guarantee you it'll make such a big impact on your life. It's so big."
"If I can take these excuses out of people's lives, I can stop what paralyzes them."
"Half the time we faking it until we make it, and that's just being real."
"Your story is amazing, your message is amazing."
"Your message is phenomenal, I absolutely loved it."
"You've brought their energy, their vitality back after this, this heartbreak."
"If you're going to stand in front of a group of people and start lecturing them about being out of shape, you better have your own house in order."
"I want to be so, yeah, that's what I'm looking at."
"Until next time I'm Thomas Wirth and I hope I left you better than I found you."
"Learn to be yourself, love yourself. All right, let's talk about that now."
"This is not to impress you but impress upon you."
"You're not Neymar... you're Marcus rashford."
"Some of you say, 'I just want to help the poor and spread the gospel.' Well, if you had more time and more money, you could do more."
"Have fun staying poor because this is where you get all the crypto banter, all the crypto love, all the crypto wisdom."
"I managed to restart my life, start a family, and embarked on a cross-country speaking tour called never quit to motivate others."
"The grind is the grind and the real talk is the real talk."
"We are looking for Perfection after all. Let's get started, okay?"
"Close to the next one but, hey, we'll get there."
"Liver King: 'There's a simple elegant solution to living a goddamn Kick-Ass life.'"
"Leaders gonna lead, haters gonna hate. Thank you for leading."
"Have patience where you didn't have pity, ladies and gentlemen. Everybody's going to get their [__]."
"You guys are an inspiration to yourself and me and keep doing it go off make youtube videos or whatever you want to do whatever you put your mind to you could do it I mean it I promise you you are you guys are a class."
"Your faith may not be enough to get the job finished, but you don't need faith to get it finished, you just need faith to get it started."
"You the best in the world right now. There's nobody as good as you in the world, you're the best right now. The only reason you're not the best right now is because you don't believe you're the best yet."
"You are a freaking Beacon. You are this beautiful light worker."
"Your journey matters. It is so important, like if you really realize how inspiring your story would be, you would start sharing it immediately with anybody that crosses your path."
"Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward-looking, optimistic pictures."
"Each time you leave a review, each time you give feedback, you help us reach more men with this message of inspiration, impact, and self-mastery."
"I believe in what I say and what I do and I have a good message."
"If you start perfect... you can build like you're on fire."
"You can move mountains. You can do anything."
"Those people will Garner an audience and get people motivated inspired because the truth really does resonate with people."
"Rest up because things are about to shift." - Chloe Taylor
"You have the power to manifest anything you want." - Chloe Taylor
"Consistent effort will lead to results." - Chloe Taylor
"Ain't no mountain high enough, except for that mountain just easier to talk about."
"Cedric was showing up today, you know what I mean? How much how good could you feel about yourself?"
"He quite literally embodies the phrase follow your dreams."
"She's a consistent ray of sunshine, positivity, knowledge, honesty, and reality."
"I'm inspiring millions and I'm very happy doing what I'm doing."
"Everything is pointing in the same place, that's what I love about your message."
"It's time for leadership. Show some leadership."
"Keep working hard and I'll see you in the next video."
"No dream is too big. If you believe it is possible and all it takes is one person to believe and that person is you."
"So we're going to be talking about how you can start doing that."
"We don't have much time on the planet. Every day you're gonna make count, make it fucking count."
"You need to be thirsty. Thirst is biologically the strongest desire in the human body."
"We are only at the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end."
"We need to convince these people to have the aha moment."
"You know, you can make heaps more eddies as a motivational speaker."
"Lift your hands up all over the world and let's become grateful."
"I stay confident because I want to encourage you girls to be confident or you guys to be confident or whoever's watching these videos."