
Moral Choices Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Choose the higher path. There always is a path."
"Your people's soul in exchange for gold. How about it?"
"Because we live in a society where we have the choice to do something else, that something else being reducing suffering, then morally speaking, that's the preferable choice to make."
"Good and evil are never equal. Repel evil with good."
"The game keeps going and the fallout of that choice, while the player is under the duress of a ticking clock, can be emotionally impacting, artistically thought-provoking, and elicit a human response."
"When a game forces a difficult moral choice onto a player, those players really have to think about what they're going to do in that moment because the outcome of that choice is unknown."
"True heroism is not just about having the strongest powers but about making the right moral choices, even when they come at a great personal cost."
"Sometimes, being a hero means making the tough decisions, not the popular ones."
"In the context of an outside world that can kill in seconds, those well-intentioned stands and moral awakenings are more dangerous than anyone realized."
"This teaches you it's always just better to do the right thing, guys."
"We can overcome habits and addictions and even the 'disposition to do evil.'"
"Choosing whether to break the law to keep yourself alive or keeping your head down and being a good influence on Daniel."
"When life hits you, and you're being tested and tempted, the question is, which way are you going to go? Are you going to go with God as a test, or with Satan as a temptation?"
"The fact that not everybody killed, and we know that historically from the Battalion, shows it is possible for people to say no."
"I made a deal with the devil; I have won, but at what cost?"
"The trolley problem explores the moral dilemma of making difficult choices in situations where lives are at stake."
"We are here to exercise free agency, to choose right or wrong, to gain wisdom, knowledge, and then wisdom. That's what we're here for."
"Arya Perman was named the heaviest child in the world..."
"The world would be divided into two camps, the givers and the takers. Rush to be on the side of the givers."
"What profited a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul says the Lord."
"How far would you go to protect your sibling?"
"If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell."
"This is a choice between right and wrong, justice and injustice."
"Instead of this peer on pure violence go and do something good with your life build a good or a product or service and people will give you their money happily."
"Besides, if you had the chance to kick Hitler to death, can you honestly say that you wouldn't?"
"The hard thing to do and the right thing to do are almost always the same thing."
"If you're doing evil, you'd be stupider. If you're doing good, I want you smart."
"Sundowner's defeat symbolizes the rejection of becoming a man like him, refusing to justify cruelty."
"Do whatever it takes versus do the right thing."
"What is an act of true heroism without the possibility of cowardice?"
"Choose between right and wrong with our thoughts. This internal dialogue, should I do it? Should I cheat?"
"He's not saving the day for money, he's saving the day because that's the right thing to do."
"You're either with what's right or you're with the bags."
"This movie is a story about being yourself and doing the right thing even if you're not supposed to be doing either of those things."
"You can change, you can make the choice to pick up the pen and pick up what's right."
"The world in this game remembers your choices and changes how it interacts with you based on those choices, good or evil."
"There's no ethical consumption under capitalism is to give people grace period where it's needed but it's also important to know when we can actively not support companies that we don't agree with morally or that we go against ethically."
"Joel doesn't give Marlene a chance to follow them and he's right, you know he says no you're just gonna you're just gonna find us and ends her life and it's cold-blooded."
"Even after everything, it's true he would still have saved him."
"The game does not provide an answer because there is no right answer; it poses a question: do you link the fire? Do you preserve the existing order for just a little longer?"
"It's the choices that make us who we are and we can always choose to do what's right."
"Be careful what you partake in, be careful of the monster you feed."
"One of the defining moments from Fallout 3 for myself is when or if you decide to blow up Megaton."
"A hero will selflessly place something greater over themselves while a villain will succumb to selfishness."
"When you lose yourself to the demons inside you demons will naturally spawn in front of you maybe you'll have the strength to defeat them but will the world be better off than if you'd kept them from thriving in the first place."
"Mass effect's morality system recorded actions on a different scale known as Paragon and Renegade."
"The vast majority of video games assume, often falsely, that you are a good person that is interested in more than self-preservation and gratification, but this game often makes it clear that the right thing to do isn't always the most interesting."
"It feels like you're putting principles above friendship."
"History is going to look back on us and ask did we do the right thing in this moment."
"But if you choose to be pure, regardless of the stakes, the omniverse always has this reward waiting for you."
"It takes just as much time to do the right thing as it does to ignore it."
"Remember true freedom comes from using your agency to choose obedience."
"Revenge is not a thing you take for someone else."
"Honor sometimes looks like sticking up for yourself, even if it ruffles feathers."
"You know, you can't just play the entire game as sort of like a neutral good guy."
"If you have the choice to actually make it, do a decent job and be able to survive, as opposed to becoming a fraudster, my opinion is that those people will want to do good."
"Should they so wish even the greatest monsters of our time can yet be redeemed and forgiven."
"This election is about choosing good versus evil."
"Rather than just giving Lara a gun and saying she can kill somebody, we want to put you in a situation where you feel like it's kill or be killed."
"The choice is either up or down. We either go up to the eternal rules of right and the principles that are found in the scriptures that history shows produce maximum human flourishing, or we go down to the ash heap of totalitarianism."
"It's a message that says our elections don't have to be about right versus left they're still about right versus wrong."
"Undertale has a lot of strong suits one of those very much being the cast what strong suit more like the heart and soul of the game the most unique aspect of the game is the choice to either fight each monster you encounter or spare them."
"Show me the righteous way of achieving this."
"The choice to do good is how you distinguish yourself."
"You can't be Catholic and vote for intrinsically evil things."
"Superman proves that you never need to graduate to fighting supervillains. You can still have a compelling character whose main thing is saving people."
"They feared God more and they feared being out of his alignment, out of his timing, walking away from who he's chosen more than they feared Adonijah and his band of very men."
"Depending on how you play the game, it can be either a redemption story or someone's spiral into darkness and destruction."
"The entire Forerunner Empire committed sin after sin in pursuit of the Mantle of Responsibility. Their ultimate sacrifice of species-wide suicide gave the galaxy a second chance at life."
"Our thirst for revenge could not overshadow our sense of humanity and compassion."
"Goku tells him to finish Cell off in his weakened state, but Gohan says he wants to see Cell suffer much more."
"We actively pursue them because we're trying to strengthen all of the muscle mass involved in maintaining that position."
"Abstinence from alcohol may be an appropriate moral response."
"While I do think that there is something to be said for getting rid of your enemy to make sure that he can never strike you again, in the game I think the merciful ending is the best one because it heals the most people."
"There's nothing wrong with the decision to play an evil character."
"He's gotta treat her like a wife...there's some decency in the way that this thing that actually shouldn't be happening goes down."
"These policies, which are difficult, which are life-changing, they are being implemented by people because people are choosing to do the right thing."
"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked."
"Talk is cheap and when it comes down to the wire, when it comes down to deciding whether you and yours die or someone else dies, how are you going to rationalize your actions into that belief system?"
"I'm not trying to get on his bad side, I'm trying to live right and do what he says."
"Everybody experiences it whether you want literally everyone and there's nothing and ultimately you can creators can sort of like do good or do bad but even if they do absolutely nothing these things will still happen."
"That's a good way to sort of like introduce a flawed character and then again now the character has room to grow they can redeem themselves they can give in to their corruption and that offers the player a choice."
"The last of a us presents us with a world filled with evil, difficult decisions, and the people who have to make them."
"Choosing life, you'll try and cure diseases. Choosing death, you'll try and build diseases and kill someone before the doctors can fix them up."
"What choice do you give when faced with an enemy this evil with this much power?"
"Helping people is better than raping people. That one's pretty easy."
"Sometimes you gotta make difficult choices for what you believe is right."
"Being righteous and not really wanting to associate with evil."
"Just because I have personally chosen not to expose this person doesn't mean that they aren't being punished in some ways behind the scenes."
"Would you rather be a good godly person or would you rather not endure abuse?"
"Bad victories should be avoided like the plague."
"Let us not be overcome by evil but instead turn away from it."
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"I don't want my grandkids to know that I went doing some [__] that I wasn't supposed to."
"So here I am donating everything I can, holding onto what I am to help Doctors Without Borders. Man, do I want to be a cheapskate, so have some money. Also, kill the animals."
"You kill a lot of random monsters (sometimes even humans) in every RPG and the consequences for this are never addressed. What if they were?"
"So do you let him try to convince his brother to stand down and possibly get away with his crimes or do you try and kill his brother right in front of his eyes?"
"But running away isn't enough, we can't just run away from the bad, we also need to run towards the good."
"To overcome lust, you will also have to choose good company."
"Even on the evil playthrough, he still says he's proud of him."
"It's far more interesting when you have to pick from lots of kind of horrible factions."
"The hardest choices require the hardest wills."
"Morally I would never be able to live with myself...so I'd rather take some no name account on social media calling me a shill."
"To say that you can't say no to sin, a lifestyle... is not true. You can, and you just stop believing that lie."
"It's hard to do the right thing; it's so easy to always do the wrong thing."
"Let us know how you feel about Jennifer Lawrence's comments whether or not you would take ten thousand dollars if it meant a random person dies across the Earth."
"We have a choice to make in this country: Do we want to see each other as children of God and as human beings?"
"It is never too late to resist immoral orders."
"Make it hard for you to say no to that good deed."
"Fear is what gets us to make wrong choices about our future. Fear is what gets us to speak out against things or support evil people."
"A sermon like this can be the difference between Heaven or Hell."
"It's never the wrong time to do the right thing."
"We've all got the power in our hands to kill but most people are afraid to use it."
"Honesty is definitely a good thing, but I would tell as many lies as necessary if it saved my team from a lifetime of crushing debt."
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead, and soon everyone must make the decision between what is right and what is easy."
"Everything about him is great and as far as heroism, he's a cornered animal and he still doesn't attack people until he needs to."
"Most choices in the realm of power are between evils. There are very frequently no good options."
"The right thing to do is not the most popular thing to do."
"The Power of Choice: Blowing up or saving Megaton, a major city in Fallout 3."
"He did what he thought was the right thing, not that there was anyone to witness it."
"No one is born evil they either choose to be evil or they're bred to be evil."
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same things."
"There's a good and evil path in this life and we want people to choose the good."
"I wish that you would have just taken the high road from the beginning."
"What would happen if I gave in to my evil desires?"
"This is no longer a choice between right and left, it's a choice between right and wrong. Do we vote for or against democracy, for or against our own freedoms?"
"You must show you are willing to take a life to save the world."
"We've made a choice that women and children, that's who we save first."
"Not lying to people is better than lying to people."
"Every man has a monster inside. A good man knows when to use it."
"If there's no necessity for us to harm an animal, just don't."
"Will she give in and do something unforgivable, or will she persevere? What will the show's final statement be on Kim Wexler?"
"You did the [censored] right thing. The last thing you want to be is a nice person in that situation."
"If you do more good than not good, you end up with health."
"Sometimes you got to do the bad to get the good."
"This was a tough decision Fable presented me because I wasn't really sure what the right choice was here."
"The choice of when the victim becomes a victimizer in their own right."
"Tyrannical ruler with either option being viable for success and the difference between them sometimes unclear. Your moral compass will pair."
"Saving innocent lives is more important than punishing guilty ones."
"'If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he's strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort.'"
"When we walk away from God, when we walk away from His word, when we walk away from fellowship with Him, we enter into a spiritual zone of problems."
"Picking the lesser of two evils is still evil."
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a couple of devils."
"This is the condemnation: that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
"You cannot be a good person if you are actively involved in letting havoc be wreaked against your own family."
"To leave off one sin is better than gaining a thousand new good deeds."
"There's a war being fought inside all of us on a near daily basis between the part of us that wants to do the right thing and the part that would rather do the easy thing."
"It's like when everything is trying to push people towards the dark there needs to be light or else or else we are gonna you know who the hell knows what's gonna happen if we don't right."
"He doesn't let the Joker fall to his death, he reaches out."
"You're very much left to follow your own moral compass."
"It's a binary Choice very few things in life are binary."
"Let him that sows to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that sows to the spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."
"The only way you ever even have that choice is with a good man."
"Morally speaking, reducing animal suffering is the preferable thing to do."
"Sometimes you have to forego doing what's popular in order to do what's right."
"Being a stay-at-home mom is probably the most invaluable position, a job that you can have in society."
"You follow the right thing, not the easy thing."
"What are you gonna choose? Good versus evil or situational right versus wrong?"
"It's just constantly changing, it's a room for... and I think back to some of the games that have done morality really well."
"Clean living comes from doing the right thing."
"Hail Jesus Christ and you'd pick it up and kiss it right and trample the crucifix if a cardinal handed you a baseball bat and said smash this statue of Mary or throw this bible into a fire you would say no I resist you right."
"Doing what is right becomes easier even if the consequences are not to your immediate Advantage."
"It's better to enter Heaven with literally one eye, one leg like a pirate, than to enter Hell with both eyes."
"I'm not a heartless dude. I'd save the employee."
"If this is the only universe made specifically to train the soul, then all of the bizarreness... would be designed to see if organic life could differentiate between light and dark."
"If you really want your Paragon Hero to act unpredictably or dangerously... you put them into a situation that appeals to their Humanity, not their Heroism."
"What makes a strong human is knowing what's best and staying away from what just feels good."
"He meant it when he said I would rather do the right thing and lose than doing the wrong thing and winning."
"It's not about doing what's easy; it's about doing what's right... would you rather live knowing you did the wrong thing or would you rather die knowing that you stood up for what was right?"
"What if a good person does decide to give up on society and become bad? What exactly would they do different?"
"Ordinary people can make truly heroic almost saintly choices."
"Two amazing characters who decide to be good."
"No man can serve two masters: God and money."
"Evil acts arise from a collection of smaller decisions."
"You can never do something evil that good may come of it."
"Not killing was a big part of Glenn's character because, especially as the show went on and the characters began to be more and more degraded from where they once began, Glenn was always sort of hailed as this picture of purity."
"There's a difference between having a right to doing something and doing the right thing."
"What if we saw parts of our military break up and defend what they thought was right instead of following orders?"
"They choose convenience and pleasure over compassion and patience."
"I'd rather face the consequences than watch you go down a path you can't come back from."
"Sometimes it's more important to be kind than to be right."
"Allah made the path to Halal easy and the path to Haram difficult."
"It's up to you to decide just how honorable Arthur is."
"Given the choice between comfortable evil and uncomfortable truth and goodness... that's when we're gonna truly understand freedom."
"I would never pick money over putting someone's life in danger."
"You have to think of it as the lesser of two evils."
"Choose the light, choose the love, choose the goodness in this world because it's everywhere if you see it."
"In the garden of God, there were two trees, one of them was a tree of knowledge of Good and Evil."
"These flashbacks are answering that question he's seen the lawlessness that affects the people's lives on tatooine and he thinks that he can do better."
"You're either gonna act nobly in the face of that and try to make things better or you're going to act in a cowardly deceitful and resentful fashion and make everything worse those are your choices."
"It's incredibly important for people to be able to tackle the moral dilemmas around their own consumption."
"Whoever sows to please the spirit will reap eternal life."
"Geralt avoids fighting alongside any particular army or under a banner, however, he’s not above helping innocent people out of the goodness of his heart."
"It's the means of making those right choices, of overcoming even fear and weakness to do the right thing."
"Do what's right because it's right, make sure that you feel good about it, make sure that you keep moving even if people don't show up immediately."
"Persuasion is back ... there might not always be a clear right answer."
"You can either worsen our situation with hate or help fix it with love, you have that power and it's time to use it."
"What separates us from the animals is the fact that we have the freedom to choose the freedom to choose right from wrong."
"Is there a way for us to fight the evil without actually turning to the darkness?"
"Sin only satisfies temporarily; think twice before you act."