
Meet Me In Monaco Quotes

Meet Me In Monaco by Hazel Gaynor

Meet Me In Monaco Quotes
"To be a parfumeur is to be a detective, Sophie."
"Life did not always work out the way you wanted it to."
"To be a parfumeur is to be a keeper of memories, Sophie."
"Memories, dreams, and desires are entwined with scent."
"We are dreamers, Papa and I, but we also worked hard and with passion."
"To be a parfumeur is to believe in magic, Sophie."
"The fact that we came home in one piece is a lesson."
"Everyone had a way of showing up time and time again."
"I just took your usual advice, to enjoy myself and forget about my responsibilities for once."
"The only thing that pointed to us being related at all."
"She wasn’t beautiful because she was perfect. She was beautiful because she wasn’t."
"Life was hurtling past and I was in real danger of being left behind."
"Mother Nature really knew how to put on a show."
"When you’ve stared death in the face and come out the other side, life takes on a different meaning."
"It’s wonderful news. Grace Kelly! It was so clever of me to suggest we hide her in the office, wasn’t it?"
"She sends her best wishes and wanted to express her sincere thanks once again for your kindness to her in Cannes."
"You have a gift, dear Sophie. You must treasure it."
"What we notice first in a person soon settles into something more lingering, until our heart is truly captured."
"A woman must retain some of her secrets after all!"
"Life fell away like old paint peeling from a wall."
"I was hollowed out, as lost as it is possible for a person to be, and I didn’t have the faintest idea how to find myself."
"The heart notes lingered beyond the head notes, it was true, but even they didn’t last the longest."
"Sometimes the greatest thrill of all is the anticipation, and at that moment, everything was possible."
"You must build your own legacy, now, chérie. See this as a good thing."
"We must grasp happiness with both hands, hold tight, and armor ourselves with it against the world."
"I don’t know about you, Jim, but I find these social events exhausting. I’m escaping to my suite to read a good book in peace."
"It’s a ship, for Christ’s sake. She can’t get that far away from us."
"We’re not holed up in the ship’s hospital," Eddie quipped.
"We’ll just have to take our chances when we get them."
"I had something to bring a smile to Sophie’s lips. And that was worth more than a hundred photographs of a future princess."
"The Wedding of the Century Has Ruined Our Honeymoon!"
"Sophie, I have something for you. It’s a new journal, for your perfumes."
"Being spied upon at all hours of the day is distressing for her and, quite frankly, gentlemen, not acceptable."
"My apologies. I thought we should finish what we started in Grasse."
"It was, after all, how we’d first fallen in love: through our words."
"I barely knew what, or who, I was chasing anymore."
"Cold and angry, I’d unleashed some of my frustration."
"This is eating me! No wonder we’re causing trouble."
"You’re a hack, Jim. You don’t deserve the smile of a prince and his princess."
"My shoulders slumped as my anger subsided into resignation."
"I cried for the lost journal, for Papa, for the property I was forced to sell."
"I had one more chance to make things right, to salvage whatever future we might have."
"The cathedral bells chimed the hour. Time moved on."
"I managed to catch the back of the vehicle as it turned a corner."