
The Seat Of The Soul Quotes

The Seat Of The Soul by Gary Zukav

The Seat Of The Soul Quotes
"Every action, thought, and feeling is motivated by an intention, and that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect."
"If we participate in the cause, it is not possible for us not to participate in the effect."
"The most that we can do is comment on the movement, the thought and the form, but those comments are of great value if they can help people to learn to move gracefully, to think clearly, to form like artists the matter of their lives."
"A truly evolved being is one that values others more than it values itself, and that values love more than it values the physical world and what is in it."
"The soul chooses, voluntarily, to undertake this experience in order to heal."
"Every experience that you have and will have upon the Earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul."
"Authentic power has its roots in the deepest source of our being."
"An authentically empowered person is incapable of making anyone or anything a victim."
"The road to your soul is through your heart."
"Ask and you shall receive" is the rule, but you must learn how to ask and how to receive."
"Truth is that which does not contaminate you, but empowers you."
"Higher self connecting to nonphysical teachers produces a level of truth that is true not just for you, but that would be true for anyone who came into contact with it."
"We need truth to grow in the same way that we need vitamins, affection and love."
"The personality is never separate from its soul, and the soul and its personalities are continually assisted and guided with impersonal compassion and wisdom."
"Knowing in the cognitive sense cannot produce proof of nonphysical reality any more than it can produce proof of God."
"Expansion has always been the way of the scientist, the pursuer of truth."
"Nonphysical reality is your home. You came from nonphysical reality, you will return to nonphysical reality."
"Emotions are currents of energy with different frequencies."
"Different thoughts create different emotions."
"By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light."
"Every intention sets energy into motion whether you are conscious of it or not."
"The choice not to choose is the choice to remain unconscious and, therefore, to wield power irresponsibly."
"A responsible choice is a choice that takes into account the consequences of each of your choices."
"Temptation is the Universe’s compassionate way of allowing you to run through what would be a harmful negative karmic dynamic if you were to allow it to become physically manifest."
"Acknowledging an addiction, accepting that you have an addiction, is acknowledgment that a part of you is out of control."
"You stand between the two worlds of your lesser self and your full self. Choose with wisdom because the power is now fully in your hands."
"All that the human experience is about is the journey toward wholeness."
"Do not always look at the distance that you have yet to travel."
"Your addiction is not insurmountable. It is not overwhelming."
"What is more important to you, your wholeness, and your freedom, or the pleasures that you get from satisfying your addiction?"
"Without commitment, you cannot learn to care for another person more than yourself."
"Spiritual partners recognize the existence of the soul, and consciously seek to further its evolution."
"The fear that exists between nations is a macrocosm of the fear that exists between individuals."
"Each human being is responsible for the quality of Life that he or she personally experiences."
"Love alone is not enough, that without trust, you are not able to give and to receive the love."
"Your decision to evolve consciously through responsible choice contributes not only to your own evolution, but also to the evolution of all of those aspects of humanity in which you participate."
"The soul process moves through degrees of awareness."
"The soul, as it reduces itself to fit into a physical incarnation, has the blueprint of holism in it."
"Power is energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul."
"An authentically empowered person is humble."
"A humble spirit does not ask for more than it needs, and what it needs, the Universe provides."
"To compete for external power is to empower yourself at the expense of others."
"Forgiveness means that you do not carry the baggage of an experience."
"When you forgive you release critical judgment of yourself as well as of others."
"Clarity is the perception of wisdom. It is seeing with wisdom."
"Love is the energy of the soul. Love is what heals the personality."
"Trust allows you to give. Giving is abundant."
"Authentic empowerment is necessary to accomplish fully the mission of the soul."
"An authentically empowered person lives in love."
"The path that you now walk is not unknown to the Universe."
"Allow yourself to become aware of what you feel."
"Rather than a soul in a body, become a body in a soul."