
Three To Get Deadly Quotes

Three To Get Deadly by Janet Evanovich

Three To Get Deadly Quotes
"The sky was gunmetal gray, and the air sat dead cold on cars and sidewalks."
"I've been hacking away at the damn thing for years but have never been able to completely sever it."
"His store is set on the edge of the burg, a comfy residential chunk of Trenton where houses and minds are proud to be narrow and hearts are generously wide open."
"In the burg Uncle Mo's is as close as we come to a historic treasure."
"Logic dictated that if the government issued a license to own a gun then it must be okay to put it in your purse."
"I wasn't sure why I was still working for Vinnie. I suspected it had something to do with the title. Bounty hunter. It held a certain cachet."
"The alternative to unemployment had been overseeing the boxing machine at the tampon factory."
"Moses Bedemier, better known as Uncle Mo, started selling ice cream and penny candy on June 5, 1958, and has been at it ever since."
"This might not be such a disaster after all."
"Sometimes these humanitarian efforts go into the gray zone."
"A worthy task, but not something that got me orgasmic."
"Life was simple in the burg. Sins were absolved by the Catholic Church, dirty windows were an abomination to the neighborhood, gossip greased the wheel of life."
"It's like being close to a lightning strike. Like all the little hairs are standing on end all over your body."
"I'm not giving this two-bit Failure to Appear to Ranger."
"After Jersey the rest of the country's a piece of cake."
"You're a bounty hunter. You've been a bounty hunter for five fucking months. What's the big deal?"
"No offense taken. I knew where she lived. We had the same mental zip code."
"I'd originally taken the job out of desperation."
"I'm okay now," she said, easing back into traffic. "All I gotta do is race the engine, so it don't stall."
"I'm like a bloodhound on a scent when it comes to house keys," Lula said. "Don't you worry about that house key. It's as good as found."
"Nope, I might as well sit here. Better than standing on my corner."
"I've been told there are places in the country where stores close on Sunday. This would never happen in Jersey. We wouldn't stand for it."
"When in doubt, always look like you know what you're doing."
"In Jersey, written law often bowed to common sense."
"Just because I'm a natural beauty don't mean I don't need extra help sometime."
"No matter how preposterous, I wasn't going to totally discount anything... especially since this was my only lead."
"If anyone could find Shorty O, it would be Ranger."
"Hard to believe Mo was on Stark Street for whatever reason."
"Guess there wasn't all that much profit in ice cream cones."
"If he'd been after me I'd have wet my pants on the spot."
"Probably there's a good reason why you didn't take him down."
"You're going to give bounty hunters a bad name you go around looking like that."
"Whoever heard of such a thing? The man has to eat, doesn't he?"
"Old Penis Nose don't just slash a big Z in a man's shirt."
"Nobody's gonna beat on me ever again. I've got self-respect."
"You keep concentrating on banging Morelli and maybe you'll live to be an old lady."
"It's okay to be afraid, but not okay to let it restrict my life."
"To keep my spirits up I sang 'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?' all the way to Morelli's house."
"Must have had your Wheaties today," Morelli said when he answered the door.
"Guess the crashing and scuffling we heard didn't come from your neighbor's dog."
"There's plenty more where he came from," she said. "Tell you the truth he was kind of old for me anyway."
"I've got my gun, but you can't see it," I said.
"I know a lot of stuff about you that you probably wouldn't want to get around."
"By the time I remembered to be afraid I was inserting the key in my front door."
"I looked for ironing, but there was none. When something needs to be ironed I put it in the ironing basket."
"So if you want to scare someone, you picked the wrong person," I shrieked.
"I don't know why I worry about you. God knows, you can take care of yourself."
"It's because you're Italian. It's chromosomal."
"Life was a lot simpler back then. Now I have to get them drunk."
"And let's be truthful, you were hardly tricked. You practically knocked me over trying to get to the garage."
"I hope you were careful not to be followed," he said. "Bill is looking for me."
"I don't feel safe here anymore. I don't feel safe anywhere."
"Good for summer activities . . . like barbecues."