
Danger In The Shadows Quotes

Danger In The Shadows by Dee Henderson

Danger In The Shadows Quotes
"The summer storm lit up the night sky in a jagged display of energy, lightning streaking and fragmenting between towering thunderheads."
"The notepad beside her was filled with doodled sketches of faces."
"With every book, another fact, another detail, another intense emotion, broke through from her own past."
"God was just. She held on to that knowledge and the hope that the day of justice would eventually arrive."
"Her dream was being sacrificed with every passing day."
"She didn’t care what the others thought. Until the killer was caught, Sara would never give up hope."
"What had Jesus said? 'Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?'"
"I liked the feeling of winning. But I was tired."
"His dad would have laughed and told him that when the work stopped being fun, it was time to find a new line of work."
"There was a slight flicker to the lights, and then the elevator jolted to a halt."
"Consider it from my viewpoint. I’m stuck in the dark with a beautiful woman. There could be worse fates."
"You’re safe, Sara. The elevator is not going to fall or anything like that. The lights will come back on soon."
"Sara wasn’t courageous, wasn’t brave…but in the last twenty-four hours she had slipped into that role."
"More than anything else, it was time for a wife and family."
"But there was also a great deal of truth to that list of fifteen items the two of them had put together."
"Trust and faith were easy words until the pressure came; living them was hard."
"I know this is hard for you. I know that, but we are going to catch this guy one day."
"After twenty-five years, do you honestly expect the kidnapper who was convicted to say a word?"
"I think his partner got to him and convinced him to keep his mouth shut or he would wind up dead."
"This was the home of a family who had wealth and had had it for many generations."
"Security is part of who I am and how I live."
"Staying out of the public spotlight is an absolute necessity for staying alive."
"Children are targets, pawns, very effective ways to influence and pressure political figures."
"Security is hot in zones four, seven, and ten in the house and all the grounds."
"I’m maid of honor for my best friend’s wedding, and he’s not pleased with the idea."
"You only have half the nation that knows your face and name and thinks you are a superstar."
"I’ve got one man out there somewhere who would like nothing more than to see me dead."
"My father had just been appointed to the British post, and there were some extremely sensitive negotiations going on."
"One of the men is serving a life sentence in a federal prison, but the second man has never been apprehended."
"The Lord is my rock and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer."
"Must this burden be forever? Will it ever lift?"
"It’s been going on for twenty-five years, Adam."
"I didn’t talk for two-and-a-half years after the event."
"God loves to make detailed and beautiful things, and that act of creation is itself a sufficient reason to make them."
"He believed there was nothing impossible if you desired it enough to work for it."
"Love required what was best for the other person."
"Adam doesn’t seem to attract undue attention here."
"It’s a requirement of mine that they not embarrass me."
"I hear there is a tradition of taking the team out for ice cream after the game."
"Someday to be at a game where it was her own son or daughter on the field."
"I’m really good at praying, ‘God, keep me safe.’"
"Don’t fret, Sara. I already like you. Live with it."
"I promised myself I wasn’t going to do this."
"She wasn’t the only one in the equation. Adam and God were too. She looked at the stars spread above her. God was big."
"Why did You let her die?" The whispered prayer came from her heart.
"The number of days for Kim’s life were different than yours. Do you want to carry the guilt forever? It wasn’t your decision."
"Make the decision. Are you going to trust God or not? Would you deny yourself a future with Adam because you can’t predict what God will allow?"
"She did want children. Dreamed about having a family someday. The only thing holding her back from that future was her fear."
"Security would not have to be as oppressively tight as it had been in her past. She no longer had reason to fear a specific bogeyman in the night."
"He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God."
"Thank You, Lord, for lifting me out of that cellar. For showing me the past can be left behind."
"Lord, give me the courage to trust Your security! If the days of my life have already been numbered by You, then You decide what happens, not this man I fear so much."
"She wasn’t going to fear Thomas Krane. Not anymore. Not at the price of her faith. Whatever the outcome, she’d already won this fight."
"I trust God enough to have Him say to me, ‘Adam, I’m sorry, but for the good of your wife, you will not have children.’"
"Are you willing to trust Him if He says, ‘Sara, you can handle the child I’m giving you’?"
"I can deal with what I’ve read, Sara. It doesn’t change what I think about you…what I feel. I love you."
"There was a future waiting for her—her choice for a future, not one forced upon her by events of the past—if she had the courage to reach for it."
"I’ve read your book. I know what you’ve been through. I love you more deeply than I can figure out how to put into words."