
Stay Awake Quotes

Stay Awake by Megan Goldin

Stay Awake Quotes
"Starbursts blink from streetlights like they’re sharing a secret as I wake to find myself slumped in the back of a cab."
"This tune is for all the insomniacs out there, looking for sleep like it’s a star-crossed lover."
"Leaves fall from half-naked trees like autumnal rain."
"My breath hovers in the frigid air like a restless ghost."
"Everything after that is a blank, until now."
"Summer, I realize with a shiver, has disappeared like a wrinkle in time."
"Recognition flashes across his face at my mention of Amy."
"The last thing I remember before opening my eyes was working at my sun-drenched desk."
"The brass clock on the wall says it’s close to four in the morning."
"I’m so focused on trying to reconstruct last night from the tiny scraps of information."
"The wildly rotating ceiling fan tousled his hair as it spun, making it look as if he was still alive."
"I’ve been working at Cultura Magazine for six years."
"I try to place her but I can’t. There’s nobody called Josie at the magazine."
"I press the intercom buzzer again, and again. Each time, I keep my finger on the button for a little longer."
"I remind myself that it’s not my home anymore."
"The knife tumbles onto a step, hitting the concrete with a metallic clatter."
"I lean forward and tell the driver to take me there instead."
"There’s nothing familiar about Nocturnal when I press my face to the stippled glass door."
"I’ve never seen anyone so exhausted before in my life."
"It’s as if I’ve been catapulted into the future."
"I’ve learned from experience that asking too many questions is the perfect way to ruin a relationship."
"I’ve served tables when I was in college. I know this is your income."
"I savor my new title. It might not sound like much, but I’ve worked my ass off to get it."
"It’s sign writing. It was written backward so it can be read properly from the outside."
"I’m reluctant to go up to the office feeling so dazed."
"No matter how hard I try, I can’t remember what my life has been like for the past two years."
"I find these sorts of things fatuous and self-indulgent."
"There is nothing exotic about three months on a military base in Helmand province."
"Civilian life turned out to be harder than I thought."
"It’s the tiny details that make all the difference."
"Performance art is a type of conceptual art in which the public interacts with the artist’s vision."
"I’m always the heartbroken one who cries on her shoulder."
"Once it gets in your blood, you can’t get rid of it."
"We won’t know for sure because we’re missing key footage."
"Every time you fall asleep, you forget everything."
"The insomnia. It’s taking a toll on your sanity."
"Lack of sleep does horrible things to a person’s mind."
"You can’t imagine what some people will do to settle a score."
"Given the right provocation, everyone is capable of murder."
"I dread to think what would happen if Liv lost it."
"By the time the police track you down, you won’t be able to say a single word in your own defense."
"How could you possibly know what you’ve done? You don’t remember."
"The evidence ties you directly to the murder."
"You forget everything every time you fall asleep."
"She’s living in the past, only worse, because every time she goes to sleep, she forgets everything all over again."
"All I need to know is where you put the knife."
"A BOLO puts her in the sights of every trigger-happy cop in New York."
"You, of all people, should know why you can’t get ahold of Amy."
"You don’t have time." His voice fades in and out as a police siren wails over the phone line.
"Yes, you do. You don’t remember me, Liv, just like you don’t remember the apartment where you woke up."
"All I saw were his hands. No tattoos. No wedding ring. Nicely trimmed nails. Looked like he took care of himself."
"Not everyone murders their ex-fiancé just because they’re getting married," said Halliday.
"I prefer to work with people who aren’t afraid to speak up. There are too many people who self-censor."
"It’s the waiting that kills me," Halliday muttered, stifling a yawn.
"Liv, it’s me," says the same muffled voice I heard on the phone at the basement apartment.
"I didn’t have anything to do with that. I wasn’t even living there when it happened. Left town a couple of days before."
"I’ve been so worried about you. Please let me in. It’s Ted."
"Stay down, Liv." He glances back at me. "I’ll explain everything at the safe house."
"I’m seeing him this afternoon. Do you think I should say something?"
"I’ll admit that it doesn’t look good for Liv Reese," Halliday conceded.
"The precinct rumor mill is more accurate than the evening news," Halliday observed.
"I didn’t kill mine. In fact, I went to his wedding, danced with him and his bride."
"The way Krause saw it, Liv Reese caught them in bed together. Killed them both and then stabbed herself."
"You need someone stable and reliable after your messed-up gypsy childhood."
"We don’t have limitless resources," Lavelle said. "Right now we have a likely suspect, and that suspect is Liv Reese."
"Garbage is a window to a person’s soul. A bit like their internet browsing history, but a whole lot smellier."
"People naturally look for evidence to support their preconceived views."
"It’s only a matter of time until someone realizes that woman is me and alerts the cops."
"Mom always told me to marry a man who smiles with his eyes."
"Lots of killers don’t strike people as killers. Until they kill."
"If you’ve ever had to stand in a Dumpster with garbage up to your neck, ruining a brand-new five-hundred-dollar suit, then you’ll understand the value of being prepared."
"I need to be up in case Liv Reese calls again."
"You’ll wake up without knowing why you were here in the first place. That’s if the rats don’t gnaw you to death first."