
The Left Hand Of God Quotes

The Left Hand Of God by Paul Hoffman

The Left Hand Of God Quotes
"Faith of our fathers, living still In spite of dungeons, fire, and sword."
"We are like water spilled on the ground that cannot be gathered up again."
"Better to fall once than be forever falling."
"Either we believe that we have God on our side or we do not."
"In war a dull success is always better than a brilliant one."
"If you lie to me, there’s nothing I can do to save you."
"The pride of a boy is a tasty snack for the devil."
"I couldn’t care if you were here or not. Your loss."
"Even Redeemers were supposed to own only seven things, though why not eight or six nobody knew."
"The difference between here and the Sanctuary, is that here we don’t know what’s going to happen."
"If getting caught doing this was unlikely, the consequences of being so would have been nasty."
"The court at Memphis was a nest of vipers, and no one without sharp teeth full of venom could have occupied a place as important as Vipond’s."
"He’s a bloodthirsty bastard, this Bramley of yours."
"What in God’s name would they be doing there if they had anything to do with the Gurriers?"
"Because it’s run by Kitty the Hare. And so you don’t ask any more questions, he ain’t no woman and he ain’t no hare."
"They’re interested in rape and thieving, not political messages—clear or otherwise."
"Like many clever men, he thinks that everyone else is a fool."
"It’s better to wait until I’ve got to the bottom of this before we start lighting the candles to God."
"There's no art in what I do—ask Conn Materazzi and his pals."
"No one expects a good-humored man or a kind woman to be good-humored or kind every day and every moment—yet they're appalled when people are trustworthy for a month or a year and then they aren't for an hour or a day."
"Any fool can say they don’t rely on anyone. The trouble is that sometimes you have to."
"People can be noble and self-sacrificing and all those admirable qualities—they do exist, but the trouble is that these noble virtues tend to come and go in people."
"The thing about Vipond is to remember that he's a great man and that great men have great responsibilities, and not keeping his promises is one of them."
"The Redeemers are a poxy curse on the face of the earth."
"Everything you did, particularly breaking the sword, means you should be in the Doge’s hands."
"If you’re going to kill someone, then kill them. If you’re going to let them live, then let them live. But don’t make a meal of it either way."
"He’s the one who’s lucky. He should be coming round about now, and with a nasty pain in his head."
"Solitude is a wonderful thing, Cale, and in two ways. First, it allows a man to be with himself, and second, it prevents him being with others."
"To be sociable is a risky thing—even fatal—because it means being in contact with people, most of whom are dull, perverse and ignorant."
"Every woman and every man should feel what it means to love and be loved—a woman’s body is the best picture of perfection I’ve ever known."
"To desire love is to desire to be chained to a lunatic."
"Bliss was it in those days for Cale to be alive."
"The wonderful bliss of just wandering on his own was a more intense pleasure even than beer or tobacco."
"The possibility of good food in his new life meant that something people often took for granted could become a source of wonder."
"No one of real intelligence will accept anything just because some authority declares it to be so. Don’t accept the truth of anything you have not confirmed for yourself."
"At first it wasn’t just the beatings that scared us... we were born evil and that God saw everything we did so we had to confess to everything."
"If you’re prepared to sacrifice your own life, you can kill anyone."
"A real fight to the death is decided in three seconds... You kill in three seconds or take the consequences."
"The longer a fight goes on, the more chance comes into it."
"He’s two hundred yards away. The boy heard nothing."
"Would you like to borrow it? It’s very fine."
"In my experience, for every atrocity there are ten atrocity stories."
"Smoking is a childish affectation: a habit loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs."
"The truth is we’ve got an entire army guarding us from the Redeemers."
"He would show her his disdain for everything about her, and she would be cowed and afraid."
"I wouldn’t want to have to look at them all day myself."
"I’m not sure. I think sometimes he means it and sometimes he doesn’t."
"I didn’t realize. Until now I never knew myself."
"Remember, man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return."
"Stay still, and perhaps I'll finish you quickly. Though I can't promise anything."
"The crowd breathed in as if one creature—a great sigh of astonishment."
"Mercy is always possible," said the master at arms.
"Everything about you is just a pack of bloody lies."
"Remember, men, that we are dust and unto dust we shall return."
"For the lips that to him now are as luscious as honeycomb, shall be to him shortly as bitter as wormwood, and as sharp as a two-edged sword."
"He is the left hand of God, also called the Angel of Death, and he will bring about all these things."
"I am bound to her with cables that not even God can break."
"If love is to be judged by most of its visible effects, it looks more like hatred than friendship."
"You’ve more reason to be in this fight today than any of us."
"What’s the point of having a dog and barking yourself?"
"All through this the wide-eyed Riba had kept her mouth shut, hoping that she could rely on the others to stop Cale."
"I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself."
"The kindnesses in him that you have sometimes seen are like the wings of the ostrich—they beat but will not fly."