
Incendiary Quotes

Incendiary by Amy A. Bartol

Incendiary Quotes
"Something’s wrong, I shiver, exhaling a breath and seeing it curl into a white current in front of me, as wintery air will do."
"I toss my long, auburn hair over my shoulder and wrap the white sheet securely around my body."
"A terrible kind of love swells in my heart—painful and raw—enslaving and cruel."
"His black hair, which contrasts starkly with his pale, white skin in the moonlight, doesn’t hide his eyes as they darken with pleasure."
"Seeing him smiling, it’s hard for me to remember that he’s truly a killer—a lethal predator."
"You’re a clone...a spell. You’re not really here!"
"Ye’re such pretty pain, Genevieve. Beautiful poison."
"My soul…my soul will always love Russell—he’s my best friend."
"I should’ve built a wall around you instead."
"How did you get through my shield? I was already here by the time you employed it."
"Why is everything so complicated, Brownie?" "Because it is."
"You’re supposed to ask me if you want to bind to someone. I’m your soul mate. I’m supposed to be able to say no if I object."
"You think I care ‘bout that? I’ve died so many times in so many ways…but I think there’s only one way to destroy me…so I’m gonna fight for you, ‘cuz that’s all I got, Red."
"Don’t...we don’t know what happened. I’m sure it’s not you—it couldn’t be you."
"You’re art that cannot be concealed…danger that cannot be tamed…love that cannot be measured…a new law that denies a probable outcome."
"I want to discuss something with you, Evie," Reed says, toying with a strand of my hair.
"It takes more than communication skills to enter Sheol. You know that. It takes the kind of courage that not many possess."
"Well, if you’re going to be all rational about it."
"I make a mean PB and J," I reply, "a decent lasagna, and some killer scrambled eggs."
"Your heart is too pure for him to hold onto."
"It’s psychological warfare…he will try to erode your defenses by causing fear."
"The best thing that can happen is they just shred us."
"Roughly, I wished them the absence of fear and Godspeed on their mission."
"No! I’m staying—we go together…or not at all."
"It’s chill. The half-breeds will find a place to hide out until this is over."
"This is just eggs, Reed. You should see lasagna."
"Time for you to go, Buns and Brownie, this is our party."
"Blah, blah, blah. You're my hallucination. You should know that I don't speak Angel."
"You're not supposed to be here, so tell her to go back."
"Na-dzah" (return). "Russ-el to-ho-ne." (You're suffering.)
"It would be one way to…recognize someone, even if you cannot remember her."
"I’ve learned that sometimes it’s better to drop the anchor when you can’t steer."
"What do you think it means to make a sacrifice?"
"Darkness hides the light. Light destroys the night."
"Together we were invincible…we will be again."
"If courage has any weight with you, she has it."
"What are we if not a collection of our memories?"
"It never seems ta lessen, dis stabbing thrill of desire dat bleeds trough me whenever I behold ye, mo chroí."
"Keep him talking, love. Try to draw him in. We need him to physically come here."
"I'm sorry, it must have been so disappointing sifting through the carnage and not finding pieces of me."
"Ye are aware, Genevieve, dat sarcasm is da lowest form of humor?"
"Dis does na bother ye—dat she plans on dying here—cut down in a seedy, underground hovel?"
"Ye plan ta bargain wi' me? Do ye propose another contract in order ta spare deir lives?"
"You know, pretzels as a last meal is not so bad."
"Do na go somewhere I can na ever find ye, Genevieve."
"I did na understand how love can haunt...ye keep teaching me new tings."
"I wish I could teach you to let me go before you get burned."
"What matter the place? The world ends for us both when she's gone."
"You can kill Ifrits, Evie. That was a test. The Fallen wanted to see if you could kill it."
"What matters a name? You have power that none of us possesses. You can lead this army—all of us, not just Divine."
"I don’t understand… I trail off, seeing something in his eyes. Something like hope."
"NO! DON’T!" I scream, startled as I reach out to the dying fallen angel, but my clone’s hands slip right through him."
"Stay focused, Evie. You have to find Russell. He needs you."
"Apparently, I’m delicious," Russell says with a cheeky grin."
"Define postal?" Zephyr counters, his brows pulling together further."
"There is something reverent in her irreverence."
"The first thing we do when we get there is go room by room and look for anythin’ that’s…wrong."
"Then he’s gonna throw confetti in the air and make me his party."
"I may be new to this magic thing, but I’m catchin’ up quick."
"I not know you…not my aspire…on a different day, you would help Anya…you love me…you would make me feel safe in my own skin, not like this—ugly…a stranger."
"That sounds fine," I retort acidly, but my chest feels tight; it aches.
"You don’t know how fiercely beautiful you are, do you?"
"Strategy," I murmur the word like it’s an illusive concept, "the art of planning."
"I think it’s important to him that I see the good in him that didn’t die."
"He doesn’t want to hurt anyone when he’s with me. Maybe I do that to him. Maybe it’s because he says I’m always giving him my energy. He says he craves it like an addiction. Maybe I make him nice."
"You have a great propensity for love. It’s in your nature. You make others gravitate to you like sheep to a shepherdess…and you love them, even if they’re wrong."
"Don’t let your human side and your need to be empathetic get in the way of destroying his vulgarity."
"You’re the first of your kind—that alone makes you valiant!"
"Never demean yourself like that in front of me again. You’re not a freak. You’re exceptional."
"You needed him…when you were alone…when we…when I…"
"You are going to let them taunt you into following them?" Zephyr angrily asks the swarm hoverin' in the air.
"What am I supposed to do now?" Reed asks Zee roughly. "He's a coward that won't face me."
"For now, rejoice in this deliverance from evil," Zephyr replies in a calm tone.
"I would never do that," I say grimly. "You must know that I'd never do that to you."
"And you have just proved to me how beloved I am in your eyes and in the eyes of Paradise."
"I think that you have been given the freedom to choose your own destiny, and that's what makes you so supremely unpredictable—lethal."
"Uh huh," I nod. "I want them to know that we are a unit—unified. We make the decisions that affect our lives, not them."
"It was Reed's idea," Russell replies. "And then frick and frack took the ball and ran with it."
"You were present when a soul ascended, Evie, you know the pull of it, and should he have tried to resist, he would've been taken by force," Reed replies grimly.
"They could take you from me, and then make you forget that you were ever loved by me…or wanted me," Reed replies sadly.
"If they took you from me, it would be like they concealed my heart from me," I say in a hushed voice.
"I'm…sorry. Your wings—they reminded me of someone…" I utter in a distant voice, horrified by what I just did to him.
"You think my wings are frightening?" he asks with a smile.
"No, you don’t have to…I’ll just have to be braver," I reply with a ghost of a smile.
"Evie, you were happy being human. That world made sense to you," he says sadly.
"You were really nervous the morning you left for school, remember?" he asks me with a wry smile.
"I watched you climb into your car—so hopeful, and yet, sad at the same time," he says.
"Being your human father was the greatest honor of all of his lifetimes."
"You’re stupid and arrogant if you think that you’re capable of doin’ any of this without the help of Heaven."
"You haven’t seen him clearly since he took you from that northern library…feel him—his taste, his scent…he feels your love but gives none."
"I’m afraid that the beauty of your love can enslave the unsuspecting…and a love like that is…dismaying," he says carefully.
"You’re perfectly flawed—that is what is so endearing about you," he explains softly.
"The ability to perceive what your angelic opponent is thinking—how he thinks—behaves," he explains.
"You were just speaking to the magic in that room."
"You’re aware that it’s merely a beautiful theatre?" he asks tensely.
"You don’t know what I need," I retort accusingly. "You deserted me!"
"Now, you have to try your hardest to let me go."
"You have filled the void that I left in you with false love…I’ve returned to reclaim my territory within your heart."
"What if I told you that we have to leave as soon as this is over, what would you say?"
"There is nothing more important to me than you."