
Salvation Of A Saint Quotes

Salvation Of A Saint by Keigo Higashino

Salvation Of A Saint Quotes
"Not particularly showy flowers, but they’re tough," Ayane thought, gazing out onto the veranda.
"You might try answering more quickly, then," Yoshitaka, lounging on the sofa, uncrossed and recrossed his long legs.
"Romantic love between a man and a woman always fades with time," he nodded slowly.
"People live together in order to build a family," Yoshitaka explained, a serious tone in his voice.
"I just don’t think that’s all marriage is," Ayane pressed her fingers to her temples, a headache forming.
"I suppose that from your perspective it would look that way, yes," Yoshitaka straightened, hesitating.
"You have to understand, I take my life plan very seriously," he emphasized, his gaze firm.
"Guess I’ll be using that soon," Ayane thought, the last glimmer of hope fading.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Yoshitaka said as he reached the bottom of the stairs, a touch too curtly.
"It must really change your life, having a child," Yoshitaka was saying, interest peeking through his voice.
"As a matter of fact, I do," Tatsuhiko filled Ayane’s glass before glancing at his wife.
"But I don’t see why it should matter how anything was when I made the coffee," Hiromi’s voice was pleading.
"There wasn’t any poison in the coffee when I made it, right?" Hiromi looked up, seeking assurance.
"Why would he have drunk poison?" Ayane covered her mouth again, her eyes searching for answers.
"I can’t believe anyone would want to kill Yoshitaka," Hiromi's eyes opened wide, disbelief etched on her face.
"No need for us to let that particular cat out of the bag."
"We just don’t go out of our way to tell her."
"It’s a smart woman’s instinct for self-defense."
"I’m afraid not. If my husband were cheating on me I’d probably go ballistic."
"I think everyone’s idea of value is different."
"I’ve never heard of anyone mixing something in with their ground coffee to make the brewed stuff taste better."
"I don’t mind lively discussions, but let’s not lower this to hunches and intuition."
"There’s no rank and no gender when we’re on the case."
"It’s not been officially ruled a homicide yet."
"I think what you’re saying is probably right, sir."
"Don’t think I killed Mashiba to take over his company, because, believe me, I don’t want it."
"I’m a firm believer that everyone is born to do a specific job."
"I wouldn’t call that excessive. I don’t drink tap water, either."
"He might’ve gone from one woman to the next, but he wasn’t a two-timer."
"In fact, marriage after conception – the classic shotgun wedding – would probably have been preferable."
"He might have decided not to introduce her until he was sure he was going to marry her."
"Keep looking under stones and you’re sure to find some dirt."
"You have to wonder what’s going on in those heads of theirs, sometimes."
"It’s not easy to pull off the perfect crime."
"I can’t believe that Yukawa’s right and that this is the perfect crime!"
"There’s no accounting for what some people are capable of."
"It’s just that everything you’re saying is so outlandish, I wouldn’t know where to begin."
"The first thing that tipped me off was the condition of the water filter."
"Only a woman could come up with a trick so illogical, so full of contradictions, and so perfect."
"With the unravelling of the perfect crime came the unravelling of his affection."