
Farewell Waltz Quotes

Farewell Waltz by Milan Kundera

Farewell Waltz Quotes
"All events are in the hands of God, and we know nothing about their evolution."
"Nothing's more horrible than a marriage that has no other reason than a child conceived by mistake."
"A child is the quintessence of the unforeseeable."
"Nothing is more beautiful than to carry out crazy ideas."
"I sometimes feel that I look for other women only because of that spring, that momentum, that marvelous flight—bringing me back to my wife, whom I love even more with every new infidelity."
"It's not a matter of pigments. A blonde unconsciously adapts herself to her hair."
"Life must be accepted such as it is given to us. That is the real first commandment, prior to the other ten."
"For me, you are love, and when there’s a child, love gives way to family. To boredom. To worries. To monotony."
"The excessive love you bear your wife is not the opposite pole to your insensitivity, it is its source."
"The desire for order is at the same time a desire for death, because life is a perpetual violation of order."
"Every person should be given a poison tablet on the day he reaches maturity."
"To live knowing he’s in control of his own life and his own death."
"The pain of jealousy... turned like a drill on a single point."
"Nothing absorbs a human being more completely than jealousy."
"Jealousy ran inside her like a racing engine."
"Jesus loved women! And can you picture Saint Paul with the features of a lover?"
"God had been kind to dogs in not putting a sense of beauty into their heads."
"Things were getting neither better nor worse but only more and more ridiculous."
"You must be a very nice man to drive all the way here just to bring Bob back."
"I see your vanity through the hole in your mantle."
"Everyone has a right to his bad wine, to his stupidity, and to his dirty fingernails."
"It’s absolutely none of your business where I spent the night."
"I have been watching you for a long time, and you never even suspected it."
"The world, which is beautiful, frightens you, sickens you, and constantly pushes you away from its center."
"The past and the present, the sun of nineteen twenty-two and the sun of this moment."
"You are like a diamond on a mendicant’s robe."
"They behaved with each other like two gods forced to live among humans—and that was beautiful. Unforgettable."
"Today he brought me relief and calm. And at the same time he robbed me of himself; he robbed me of my Skreta."
"The beauty of this woman fascinated him. He suddenly had the feeling that in all his decisions there had always been an error."
"I’d do anything to win you. I’d abandon everything and live my whole life differently, only for you and because of you."
"Justice is not a human thing. There’s the justice of blind, cruel laws, and maybe there’s also another justice, a higher justice, but that one I don’t understand."
"He was wearing them like a fate. He was looking through the frames of his eyeglasses as if through a wire fence."
"I’ve always felt that I was living here in this world beyond justice."
"Suicide is worse than murder. One can murder for vengeance or out of greed, but even greed is the expression of a perverted love of life."
"It’s extraordinary, he said. Today I’m probably going to be talking to Doctor Skreta for the last time in my life."
"It seemed to him that if he had known this woman, his decision would have been different."
"Life without children is like a tree without leaves. If I had the power I would prohibit abortion."
"It’s not impossible, but it’s extremely difficult."
"Murder as an experiment, as an act of self-knowledge, reminded him of something: yes, of Raskolnikov."
"Jakub knew human beings well, and that is why he did not love them."
"The thought came to him that it was pride that had kept him from loving this country, pride in nobility, pride in high-mindedness, pride in scrupulousness."
"What if beauty meant more than truth, and what if it really had been an angel, the other day, who gave Bertlef a dahlia?"
"The highest degree of high-mindedness is to love people even though they are murderers."
"He had become one of them. He was a brother of those distressing murderers."
"She felt like a young girl who is being raped and is abruptly gripped by stunning pleasure growing all the more powerful the more strongly it is being resisted."
"It is such an amazing coincidence that I venture to rank it among the miracles."