
Sinners Condemned Quotes

Sinners Condemned by Somme Sketcher

Sinners Condemned Quotes
"Luck isn’t for the optimistic; it’s for the lazy and the desperate."
"Not everything in this world can be explained away with reason or logic."
"I’d rather shit in my hands and clap than hit on you."
"You’re incredibly annoying. So I’ve been told."
"Women don’t fall in love, Matt. They fall into traps. They are lured in by sweet lies and smooth promises. Then years, maybe decades, down the line, they realize they’re tethered to a stranger, their chains made heavier by things like babies and mortgages and mothers-in-law with unhealthy obsessions with their sons."
"Stupid people rely on chance; smart people know luck can be optimized by skill."
"It’s not cheating the house," he’d whispered. "It’s using statistical probability and calculated observations to swing the odds of winning in your favor."
"Despite finding myself in the bottom of a pit without a ladder, my pride flares up like a nasty rash."
"Your sins will catch up with you eventually, Little P. They always do."
"Despite having scored one of the highest paydays of my life, I hate feeling like a man has got one over on me."
"Marriage is a crazy gamble when you think about it. You’re betting half of everything you own that you’ll stay with that person for the rest of your life. How can anyone be so sure?"
"Remember, no matter how lucky you think you are, your sins will catch up with you eventually. They always do."
"It feels like your heart is walking outside of your body."
"I’ve had enough drama in the last week to last me a lifetime."
"He smirks and an electric thrill crackles down my spine. He remembers exactly who I am."
"Raphael Visconti may look like a gentleman, may talk like a gentleman. But he is anything but a gentleman."
"You see the issue with luck, Penelope, is that it has an awful habit of disappearing when you lean on it."
"His temper is, and always has been, like a gas leak. Bring a small flame near him and he explodes, seemingly out of nowhere."
"My self-control is iron-clad and galvanized, and yet, the click-clack of a dice or the thawp of a roulette wheel spinning is like crack to me."
"In a world of fixed odds, all of them stacked in my favor, my only excitement is getting to shake the dice and throw them into the unknown."
"Being a Visconti is like a blood-type, you can't escape what you're born with. Wouldn't want to, either."
"This family is the reason I can't have nice things."
"The whole mafia cliché holds no appeal for me."
"I don’t drink any liquor that’s clear unless I’m trying to secure business with the Mexicans or Russians, but fuck it."
"It's not the sound that wakes you, but the silence that follows."
"Right, well. There’s a one-in-fifty-two chance that I choose the card he wants me to choose."
"Without allowing for another thought, I tap on a card."
"Today, I’m going straight. For real this time."
"A second chance came in the form of the Ace of Spades."
"I’ve even pinned that playing card to the door of my refrigerator."
"A gust of wind breaks over the nape of my neck."
"A hot unease rises to the surface of my skin."
"You get the joy of helping out a pretty woman in a bind."
"The theme of plush cream floors and rich mahogany walls continues throughout the yacht."
"Italian sofas draped with cashmere throws dominate the lounge."
"I didn’t know warmth could radiate off an ice cube."
"It’s easy to feign indifference, until the conversation turns even lewder."
"I'd rather claw my eyes out than bring them back to him, but I do it anyway."
"You'll never see blood on these hands. You know why? Because I'm a gentleman."
"Warm whiskey, high stakes, and the occasional kiss from Lady Luck are the hallmarks of a Raphael Visconti party."
"People only get killed on this Coast if a Visconti pulls the trigger, and our staff only get killed if they are traitors or thieves."
"Despite knowing better, my head swims with the thought of Raphael’s fingers tugging at my strands."
"Not every man that passes through this yacht will be as nice as me, Penelope."
"I’d rather stay on the Coast and watch Dante get his head blown off."
"I suppose we’re just going to ignore the fact I’m next-to-naked."
"Lucky girls don’t drop eight glasses on their first shift."
"Seconds pass, each one drip, drip, dripping onto my skin like Chinese water torture."
"Fuck. Of all the days not to wear a padded bra."
"Careful calling me boss when you're half naked, Penelope."
"Women don’t fall in love; they fall into traps."
"You seem to be obsessed with the idea of me not being a gentleman."
"Luck isn’t just about good things happening to you, it’s about having the odds stacked on your side."
"Every woman I take out gets the same fair warning."
"How am I meant to be good when I’m obsessed with something so bad?"
"Despite its sophisticated silhouette, I’m not entirely sure the animal trapping me in is domesticated."
"I’ve killed men for saying nicer things about my mama."
"In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t a conventional workplace."
"Just because I crave things that are bad for me, it doesn’t mean I give in to them."
"This girl isn’t the Queen of Hearts, but the Devil in disguise."
"Despite not being dressed for rain—my faux-fur coat smells like dog when it gets wet—I decide to take a walk."
"It’s not the romantic mist I was hoping for, but cold, glassy needles, arrowing down from the heavens without mercy."
"My luck hasn’t been sharp enough recently to be happy with those odds."
"Thought we were naming fabrics no one gives a shit about."
"Pretty girls don’t always get to see the next day."
"Strip for another man again, and he’ll die crossing the road."
"One of the perks of being filthy, stinking rich, Penelope."
"I’d rather stab myself in the eye with a rusty penknife than let her win."
"I need more, I need something… Something to silence it all."
"You could have all the success in the world, but the Queen of Hearts will bring you to your knees."
"If mama was here, she’d say you were having an unlucky streak."
"I thought you were more sophisticated than that, boss."
"Just because I’m a gentleman, doesn’t always mean I’m a gentle man."
"It’s always horrible the first time you hear a gunshot."
"That’s why you don’t like lightning, because getting struck is another one-in-a-million possibility."
"I know it’s irrational and self-absorbed, but if it can happen once, it can happen again."
"The worst part? I think I like it down here."
"Seems like I’m bad at everything these days."
"I don’t want to play a game tonight. If you’re going to kill me, just do it."
"You won’t make it out of here on your own, Penelope."
"You told me you were going straight, Little P."
"Ignoring the heat of his eyes on me, I pour rum, sugar syrup, and mint over ice."
"Fancy being a guinea pig for my first-ever mojito? It’s on the house."
"Every time he’s near me, I feel like I’m standing beside a roulette wheel, eyes closed, about to bet my entire soul on black."
"Fuck Martin O’Hare and his disgusting brother; Raphael admitting he’s superstitious has been all I can think about."
"You didn’t think I was going to kiss you on your lips, did you?"
"He regards me for a few beats, as if drinking in my confusion to quench his own enjoyment."
"With a reckless haze sweeping through my bones and spurring me on, I place my hands on his desk and lean over it."
"It’s so animalistic. So depraved. Something only maddening lust and spite could drive someone to do."
"The anticipation is making me dizzy, and I can’t stand another second of it."