
Tortilla Flat Quotes

Tortilla Flat by John Steinbeck

Tortilla Flat Quotes
"Candy is not good for people. It makes their teeth ache."
"If he wants to ache Mrs. Morales' teeth, that is his business. What do we care for Mrs. Morales' teeth?"
"A gallon of wine makes a nice present for a lady."
"But if you give money to that Danny, you can't tell what he will do with it."
"It would be a bad thing if Danny's friends, on whom he depends, should bring about the aching of his teeth."
"It is a lesson to us. By this we learn never to leave wine in a house overnight."
"Perhaps some little thing happened to detain him, Pablo. Jesus Maria, with that red beard and that kind heart, is nearly always in some kind of trouble with ladies."
"It is just as well that we do not take two gallons of wine to Danny. He is a man who knows little restraint in drinking."
"It is good to have friends. How lonely it is in the world if there are no friends to sit with one and to share one's grappa."
"The sun went weltering and took on an orange blush."
"Those hens of Mrs. Soto's were no good. I told Mrs. Soto they needed oyster shells, but she paid no attention to me."
"If it were still there, I would be covetous of the rent. My friends have been cool toward me because they owed me money. Now we can be free and happy again."
"We must watch him. But I have watched him. It must be that he creeps off in the night, and then one cannot follow too close, for his dogs guard him like devils."
"The Pirate’s dogs never fought each other, but they fought everything else that wandered the streets of Monterey on four legs."
"It is a fine thing to see the pack of five, hunting fox-terriers and Pomeranians like rabbits."
"The Pirate had a great deal of pride. He was afraid he might not conduct himself well."
"Few things could happen in the night without Pilon’s knowledge. His ears remained open while the rest of him slept."
"He wished he might clasp these dear people to his breast and tell them how much he loved them."
"It was a shame, they agreed, that the police did nothing to control such matters."
"She excited envy in many houses. Her manner became dignified and gracious, and she held her chin high as befitted one who had a sweeping-machine."
"Their envy could do nothing against the vacuum."
"Who could say whether all of them were really living men?"
"They combed the woods and the brush patches, but the Pirate had disappeared again."
"Her voice growled with emotion when he was about. She swayed like a pine tree in the wind."
"Things that happen are of no importance, but from everything that happens, there is a lesson to be learned."
"His heart was free for the use of anyone who had a use for it."
"It is not often that one sees a young soldier with a baby."
"The sympathy of his wits were supplemented with all the power of Heaven and all the strength of the saints."
"It is no little thing for a man to be trusted."
"Even the enemies of our Savior gave him a little comfort."
"They won’t like it," said the Pirate helplessly. "They will be lonely, maybe."
"It was as though one of his senses were gone."
"The old and sweet incense perfumed the church."
"It is no sin to be loved by your dogs, and no sin to love them."
"I have never seen healthier children in my life!"
"The staff of life was broken; the little roof destroyed."
"What pillow can one have like a good conscience?"
"He could taste again how good the stolen food was."
"Great care and worry settled on Danny’s house."
"We must search through the whole world until we find him."
"We will tear thy stomach out if thou art not nice to him."
"Our little friend is in need, and we cannot help him."
"It is a judgment. We should go to confession."
"Pranks he has played, and we were patient. But now he turns to crime."
"The rough fingers of violent experience had harped upon his soul."
"Spring to life, Danny, that thy friends may live again!"
"We must take it to heart that we should always have a good suit of clothes laid by."
"In no social institution is the codified ritual of behavior more rigid than in funerals."
"Danny’s bed was empty. It was like the riderless charger of an officer which follows its master to his grave."
"Loyally they remembered and proclaimed Danny’s virtues. Loyally they forgot his faults."