
Daisy Darker Quotes

Daisy Darker by Alice Feeney

Daisy Darker Quotes
"My life was never the same after I died a second time."
"The secret to having it all is knowing that you already do."
"Families are like fingerprints: no two are the same and they tend to leave their mark."
"Sometimes people think I’m younger than my years."
"Pity fades with age, hate is lost and found, but guilt can last a lifetime."
"The journey here felt so solitary and final."
"The ocean continues to serenade my unsettled thoughts."
"Childhood is a race to find out who you really are, before you become the person you are going to be."
"Nana said she chose to borrow my name for the story so that – one way or another – I could live forever."
"Being punctual is his only way of saying, I love you."
"Some people drink to drown their sorrows; others drink so they can swim in them."
"Asking questions of others often makes me ask questions of myself."
"The calm and quiet aura of Seaglass has been substituted with loud laughter."
"It’s a special kind of love that holds families together, even dysfunctional ones."
"You can’t make someone fall in love with you."
"We spend our youth building sandcastles of ambition."
"Sometimes I think they wish I’d never been born."
"It’s cold in this part of the house, and I shiver."
"Sometimes the way he stares so hard at me seems to physically hurt."
"Nana’s face is lit up like a Christmas tree."
"You’d never know it, but Rose is in this home movie too, disguised as a tiny bump."
"Life has sharpened her tongue and she is no longer afraid to use it."
"I have to look away when I see what might be brain matter in the red puddle on the floor."
"It’s almost exactly midnight. A few seconds later, the eighty clocks downstairs begin to chime their agreement."
"The world outside the window is cold and dark now."
"There are some memories we can never outrun."
"I’m exhausted, but I never seem to be able to sleep these days."
"The thought of sleeping in the same room with Conor starts a little fantasy inside my head."
"I listen as he opens his laptop on the desk in the corner. There’s no internet here, but it seems that Conor still can’t resist doing a little work this weekend."
"I rush out of my bedroom, along the landing, down the stairs, across the hall, and into the kitchen at the back of the house."
"I can tell we’re all thinking the same thing. It’s not possible to walk across the causeway at this time of night."
"The candles on the table flicker, casting an eerie pattern over all the faces sitting around it."
"Nana takes a sip of her champagne before carrying on."
"He wears his stubble like a mask, always dresses in scruffy jeans teamed with smart shirts."
"That nightmare people sometimes have, where they feel like they are falling? I have it all the time."
"The only visual proof of my condition is carved down the middle of my chest in the form of a faded pink scar."
"A blank canvas might sound appealing, but it isn’t very interesting to look at."
"There’s no humble sherry in this house, not even in a trifle."
"We all have roots in this family and in this house."
"I close my eyes and a single tear escapes them, rolling down my cheek and dampening the pillow."
"I keep completely quiet when I hear him get up and tiptoe across the room."
"This isn’t a crime scene for a BBC correspondent to report on or a murder mystery story for someone to solve. She was my mother. She slipped and fell. Simple as that."
"Caring about other people is more important than being curious about them."
"If you must always break the rules in life, you need to understand how to do so without getting caught."
"Everyone you know is both good and bad, it’s part of being human."
"If you can help change a life, you can help change the person who leads it."
"We all get broken sometimes and if you can help fix someone, you should always try."
"Books saved me, and I ran away inside the stories I read as a child."
"Sometimes I loathe people, I really do. I don’t understand how human beings are capable of such horrific things."
"Vets are more likely to commit suicide than almost any other profession."
"The noise does nothing to calm my nerves. I have always preferred the sound of silence."
"When you’ve spent as much time alone as I have, it can be hard to be around people for too long."
"I don’t think it is,' I say, taking a step back."
"‘Enough!’ Nancy says, and the rest of us are quiet."
"You should only believe in what you want to believe, and you should always believe in yourself."
"Sometimes those moments change shape in our memories, sometimes we stop being able to see them how they really were."
"There’s no need to be afraid of the dead; it’s the living you have to watch out for."
"‘All living things are wild,’ Nancy answered."
"‘We only really acknowledge the beauty and brilliance of someone or something when they die,’ she said."
"Forget what other people say about you, and write your own story."
"We are who we think we are, and there is much beauty in imperfection."
"It’s the living you have to watch out for."
"The fabric of the relationship with my sisters has been repeatedly stretched, torn and restitched over the years."
"We are supposed to love our family. It’s an unspoken rule."
"Whenever I see pictures of other families, their happy faces all covered in matching smiles, I find myself wondering whether it is real."
"We all have our own version of the truth, and it is rarely whole."
"Some families know all the lyrics to one another’s songs and live in harmony, but not us."
"My dad was so proud and pleased that I had shown an interest in what he loved most, music."
"The story we were trying to tell – about a princess, a gremlin and a ghostbuster – makes as little sense to me now as it did then."
"‘Daughters are like gremlins, and there are three rules you mustn’t break,’ I say."
"You need to stand up for yourself, or life will always knock you down."
"Books will teach you anything you want to know, and they tend to be more honest than people."
"The people who love us the most hurt us the hardest, because they can."
"I have a highly active imagination, and it’s been self-taught to imagine the worst."
"The only nobodies in this world are the people who pretend to be somebody."
"‘Don’t spend all of your ambition on other people’s dreams,’ said Nana."
"Sometimes it felt like she wanted me to stay sick and vulnerable forever."