
The Lost Causes Of Bleak Creek Quotes

The Lost Causes Of Bleak Creek by Rhett McLaughlin

The Lost Causes Of Bleak Creek Quotes
"Can’t pass out. Just gotta make it to the fence."
"Though REX MCCLENDON knew that he and his best friends were about to attempt something audacious, he never could have anticipated the category-five suckstorm that would spin out from the next hour of his life."
"It was unclear what techniques his dad was referring to, as Whitewood was just sitting there reading the Bleak Creek Gazette while the grill did its thing."
"I name ’em all! Name ’em after people that did me wrong."
"It is easier than ever for young people to be lured off the straight and narrow by any number of worldly temptations. But once they go astray, we can't give up on them. The Whitewood School knows no lost causes." - Mr. Wayne Whitewood
"I've got no idea how deep this thing goes, but I know there are other adults in town helping him look for me. I've had to move twice already." - Ben
"Do you know what the perfect soft drink temperature is? It's thirty-nine degrees Fahrenheit. Three and eighty-nine hundredths degrees Celsius." - Ben
"He wouldn't believe me. The reason he sent me to the school in the first place was because of my… exaggerations." - Ben
"I'd be very surprised if those exact things happened." - Rex
"You gotta chill out, Stretch." - Vanilla Ice T-shirt guy
"Stop saying sorry! It was a full-on scream, the woman’s dark hair temporarily losing its shape as her voice shook." - The helper
"I think I should go back inside. Thank you, um, Ms. Blitstein." - Tommy Dowd
"The entire staff is devastated. We are deeply saddened that we lost this troubled young man. He was showing so much progress, but still had a wild streak. We honestly don't know what else we could have done." - Wayne Whitewood
"I can't guarantee I would believe me either, considering I referenced my history of embellishment less than two minutes ago."
"They taste like motor oil when they’re warm."
"Still, there was a perverse sweetness to the pain."
"I wasn’t eager to visit the Roll again, but I was proud of how I’d handled it."
"Knowing that she wasn’t alone—that she had an ally at Whitewood, maybe even a friend—made her all the more determined to hold on to her Alicia-ness."
"I killed my sister," Josefina said, staring at Alicia without blinking. "I’m joking," she added, breaking into a smile.
"Alicia had gone so many days without genuinely connecting with anyone."
"You can’t make this movie," Aunt Roberta said, her voice only slightly above a whisper.
"Hard to believe anyone could have a good time in there."
"Sometimes I want it to talk. To converse. To whisper."
"But it’s too late! It’s done, all right? It’s done!"
"You’ve come this far, and now you’re just giving up?"
"He removed his hands from her neck and smiled."
"All this over a movie. Some people are too sensitive."
"Janine, that girl was killed. Alicia. She died in a fire at the school."
"You can’t leave. Because you might actually be able to do something about this. And I want to help."
"This couldn’t happen at First Baptist or even at my parents’ funeral home. Because then Whitewood would lose control of the situation."
"You can’t waste a moment, you know? Because, if you do, the person you care about might be gone."
"I never got a chance to tell her how I feel."
"Are you part of Whitewood’s cult that sacrifices students or is that, like, a separate department?"
"There’s more of us than there are of them! So we don’t have to follow!"
"This group doesn’t even actually know what it is that they’re helpin’ me do. Not really."
"Have you ever loved someone so much you would do just about anything for ’em?"
"Mythicality is the word we’ve come up with that captures what’s been at the heart of our friendship from the very beginning."
"It’s characterized by a desire to learn and do new things, an appreciation of originality, and a tendency to not take yourself too seriously."
"A person who is willing to risk pursuing these values—for the purpose of making the world a better place—is a true Mythical Beast."
"Mythicality encompasses all of the qualities that we want our work, our friendship, and our lives to display."
"We firmly believe that you can approach any aspect of your life with Mythicality."
"Because there are two of us, we will often write in the collective voice."
"If you already consider yourself a member of the Mythical herd, thank you."
"By choosing to read it, you’re demonstrating that you want to be your Mythical best."
"One of the most Mythical parts of our lives is being able to share our work with Beasts worldwide."
"Without you, we would have never been given the opportunity to write this book."