
The Truth About Alice Quotes

The Truth About Alice by Jennifer Mathieu

The Truth About Alice Quotes
"I am going to tell you two definite, absolute, indisputable truths."
"It’s weird, because Alice Franklin doesn’t sound like a slutty name."
"Football is enormous in Healy, but Healy itself is not."
"I’ve seen the other side of things back in Flint, and I am here to tell you that being popular is awesome."
"I wanted her to leave me alone, but I didn’t want to deal with the uncomfortableness of having her upset with me for ignoring her."
"I don’t remember too much about the accident."
"Sometimes my mom cries when she looks at me. It’s real uncomfortable."
"It’s just luck that I didn’t [die], so they’d better keep looking just to be safe."
"Even a recluse like me learned of the events that allegedly occurred at Elaine O’Dea’s party."
"I would have been too scared to not go along with the majority."
"The truth is, in the last few weeks, I’ve started 'forgetting' to meet her at her locker before lunch."
"Sometimes no chair at all. I’ve just sort of shrugged my shoulders and done some halfhearted wave at her."
"I think I knew we weren’t going to be friends anymore the day after Elaine’s party."
"I’ve spent too many years sitting alone in the cafeteria, and I just can’t handle doing it again."
"I have a gifted mind, all right. I know enough to know that I do not want to turn out like Mr. Becker."
"And I know enough to know that to ask Mr. Becker about how to talk to Alice would be more complicated than discussing quantum gravity."
"I’ve wrestled with myself, attempting to find some way to speak with her."
"I’m not gorgeous like some movie star, but I’m pretty. I’m noticeable."
"It was like she was just this insult to girls."
"She was the main attraction. But I had no way to tell her that."
"We were talking about how we didn’t want to start back at school and catching up on all the gossip when Maggie said, 'So what do you think about Mark Lopez and Alice?'"
"My problem basically was (and is) that I don’t know how to relax around guys."
"You could tell she was way more interested in what everybody was saying about Alice and did Alice’s mom know and blah blah blah."
"It’s weird, the feeling of power you get sometimes when you’re popular, but I guess I try to use my power for good, not evil."
"But I think she was worried that maybe we wouldn’t accept her, but Kelsie’s always been cool with me."
"I just kept thinking of how stupid I’d felt that night in the bed with her."
"It’s weird, the things I think about when I remember the wreck and everything that happened afterward."
"Drunk driving late at night is pretty safe around here, I guess."
"Alice Franklin is a whore, slut, ho, bitch, and a killer, too!!!"
"You could say she was distracting him with her texts."
"I guess the principal got mad at that later on because he thought the comment encouraged drinking."
"Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if my dad hadn’t left."
"I thought about living in my parents’ house for the rest of my life. Me and the baby."
"I miss her and I know it’s a totally hypocritical, pathetic thing to say."
"So why is it lame to want to be in a place that feels safe to you and that you like?"
"Like most of the things I do, I can’t really tell you why I did it."
"And if I eat any more Greek yogurt I’m going to become Greek."
"I don’t think someone like Elaine O’Dea would have been nice to me."
"But if you give people enough time, eventually they’ll do the most heartbreaking stuff in the world."
"I think I wanna be her best friend, yeah. Rebel girl, rebel girl."
"I hope Seth Acosta is not the sort of guy who would wear a shirt that reads GREAT LEGS—WHEN DO THEY OPEN?"
"Better to hide toward the back, like people who only go to church on Christmas."
"Sometimes I wonder how old you have to be to feel really nostalgic."
"Because I believe with my wholeheartmindbody that girls constitute a revolutionary soul force that can, and will, change the world for real."
"The Riot Grrrls didn’t care what people thought. They wanted to be seen and heard."
"I don’t think talking in that class gets you anywhere."
"It’s not so much that I want to be popular, because popular people at East Rockport High School are basically assholes, but I like flying under the radar."
"I wish I didn’t give a shit about what people think about me."