
Daughter Of Fortune Quotes

Daughter Of Fortune by Isabel Allende

Daughter Of Fortune Quotes
"The things we forget may as well never have happened."
"What matters is what you do in this world, not how you come into it."
"In the following years, Miss Rose made Eliza her play toy."
"Slavery had been quietly abolished ten years before."
"A wife was the husband’s property, with fewer rights than those of a servant or a child."
"I would happily give half my life to have the freedom a man has."
"In any case, it is still a number of years until Eliza is old enough to marry, and by then she will have a dowry."
"Don’t look at me like that, Feliciano, hair grows."
"The future is in the mines and there you can begin all over again."
"Once a stain on a woman’s honor could be washed away only with blood."
"You live in the clouds, Mr. Todd. We have much to do, we can’t waste time discussing fantasies."
"Life is long and filled with unpleasant surprises. I do not ever want to be a penniless widow, especially not with children."
"The only thing left is for you to get out of this damned port; you’ll be reduced to beggary if you stay here."
"Fresh air and hard work are infallible remedies for the stupidity of love."
"All husbands are boring, John. No woman with an ounce of sense gets married to be entertained, she marries to be maintained."
"A woman without virtue is nothing, she can never become a wife and mother, better she tie a stone around her neck and jump into the sea."
"You are my angel and my damnation; in your presence I reach divine ecstasy and in your absence I descend to hell."
"I will never do to Eliza what my father did to my mother."
"Do not speak to me of tomorrow or yesterday, I live only for the instant, for the today, when I can again sink into the infinite night of your dark eyes."
"Discovering love, Mama," he answered, throwing his arms around her, his face radiant.
"The real money isn’t in gold, Feliciano; when all’s said and done, it’s just yellow crap. The real money is in the miners."
"You must choose your food, orient your bed, and conduct your meditation according to the season of the year and the direction of the wind. In that way you will always resonate with the universe."
"He was prepared to give his life for the pointless glory of a burst of heroism."
"Brilliance in youth does not guarantee worth in maturity."
"The more you learn, the sooner you will know how little you know."
"The wise man desires nothing; he does not judge, he makes no plans, he keeps his mind open and his heart at peace."
"Better a deformed son than a dozen girls as wise as Buddha."
"Justice was meted out promptly and simply, with no appeal or unnecessary cruelty except in the case of betrayal of the emperor."
"The absence of a wife was a sign of poverty that could not be hidden."
"The idea of putting an end to his depressing life by means of an elegant death had been with him for a long time."
"The spirits Tao Chi’en had invoked to help in his matrimonial choice had done their work to perfection."
"Knowledge is not of much use if you can’t defend yourself."
"In a moment of lucidity, Azucena Placeres got Eliza to confess part of her story."
"She saved part of the money she took in to buy indulgences from the Church, thus reducing the days she would have to spend in purgatory in the next life."
"The only ideology is greed. Don't let yourself be parted from your weapons, and always travel in pairs or groups, because this is a land of thieves."
"You could leave your gold in a tent with no guard and no one would touch it, but now all that has changed."
"The climate grew a little cooler as they left Panama behind."
"Her plan was to lend Eliza one of her most splendid outfits and smuggle her off the ship as just another of their band."
"The suffocating heat of the first part of the voyage was replaced with cold and wet."
"He gave his attention to feeding her, and made her exercise so she would be able to walk out of her confinement on her own two feet."
"The Pacific lay behind them, and before them, like a lake of silver, stretched the splendid bay."
"They spent hours discussing the details of the associations created for the adventure."
"The idea of a definitive parting produced a mixture of tremendous relief and inexplicable anxiety."
"The first thing to strike Tao Chi’en when they entered the bay was the forest of masts to his right."
"She did not know what she had lost or gained with that passion. She had left Chile with the purpose of finding her lover and becoming his slave forever, believing that was the way to extinguish her thirst to submit and her hidden wish for possession."
"Here men are proud, with no one above them but the sky overhead; they bow to no one because they are inventing equality."
"I see very few women in the mines, but there are some with enough pluck to accompany their husbands in this dog’s life."
"A man on his own happily pays ten times its value for a loaf of bread baked by a woman’s hands."
"I would like to put on a clean dress and the earrings Miss Rose gave me, so you would see me looking pretty and not as a mannish woman."
"There is no food for the spirit; instead, violence and ignorance prospered."
"Once I was like you, weak and soft, but I began lifting weights and now look at my muscles. No one tries anything with me."
"At least now he could have held it in his hands to summon the presence of that singular friend."
"My karma was not to find peace in a monastery in the mountains, as I sometimes dreamed, but to fight a merciless, no-holds-barred war."
"Here is where we are going to live, Feliciano. The first to arrive become aristocracy in a couple of years."
"I do, but you don’t. Believe me, this will be the most important city of the Pacific."
"People come west to escape the past and begin anew, but our obsessions pursue us, like the wind."
"That’s what I’m doing now," he said, smiling, "digging graves."
"She arrived in the town of Downieville on the Fourth of July and found herself in the midst of a celebration promoted by a candidate for senator and irrigated with a river of alcohol."
"Science isn’t everything, Tao repeated to himself, in order not to forget."
"You cannot imagine what racism is like, Lin; you always lived among your own kind."
"California is a free state, Tao. Slavery is outlawed."
"Remember that the sage is always joyful because he accepts reality."
"It’s very boring to be your stupid little brother, Tao."
"This is a shitty profession, girls. Get yourselves married, go study to be teachers."
"They are the ones most eager for respectability."
"The unpleasant task of nursing everyone fell to Eliza and Tom No-Tribe."
"Their sedentary life bored him, and Joe Bonecrusher had changed so much that he didn’t really feel like working with her any longer."
"To be a man’s master you have to let him get used to living well, and then when he misbehaves you withdraw your favors."
"Nothing is in vain. You don’t go anywhere in life, Eliza, you just keep walking."
"In every incarnation we will keep meeting until we work out our karma."
"My life is here. That is, if you want me to stay and help you."
"If you go around so sad, you won’t have the strength to help anyone."
"To begin with, she would have sympathized with Eliza when she fell in love instead of opposing her."
"Imagine. All this long, dreadful journey in vain."
"A woman can do anything she wants, Eliza, as long as she does it discreetly."
"Your body will change, your thoughts will be jumbled, and any man will be able to do what he wants with you."
"I am free," she replied, holding tightly to Tao’s hand.