
The Day He Came Back Quotes

The Day He Came Back by Penelope Ward

The Day He Came Back Quotes
"The mansion that once held so much life within its walls was now a quiet, echoing shell."
"It was here that I’d fallen in love and had my heart broken all in the same summer."
"One day kept leading to the next, and I began to feel like taking care of him was the least I could do."
"I let him believe I was her, his old friend and confidante."
"Years later, things at the mansion couldn’t have been more different."
"I muttered under my breath, 'Well, fuck you, too.'"
"‘Fuck you three,’ I heard a deep voice say behind me."
"I sighed, looking down at my cup. 'Well, this is a nice, unexpected break.'"
"I’ll give you an example. Did you see that blond girl next to me?"
"It would be nice if they weren’t blabbing where people can hear them in my parents’ house, though."
"I’d better finish putting everything away."
"Speaking of the royals, I would imagine it’s pretty cool living in London."
"I have no doubt Gavin is attracted to you."
"Why don’t you continue to stuff your face like I don’t exist?"
"‘I’m hoping to transfer credits to a bigger university after a couple of years,’ I added."
"She’s such a bitch. And what’s up with that diamond necklace she always wears?"
"Right. Yale, a real concession. Your parents must be very disappointed."
"My mother thinks I need to replicate my father’s success in order to be something in life."
"I want so much more—connections with real people with similar interests, things money can’t buy."
"I’ve made no secret of the fact that I want more with you, Raven."
"I can’t just stand by and do nothing while she treats you like—"
"Raven, please don’t insert yourself into our dinner conversation."
"She needs to tear others down to build herself up."
"I’m not sure anything else can upset her right now, Gavin. It’s okay."
"Raven, we don’t know how we’re gonna feel in a year."
"It’s not fair that you have to feel that way. You should feel comfortable, like this is your home."
"I loved this girl. I hadn’t been falling in love with her. I was in love with her, fully and wholly."
"My heart broke as I looked at her beautiful eyes."
"You don’t want to see me anymore? You will never see me again."
"I didn’t know if she could tell I was fighting them or if she even cared. But I’d made a fool of myself in every other way today, so what were a few tears?"
"Thank you, Raven. Thank you for teaching me you never really know someone."
"After crawling out the window, I ran to my car, secretly hoping she’d yell for me to come back, declare that this was all a mistake."
"I lived with a lot of guilt, though, for never pushing her to get the help she needed."
"But looks could be deceiving, because absolutely nothing was the same as it used to be."
"I finally found my passion, and London had become my permanent home."
"I can’t believe he thinks you’re your mother."
"I should’ve reached out, too. I heard about it on the news and sent flowers to your dad, but like you, I didn’t think you’d want to see or hear from me."
"I had to stop him from telling me more, but I didn’t."
"I wouldn’t want to have any lingering doubt before that happened."
"A good chunk of it. You’re as amazing as ever."
"If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’ve been avoiding me over the past several days."
"Here’s the thing. I’m leaving in a couple of days."
"I actually walked here. Old habit. And I like the exercise."
"Finally, something that’s still standing. Wanna hit it?"
"It’s okay if you’d rather just let this all go."
"Raindrops pelted the windows as a typical, late-afternoon Florida shower came in."
"I took a deep breath. He deserved as much honesty as I could give him without hurting him."
"You just look so sad when I’m around. I could swear you’re about to cry sometimes."
"I promise you don’t upset me. I have a lot of regrets about how I handled us."
"But I understand why you did," I added quickly.
"I didn’t bring you here to push guilt," he said.
"I promised myself I wasn’t going to go here…to this place of vulnerability with you, Raven."
"I was young and stupid. But please...don’t ever think what we experienced wasn’t real for me."
"It took me a really long time to get over you."
"I just moved on despite the lingering feelings. They’re still there, just not as loud."
"I sat huddled on my bed as the evening rain pummeled my window."
"I couldn’t face him tomorrow. I would call in sick for the remainder of his stay."
"I wanted her to tell me what to do, how to make this pain go away, how to forget Gavin."
"I said to myself…‘Marni, you need to do something.'"
"Take tomorrow. Really look inside your heart and ask whether you can live with yourself if you let him walk away."