
Until Sage Quotes

Until Sage by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until Sage Quotes
"Science says it only takes four minutes to fall in love with someone. I didn’t believe that was true, until I met Sage Mayson." - Kim
"You have to push down on the tire while you loosen the bolt."
"It’s pretty awesome. I like lying under it when it rains even more than at night when the skies are clear."
"I work on my house when I have time, but I don’t leave my tools there since someone could break in and take them when I’m not around."
"I can never sleep in. No matter how late I go to bed, I always wake up early."
"I slept better than I’ve slept in a long time,"
"You didn’t even fucking try to find me until you were out of options."
"I don’t fucking care! You don’t fucking need me. You just want to use me like every fucking other person in my life does."
"You were good, babe. So good I would have paid you for it if I knew that’s what you wanted."
"My twin… my twin sister. She… Whatever happened, that wasn’t me. It was my sister."
"I never told him about Kelly, because I didn’t want to ruin whatever was happening between us."
"Feeling sickness climb up the back of my throat, I run for the door of the salon, unlock it, and get inside."
"Fuck everyone, and definitely fuck Sage and Kelly."
"I know you’re a man now. I know you don’t need my advice. But I’m gonna give it to you anyway."
"You’re never going to find someone if you don’t give anyone a chance, if you’re always searching, never stopping to see what’s in front of you."
"The only person that bitch needs help from is the devil."
"You didn’t fuck up. You didn’t do anything wrong."
"I didn’t expect to leave her office feeling as hopeful as I did."
"I’m sorry I was late. Bigfoot ran across the road."
"In the twenty-four hours we spent together, you gave me a taste of something beautiful."
"I forgot all about telling Sage I would go out with him for a million dollars."
"I’ve imagined sharing all of this with you hundreds of times. I’m glad you’re here."
"I know they believed they were protecting me, but having grown up my whole life believing one thing, only to learn it was all a lie, was more devastating than finding out my kidneys were failing in the first place."
"She died not knowing I cared. Not knowing I only wanted her in my life."
"You deserve a man who looks like he would take on the world if it was to protect you."
"We’re not friends, If you haven’t figured that out by now, I’ve still got work to do."
"You girls have worked your asses off for this salon. The clients love you, and I know if you two do decide that you want to buy it, you could do some amazing things with this place."
"Feel whatever you want to feel. Whether it’s happiness or sadness, there is not a right way to deal with grief."
"You are still alive. You are still moving on. Your life didn’t end when hers did."
"You pretending to have a boyfriend didn’t only protect you. It protected me."
"Since the moment we met, I wanted you. And when I walked away from you, I knew. As pissed as I was for what I thought you did to me, I still wanted you and knew no piece of random pussy would change that."
"Right now, we just focus on getting to know each other."
"You better eat before I say fuck it to the food and carry your pretty little ass out of here over my shoulder so I can take you home and show you my gratitude in a different way."
"I’ve never kayaked before. I’m not really an outdoor-activity kind of girl. I’m more of a sit on the edge of the lake or in the sand at the beach and read a book kind of a girl."
"The only difference is you’re mine now, and everyone knows it. Nothing else has changed. Everyone is still going to be loud and inappropriate."
"I’ve got places to be and shit to do, and if your next client comes in before you’re done and you try to kick me out of your chair, I will throw a diva tantrum to end all diva tantrums."
"Sometimes shit sucks for a while, and then later on, when you’re feeling good and happy, you realize why you had to go through what you went through. You realize if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t have had a chance at that happiness you’re feeling."
"Your soft spot, your kindness, and your need to make the people you don’t even know feel better."
"That man was obviously a fucking idiot, or he had never felt what I feel for Kim. I don’t want her happy with anyone else; I want her happy with me. Call me selfish, but it is what it is."
"You scared the crap out of me," she accuses. "Sorry," I reply.
"Zucchini and pasta fried in olive oil and garlic." "Sounds good," I lie, and she grins at me knowingly.
"I don’t drink." Frowning, I realize she doesn’t.
"The food will keep." She gets up on her tiptoes, touching her lips to my jaw.
"I knew when Sage asked me to be here when he got home from work that I would be staying the night."
"God, I will never tire of this. I will never get tired of his weight on top of me and his strength surrounding me."
"Stay, please," I plea, tightening my hold on him.
"Serious as shit, the first moment I saw you I thought for sure the universe was fucking with me."
"You’re beautiful. You’re always beautiful, but when you come… Jesus, I don’t think there is anything more extraordinary than the look you get in your eyes."
"Everyone’s time is limited, baby," I say, gently taking her face in my hands. "No one knows when their time on earth will come to an end."
"Marry me," I say out of nowhere, the words just coming out.
"You’re one of the most amazing women I know. You’re smart, loving, loyal, and inspiring."
"I’ll try to be patient, but I can’t make any promises."
"All any parent wants for their child is happiness. You’re a good man, the kind of man who will take care of her."
"Don’t you think I’ve caught onto that trick by now?"
"I’m willing to wait for you to take my last name. But I won’t wait on this. I want you with me, in my bed, under my roof, and in my life in every way possible."
"That’s the best kind of happy, honey. Hold on to that."
"Every single person has the ability to change the course of their life, no matter who they are, how they grew up, or what they’ve done in their past."
"You do not get to keep shit from me under the pretense that you’re trying to protect me."
"I love you more than I ever thought I could possibly love another person."
"Life sometimes sucks for a while, but when you're feeling good and happy, you'll realize why you had to go through what you went through."
"You realize if you hadn't, you wouldn't have had a chance at the happiness you're feeling."
"Whatever happens, I promise everything will be okay."
"I'm thankful every fucking day for the second chance I was given."
"I started writing for me and will continue writing for you."