
Out Stealing Horses Quotes

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson

Out Stealing Horses Quotes
"Sometimes they fly dizzily off after the impact, other times they fall and lie struggling in the new snow until they can take off again."
"There is a reddish light over the trees by the lake. It is starting to blow."
"I live here now, in a small house in the far east of Norway."
"I have seen eight different species so far, which is more than anywhere else I have lived."
"They say sixty-seven is no age, not nowadays, and it does not feel it either, I feel pretty spry."
"The good thing about the B.B.C.’s World Service is that everything sounds foreign."
"All my life I have longed to be alone in a place like this."
"In less than two months’ time this millennium will be finished."
"Time is important to me now, I tell myself. Not that it should pass quickly or slowly, but be only time."
"I have grown fussy about the hours I get, and although they are not many, I need them in a completely different way than before."
"What woke me was a loud, penetrating sound repeated at brief intervals."
"I give myself that liberty. For the time being there is nothing but an outdoor toilet here."
"Going out for a last pee behind the house I could feel the cold."
"It was pitch dark outside. Going out for a last pee behind the house I could feel the cold."
"I can go out to a neighbour in the night when he is searching for his dog."
"I cannot remember ever being afraid of the dark, but I must have been."
"It’s weird that something so little can come alive and just fly away."
"I did not like doing it, but all the same I did."
"I could have dreamt of any summer at all, but I did not."
"Everything Jon did could be mimicked and turned into a game."
"It was like walking up to your hips in water, with no resistance, as in a dream."
"The sun came gliding over the ridge with its fan of light."
"The bus had stopped, the engine was switched off."
"I had always thought so: that I was no fool."
"A consolation, maybe, or a protest against a world gone off the rails."
"The forest held its breath in the strong light."
"I have never gone along with those who believe our lives are governed by fate."
"I have never seen so many Volvos in one place."
"Everything that was me lay taut and quivering just beneath my skin."
"You only have to be polite and smile and keep paranoid thoughts at bay."
"It's important not to be careless about supper when you are alone."
"I suffer a sudden onset of meaningless melancholy."
"I have nothing against the face in the mirror. I acknowledge it, I recognise myself."
"The only thing I am certain of is that a whole pack of consultants not one of whom has a clue what is going to happen are out to make a buck."
"I felt invaded, that's what it is, and not by just anyone."
"I can clearly remember that night in the cabin when my father was not in bed as he had said he would be."
"Someone who is so well liked by so many people can often be a touch shapeless and unassuming and will go out of their way not to provoke."
"I imagined that under different circumstances they would really not have had anything against each other at all, and might well have been friends."
"My father was not like that at all, it is true he smiled and laughed a lot, but he did that because it came to him naturally."
"I never doubted my special place in his heart, nor my sister’s, though mine maybe even more special than hers."
"He was the man who at regular intervals took the bus out of the village and stayed away for a good while."
"My father kept the line going for two years, through summer and winter."
"But Jon’s mother rowed up the river once or twice a week, with food or without it, to act as some kind of cook for my father."
"It was a bit strange, I thought, that he would need help with that, when he could turn his hand to most things."
"Every time something was wrong she had to go there, every time something important was in the offing she had to go there."
"I sit on the bench for a long time gazing out over the lake. I feel weightless. It is like being saved."
"Lyra snorts at the snow and romps about happily...her legs in the air, twisting and turning her back in the snow with delight."
"Daylight breaks in full red and yellow, the temperature rises, I feel it on my face, and no doubt most of the snow will soon melt."
"Someone is standing in front of the white Mitsubishi, a lady, by the looks of it...she stands, relaxed, waiting."
"You were always reading Dickens at home...I thought Dickens was a special kind of book that only we possessed."
"Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show."
"It’s as if a curtain had fallen, hiding everything I had ever known. It was almost like being born again."
"We do decide for ourselves when it will hurt."