
The Light Fantastic Quotes

The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett

The Light Fantastic Quotes
"The sun rose slowly, as if it wasn’t sure it was worth all the effort."
"When light encounters a strong magical field it loses all sense of urgency."
"Great A’Tuin is the only creature in the entire universe that knows exactly where it is going."
"The opposite of noise is not silence. Silence is only the absence of noise."
"A book that was a good book, and led a clean, decent and upstanding life, could be assured of a future life after death."
"The life of gnomes and goblins is nasty, brutish, and short. So are they."
"The greatest things in life are hot water, good dentistry, and soft lavatory paper."
"You run away a lot. That is good. You are a survivor."
"No self-respecting High Priest is going to go through all the business with the trumpets and the processions and the banners and everything, and then shove his knife into a daffodil and a couple of plums."
"And the night wears on, under a blanket of lowering clouds which covers most of the Disc—which is fortuitous, because when it clears and the astrologers get a good view of the sky they are going to get angry and upset."
"You could eat squishi or shark’s fin soup so fresh that swimmers wouldn’t go near it."
"If you don't want me to say anything, how will you know I understand what you just said?"
"No one takes you seriously when you've got no teeth."
"I never get any royaltiesh," he said. He looked moodily at the snow. "That'sh the shaga of my life."
"I just want to go home! I want to go back to where there's cobbles under your feet and some of the beer isn't too bad."
"You see what you see and I paint what I see," said the imp from its hatch. "What I see is real. I was bred for it. I only see what's really there."
"How should I know? I’ve never been hit by a comet before."
"If I wash twenty yearsh younger, I’d be shixty-sheven."
"When I wash a young man, carving my name in the world, well, then I liked my women red-haired and fiery."
"I can’t believe it! Me riding with Cohen the Barbarian!"
"Ah, then he can’t be mad. I’ve been around; if a man hash lotsh of money he’sh just ecshentric."
"Your average troll don’t want any more out of life than a nice lump of granite, maybe, with perhapsh a nice slab of limeshtone for aftersh."
"It’s just that we imagined that the legend would, well, be a little more—I don’t know, somehow I thought—still, I expect it doesn’t matter."
"We’re a dying race. Young Jasper’s the only pebble in our tribe. We suffer from philosophy, you know."
"I don’t know what she’s thinking about, but she hasn’t moved for two hundred years."
"You’re wanted dead or alive, I’m not really bothered which."
"If loyalty is what you look for in a suitcase."
"We thought you ought to be the first to know," said Bethan, and blushed.
"That's very important," said Twoflower seriously.
"Shometimesh we jusht have to take rishks," he said.
"Plague?" said Rincewind, stopping a man pushing a handcart full of children.
"I shuspect it'll get a lot hotter," said Cohen.
"Stars are small lights in the sky," said Twoflower.
"The star is life, not death," said Rincewind.
"I will count to three," he said, in a friendly tone of voice. "One. Two. Three."
"Books and stuff. They have these great big bonfires."
"You don't live to be eighty-seven in his job if you go around dying all the time."
"Inside every sane person there's a madman struggling to get out."
"The star is just about the only thing I've ever seen him not frightened of."
"We're safe so long as we don't touch the book."
"Somehow, I don’t think it’s to enroll for evening classes."
"You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home."
"The important thing about having lots of things to remember is that you’ve got to go somewhere afterward where you can remember them."
"All you have to do is plummet screaming through the air and break every bone in your body," said Twoflower. "Anybody can do it."