
American On Purpose: The Improbable Adventures Of An Unlikely Patriot Quotes

American On Purpose: The Improbable Adventures Of An Unlikely Patriot by Craig Ferguson

American On Purpose: The Improbable Adventures Of An Unlikely Patriot Quotes
"From this moment on I would dedicate my life to rock and roll and take as many drugs as possible."
"I wanted to move to New York and smoke marijuana and live in an apartment and play the guitar and make out with girls."
"If there was any God or church that endorsed and inspired this fucking madness, then I wanted no part of it."
"I still feel the same. That’s why I believe in a constitution which separates church from state."
"I knew early on he could never do better, and he’s right."
"I wanted to be one of these cool people when I grew up."
"Violence of any kind, once it starts, is like fucking a gorilla—you ain’t done till the gorilla’s done."
"I had peed myself during the night and the coldness of the old piss had crept up my back."
"I had never been to an audition before. I’d thought it would be like a job interview, so I had worn a suit, and the other actors eyed me suspiciously."
"Anne and I explored and delighted in our new neighborhood."
"If I could drink like a normal person, I would not be interested in drinking alcohol."
"Anne was and is a great talker, she’s funny and interested in people."
"I drank what I had to, every day. That’s how much I drank."
"Every decision I made... was the decision of an active alcoholic."
"It’s not about how much you drink. It’s about what the alcohol does to the alcoholic."
"I knew something lived inside me that was out of my control."
"We genuinely cared for each other, too, and I think we were both excited at the prospect of escape and adventure."
"Pleasure in the moment was my only thought, my solitary motivation."
"I was ready to begin trudging through the amends process, getting in touch with many people I knew I’d treated badly."
"I believe it’s the only way I can retain the right to remain sober."
"I don’t know how I can ever repay you for what you did for me," I told him. "Just do it for someone else one day. Pass it on," he said.
"Fear might be God’s way of saying, ‘Pay attention, this could be fun.’"
"I thought about that for a moment. Then I hung an illegal U-turn, much to the beeping consternation of the Portuguese commuters, and headed east."
"I felt I was really starting to get the hang of the sober thing. I felt good."
"Between safety and adventure, I choose adventure."
"She’s right. Still go. This is your life, son, not your mother’s."
"I am the child of two parents and two countries. My mother put the blue in my eyes and my father gave me grit. Scotland made me what I am and America let me be it."
"I didn’t become any less Scottish when I became an American. The two are not mutually exclusive."
"America truly is the best idea for a country that anyone has ever come up with so far."
"We’re not just a nation. We’re not an ethnicity. We are a dream of justice that people have had for thousands of years."
"I proudly took the Oath of Allegiance and received my citizenship at Pomona Fairgrounds in Los Angeles in January 2008."
"Americans taught me failure was only something you went through on the way to success, not just in the sense of career or wealth but as a person."
"I swore an oath not to be cowed by the authority of kings and churches."
"America gave me everything I have today. It gave me a second chance at life."
"We must never mistake disagreement between Americans on political or moral issues to be an indication of their level of patriotism."
"I believe in it. America truly is the best idea for a country that anyone has ever come up with so far."