
Bone Crossed Quotes

Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs

Bone Crossed Quotes
"I stared at the woman in the mirror, but all she did was stare back."
"My soul was a lot more battered than my body, but I couldn’t see it in the mirror."
"I knew with absolute certainty that Adam wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want him to do."
"Was I going to let him have this last victory? Let him destroy me as he’d intended?"
"He kept himself in shape because he was Alpha and his body was a tool he used to keep his pack safe."
"Sometimes it might mean calling in friends, but it was my responsibility."
"If you weren’t interested, I could regroup. If you agreed to be mine, I can wait until Hell freezes over for you."
"Adam isn’t Tim. I thought of Adam’s rage when he’d broken down the door to my garage."
"I knew ... I knew I had nothing to be ashamed about."
"I’d be damned if I was going to be the victim of a loser—or anyone else."
"She still believes in her cousin, Adam. She thinks I made it all up to get out of a murder charge."
"I could try to take out Marsilia. I actually gave that serious consideration, which was a sign of just how desperate I was."
"I had about as much chance of taking out Marsilia as my cat Medea did of taking on a mountain lion. Maybe less."
"I’ll be right out." And I closed my bedroom door on him and leaned against it."
"I might be a dead woman, but I was going to get to keep Adam for however long I had left."
"You don’t have to protect her from me. We’ve all seen she does a pretty good job of protecting herself."
"If you don’t stop playing with that dress, I’m going to rip it right off you, and we won’t be heading for dinner."
"I knew he had a reason to look pathetic. You just need to remember that sad sack or not, he’s still a vampire."
"He touched my face—he liked to do that and had been doing it more and more lately. I could feel the warmth of his fingers all the way to my toes."
"And even if he didn’t, even if he knew what I was—I was just visiting. He couldn’t take offense at that, right?"
"You must be Mercedes Thompson," he said, holding out his hand.
"I don’t like wallowing in tragedy," I told her, trying desperately to sound uninteresting.
"Someone told me she was named after the comic strip Blondie," I added.
"I’ve never been hurt by a ghost, and I only know of a few stories where someone was hurt, mostly only bruises."
"Tell me you didn’t engineer that somehow. I checked for wires and magnets."
"He’s very good at his job," said the vampire with a pleased and possessive smile.
"If I stop breathing, you could just ignore it. Eventually I start breathing again, or I pass out."
"The trick is to join with the pack and with Adam—without losing yourself in them."
"I thought the last night would have taken care of the flashbacks, the panic attacks—I was cured, right?"
"We are none of us perfect, and as pack, we learn to take these imperfections and make them only a small part of who we are."
"You aren’t alone, most people are prejudiced about something."
"I didn’t know that bringing you into the pack would work at all, you know."
"It's hard to argue with instinct, even with reason and logic, isn't it?"
"Not your fault, Mercy. I asked you to open up to me."
"Ill and shaking, I huddled in the vibrating trunk and tried to come up with a plan."
"The realization did a lot to stop my panic. No matter what, I wouldn’t have to face Blackwood."
"Ego, Bran liked to say, got in the way of truth more often than anything else."
"If I left, I left a boy I liked to die at the hands of a monster. If I stayed ... I would be putting myself in the hands of a monster."
"My course laid out, I took a good look at the geography of Blackwood’s trap for me."
"I let all thoughts of Corban drift from me. His fate, his son’s fate ... Amber’s fate were beyond my control right now."
"Maybe I could get out through the roof of the other room. But somehow I didn’t think so."