
Shifting Shadows Quotes

Shifting Shadows by Patricia Briggs

Shifting Shadows Quotes
"I don’t know fae, but she’s lived through worse."
"It is my joy to aid you in any manner I might."
"Love, like any other living thing, needs to be fed. Only if you starve it will it die."
"I have lived long enough to know that love doesn’t die."
"He said he also burned the wolves’ bodies, so they are useless to me. And I must have power."
"If you leave, I will kill your father. Do not think I will not do as I claim."
"Don’t let her touch you. Do not give her access to the fae woman."
"He would resist her, I knew, and it would give me a chance to flee."
"I felt him die. We were bound together, not only by the witch’s powers, but by that same thing that had bound us to Dafydd and the rest of the pack."
"I ran, then, ran to Ariana. Retaining just enough of myself to change back to human as soon as I felt I was near enough to her."
"Human or not, she loved this man who had saved her from her father and washed away the despair of her home with his music."
"She held him through the night. Over the next week, she and Haida between them saw that he was seldom alone and never without something to keep his hands or head busy."
""You I love," he said, his voice a sweet rush that caused her heart to stumble."
"I will carry you in my heart until it beats no more."
"Cold didn’t bother him anymore, but he remembered how it felt: the sharp bite of winter on toes, fingers, nose, and ears."
"If . . . if he did believe, he’d have to believe he was damned, and had been since his father had brought him to the old man."
"The darkness soothed him, as did the growing heat. It was always hot in the lower levels."
""What would you do for me in return?" he said, breathing in for the first time in a long time."
"It was the first time he’d fed from someone other than the Master, and it was hard to stop."
""What is your name?" she asked. "I’m Margaret Flanagan. Maggie.""
""You have it now," she told him. "What will you do with it?""
"Only then, staring at the dust that had been his Master, did Thomas understand the gift he’d been given."
""Cars just are, darlin’," Jack would tell her with a grin as he escorted her out of the apartment to keep watch as she moved the Ford."
"She’d paid him back, on top of the desk wearing (at least at first) a cream-colored lace teddy her mother had given her."
"She’d not remember the dinner clearly or what they’d discussed."
"Reading wasn’t the only pleasure she regained."
"One evening she woke up and realized she was happy. It was a very disconcerting feeling."
"She closed her eyes and let a soft smile stretch her lips as she nodded her head to the music."
"A werewolf, especially a dominant wolf, is always on the edge of violence."
"An Omega wolf is like the Indian medicine men, outside of the normal pack rankings."
"All your wolves are your children, Leo, you know that."
"Hunting is part of what we are. We aren’t cats to prolong the kill."
"No werewolf, acting on instincts alone, would attack an Omega."
"You are a gift, Anna. An Omega wolf in the pack means that more wolves survive the Change."
"The anger and the hunter’s wariness that his wolf always held was only a faint memory."
"Being of a more cautious nature than his wolf, he would wait until he knew her a little better."
"She might not be aggressive, but she had a limit to how far she could be pushed."
"I have no control," he told her. "The wound’s not that bad—it’s the silver."
"I won’t be forced, either. I’ve had enough. If that makes me a dog in the manger, so be it."
"She was so sure of Anna’s obedience, she didn’t even wait to make certain Anna listened."
"I would have filled her arms with jewels or gold if I could have. I would have destroyed the world for her—I was young and dramatic, you understand."
"Roses smelled like happiness. Whenever she smelled a rose, she thought of the day we met."
"We all should have things that we may keep to ourselves."
"It is easier to work pack magic in the woods."
"It wasn’t in a werewolf’s nature to tamely bow to authority just because it was presented to them."
"You can just settle your butt down, sweetheart. Get used to it now, my friend. Life for you is going to be all about hurry up and wait."
"Change is neither good nor bad. It's just change."
"The whole drive between my garage in east Kennewick to Prosser is usually about forty-five minutes on the interstate."
"The road was one of those sneaky dirt roads hidden in the narrow gap between fences."
"A ghost, my dear sister, gains power when it is seen."
"You have to find out why it is lingering—confront it and take away its reason for being there."
"Life for you is going to be all about hurry up and wait."
"Finding his wife’s dead body and then being charged with her murder had started the ball rolling."
"Important werewolves drip authority and (usually) dignity."
"I like the toy boats because they show someone's personality."
"Despite being the shortest person on the porch, he had enough authority to make Zack drop his gaze."
"The connection between them was bright and clear."
"I'm a mechanic by trade. This ghost thing is not my chosen profession."
"Emotions have a scent—more of a feel, I guess."
"Sometimes she looks alive. I’ll look over, and she’s eating at the table next to me."
"All she can tell me is that she can’t leave."
"I am not in the habit of sharing my family secrets with everyone."
"You should know that I’m not fae or werewolf, but I am something."
"Love is a good antidote to a lot of foul magic."
"I thought ghosts were supposed to be attached to the place they died."
"Sometimes people learn to lie so well I can’t hear it in their voice."
"Finding anything in this mess is going to take an act of God."
"You have no power. You have no place. You will not hurt anyone ever again."