
Desolation Angels Quotes

Desolation Angels by Jack Kerouac

Desolation Angels Quotes
"It's me that's changed and done all this and come and gone and complained and hurt and joyed and yelled, not the Void."
"The void is not disturbed by any kind of ups or downs."
"Make no comments, complaints, criticisms, appraisals, avowals, sayings, shooting stars of thought, just flow, flow, be you all."
"So shut up, live, travel, adventure, bless and don't be sorry."
"Desolation, desolation, how shall I ever repay thee?"
"But I will be the Void, moving without having moved."
"Dont ever think for one minute that you are left alone."
"For smoking all I have is Air Force paper to roll my tobacco in."
"For morning in Lightning Gorge is only a beautiful dream."
"There's nothing to write about, everything is nothing, there's everything to write about!"
"What think you, Mahamati, would such a person be considered wise or foolish?"
"The sound of silence is all the instruction you'll get."
"Desolation, Desolation, wherefore have you earned your name?"
"In this world, of overrated pleasures, and underrated treasures, I'm glad there is you."
"The candle burns and when that's done the wax lies in cold artistic piles."
"The world's upside down and funny and it's a crazy movie."
"In the paper store my God a thousand girlie books showing all the fulsome breasts and thighs in eternity—I realize 'America’s going sex-mad, they cant get enough, something’s wrong, somewhere.'"
"It’s the beat generation, it’s béat, it’s the beat to keep, it’s the beat of the heart, it’s being beat and down in the world and like oldtime lowdown."
"Everything is so keen when you come down from solitude, I notice all Seattle with every step I take."
"I sleep a good solid ten hours and wake up roses-refreshed."
"It’s all too much, I feel wonderful and wild, I’ve found my friends and a great vibration of living Joy and of Poetry is running thru us."
"Simon wants to be 'as perfect as Cody,' he says, as a driver, a 'talker,'—he adores Cody."
"Ah yes, aw well," says Cody finally, and goes off, to work on the railroad.
"Then he just simply wanders out of the house and walks in the sun and asks the weirdest questions: 'Dyou think the sun’ll fall down?'"
"As long as I got my junk I'm satisfied to stay home and read H. G. Wells' Outline of History, which I've re-read about a hunnerd times I guess."
"The world is so goofy everywhere—like you imagine that when you get to Paris with Simon there'll be raincoats and Arc de Triomphes of brilliant sadness and all the time you'll be yawning at bus stops."
"We all wander through flesh, while the dove cries for us, back to the Dove of Heaven."
"I was determined with the same grin to disprove Dostoevsky!"
"The discipline of making the mind the slave of the tongue with no chance to lie or re-elaborate."
"Who on earth, claiming to be sound of mind, could call this gentle old guy a fiend—thief or no thief?"
"For God has a bigger foot than Lazarus and all the Texcocos and Texacos and Mañanas of tomorrow."
"I s’pose you’re going to be a big literary god and everybody’s going to eat you up, so you should let me protect you."
"They gnaw and gnaw till there’s nothing left of you."
"I’ve read books—I’ve met authors—I’m writing a novel myself—I think I’ll call it Fly Now, Pay Later."
"Blondes have soft personalities—I’ve got whole future lifetimes left to deal with that softness—"
"You should know more Jewish girls! They not only love you they bring you pumpernickel bread and sweet butter with your morning coffee."
"The smell of old settlements and their cookpots and dungheaps—"
"The Cardinals like 'Silk stockings full of mud,' the American congressmen who 'shine and stink like rotten mackerel in the moonlight'—"
"Why did God do it? or is there really a Devil who led the Fall?"
"Nothing, nothing, nothing O but nothing could interest me any more for one god damned minute in anything in the world."
"I suddenly realized I had nowhere to turn at all."
"Avoid the World, it’s just a lot of dust and drag and means nothing in the end."
"But it was really in Tangiers after an overdose of opium the turningabout really clicked down and locked."
"What a crazy picture, maybe the picture of the typical American, sitting on a boat mulling over fingernails wondering where to really go, what to do next—"
"Human courage is an opiate but opiates are human too."
"If God is an opiate so am I. Therefore eat me. Eat the night, the long desolate America between Sanford and Shlamford and Blamford and Crapford, eat the hematodes that hang parasitically from dreary southern trees, eat the blood in the ground, the dead Indians, the dead pioneers, the dead Fords and Pontiacs, the dead Mississippis, the dead arms of forlorn hopelessness washing underneath—"
"I realize there’s nothing to do but get off the bus and get a hotel suite and get a good night’s sleep."
"Everybody knows what it feels like after two days of vibration on wheels to suddenly lie in still beds on still ground and sleep."
"This is the church of Maria de Guadalupe. A peasant found a shawl in Guadalupe Mexico with Her Face imprinted on it."
"The only answer Alex Fairbrother has for my question about horror is with his eyes."
"Love, Suffer, and Work is the motto of my family."
"It’s a terrible thing to hear from the lips of human beings that a fellow sufferer has finally died."
"A peaceful sorrow at home is the best I’ll ever be able to offer the world."