
The Death Of Ivan Ilych And Other Stories Quotes

The Death Of Ivan Ilych And Other Stories by Leo Tolstoy

The Death Of Ivan Ilych And Other Stories Quotes
"It seemed to me very simple and evident that we must live to be happy, and a great deal of happiness seemed lying before me in the future."
"There is no position in which one cannot be happy."
"I don’t want to play at life, I want to live."
"What if in reality all my life, my conscious life, has been not the right thing?"
"People who do not love each other marry, and then they wonder that they get along inharmoniously."
"Don’t trust a horse in the field, or your wife in your house."
"Only at that instant I recalled their faces that evening after they had played the Kreutzer Sonata."
"Every glance, every movement of his, though I did not see them, was echoed in my heart."
"I longed for activity, not for a peaceful evenly flowing life. I longed for excitement, danger, and sacrifice for my feeling."
"I have lived through a great deal, and it seems to me that I have found what one wants to be happy—a quiet, secluded life in our remote countryside."
"But I longed for every one to see our love, for people to try and hinder my loving him, so that I could love him in spite of everything."
"I did not look at him, but my soul was full of happiness, happiness that seemed to have gone forever and was coming back to me."
"The fact that he understood me at once; that again I was a child before him; that I could do nothing that he would not understand and have foreseen, exasperated me more than ever."
"I was in terror that the tie which made up my whole happiness would be severed for ever."
"I felt that every day the routine of our life was nailing our life down into one definite shape; that our feeling was becoming not spontaneous, but was affected by bondage to the monotonous, passionless action of time."
"It was loathsome that the prince thought you pretty, and that consequently you are rushing to meet him, forgetting your husband and yourself and womanly dignity."
"The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness." - Fyodor Dostoevsky
"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." - Friedrich Nietzsche
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy." - Dalai Lama
"Life is never fair, and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not." - Oscar Wilde
"Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien
"Depravity does not lie in anything physical; depravity does not imply any physical deformity; depravity, genuine depravity, consists in freeing oneself from the moral relations to women with whom you enter into physical relations."
"The abyss of error in which we live in relation to women, and our relations to them. It is true I cannot talk with any calmness in regard to this."
"Yes, only by tormenting myself as I have, only by means of this have I learned where the root of the whole trouble is."
"The vast proportion of them are manufacturing unprofitable adornments, such as carriages, furniture, trinkets, for women."
"Women, like tsaritsas, hold as prisoners in slavery and hard labor about ninety per cent of the human race."
"But as long as humanity exists, this ideal will be before it, and of course this is not the ideal of rabbits or of pigs."
"I was a frightful pig, but I imagined that I was an angel!"
"It even seems to me that it is essential to tell the truth about this. It was awkward, shameful, vile, pitiable, and, above all, it was wearisome."
"If it be granted that God created men for the attainment of a certain end, then He must have created them mortal, without sexual passion, or immortal."
"And so our whole life with our children was no joy but a torment for her, and, therefore, for me also."
"But all the time, I did not cease to be tortured by jealousy."
"It is amazing what coincidences may be found in a regular and even in an irregular life."
"The mere thought of the wild beast which then awoke in me fills me with horror."
"A dead body should be given back to the earth, and they’re grinning at it there!"
"The sky was so bright, the air so clear, and life played so joyously in Nazárov’s soul."
"He rejoiced that with every step he was gaining on Hadji Murád."
"The possibility of anything sad or dreadful happening never occurred to him."
"Oh, good Lord! Oh, dear me! Dear me! What have they done?"
"The nightingales, that had hushed their songs while the firing lasted, now started their trills once more."
"All these images passed through his mind without evoking any feeling within him."
"He felt nothing more, and his enemies kicked and hacked at what had no longer anything in common with him."