
Survivor In Death Quotes

Survivor In Death by J.D. Robb

Survivor In Death Quotes
"So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men, And Death once dead, there's no more dying then." - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
"Might as well be in prison, Nixie thought, as she scooted out of bed."
"Murder was always an insult, and had been since the first human hand had smashed a stone into the first human skull."
"I need to do what's right for your mom and dad, for your brother and your friend."
"I'm not going to leave you, but you gotta loosen the grip."
"They killed, they killed my mom. I saw, I saw."
"Because you did, it's going to help me find the people who did this, and make them pay."
"Attention's this way, toward the housekeeper's rooms."
"Catch the fresh scents, and the death scents, under the smear of chemicals."
"The spatter shows that her head was turned a little, so her body's on her left side, facing away from the bed--the way he left her after he cut her throat."
"Cold, no hand slapping, no good job. Slice five people, strip off the gear, and move on."
"Adults have to come first, have to be done at the same time."
"They slept back-to-back, the ass-to-ass snuggle."
"I work with the police. I try to help them understand the people who commit crimes."
"I wanted an Orange Fizzy. I'm not supposed to have them without permission."
"Dad says if you see somebody getting hurt, you call Emergency and the police will come and help."
"One day, when she looks back on this, I want her to know the people who did this are in a cage."
"People don't always stay tucked in through the night. They get up to whiz, or because they're worried about their work and can't sleep. Or because they want a damn Orange Fizzy."
"And no matter how much gain you stuff in your pocket, there are still empty spaces. You filled them for me."
"You're right, I can't understand, not really, what you feel, what you're going through, what you have to face. But I do know this... Linnie is ours now, too. We can't protect her now, but we will serve her. We will stand for her."
"We raised such a happy child. But we failed. I failed, you see. I didn't protect her. I didn't keep her safe."
"What good was power if you didn't flex its muscles now and again?"
"Marriage, to Eve's mind, was a kind of obstacle course. You had to learn when to jump over, when to belly under, and when to stop your forward motion and change direction."
"World going to hell in a handbasket... Whole place, and everything in it, is going to burn. Get what you ask for. Reap what you sow."
"You don't hear them, girl. Quiet as snakes, that's the French for you."
"Keep walking, and don't look back. You never know what else is going to pop into her head."
"It's important to observe stuff, file it away. You never know."
"Sometimes, if I'm up writing late, or if Mrs. Grentz has been a particular pain--I mean, you got a load right? She's funny, but sometimes she wears."
"I rent from her--well, her son pays the rent. I'm a kind of unofficial caretaker--her and the place."
"And she always seemed to pull the other forty-nine."
"She hated the smell of garbage--urban perfume--and the noise."
"We're not here to hassle you, Hildy. We're here about five people who were murdered in their beds."
"What do you know? I don't drive no van. Big and black, and moved slick as goose shit."
"But still, I've got a great-aunt who's half French and I was sort of insulted with Mrs. Grentz's French cracks."
"Nothing that catches the eye, and the driver obeys all traffic regs."
"She stood up, called this in. But make it clear, Nadine, like crystal, that she was unable to give any description of the perpetrators."
"You actually give more than a passing thought to the people in the story."
"She probably meant it as a kind of compliment. But still, I've got a great-aunt who's half French and I was sort of insulted with Mrs. Grentz's French cracks."
"Disobedient child. Disobedient children should be punished. Isn't that right?"
"You're a cog on that wheel. A cog on the wheel that crushes out the lifeblood."
"I try not to use bad language in front of the kids, but I forget."
"You're courageous, but not reckless. I know. Just as I know there are risks you'll take, risks you'll feel duty-bound to take. Don't keep them from me."
"Your ordinary, even better-than-average, B and E man isn't likely to have access to a palm-sized breaker in the range capable of reading that system, certainly not at that speed."
"The equipment would also have to be tailored specifically for that system."
"I value my skin--a very great deal. I'll do what it takes to protect it."
"You're not just an authority figure. You're her savior."
"Fuck my file. And fuck you, too, if you think I give a rat's ass about it."
"You nearly died," Eve repeated, and it was partner to partner now, a unity tighter than most marriages.
"We're going to hunt them down, and we're going to take them out."
"We're not supposed to be smarter than this, aren't we?"
"I don't like to think about those things. Cows banging each other in the field. Bizarre."
"One day they're going to make a mistake--a big one--and mutant clone cows are going to revolt and start eating people. You wait and see."
"You see a lot of characters in your line of work."
"Training, yes, skill developed through that training and through discipline--both physical and mental. Spiritual, if you will. And with that, instinct."
"Justice doesn't always balance the scale, Master Lu, but it's the best we have."
"I saw this vid once where these clone pigs developed intelligence and started attacking people."
"She had a bed, her meals, her entertainment, courtesy of the NYPSD. If you ask me, she's warm enough now to sweat."
"I'll schedule that--as soon as you tell me when the hell you're going to be finished."
"The obsession of one was the obsession of the other."
"Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye, In every gesture dignity and love."
"Not true. Who are you weeping for, if not for her?"
"Who hurt you? What's your name? Where's your mom and dad?"
"I see myself lying in a puddle of my own blood and puke and piss after he beat me unconscious. And yet here I am, aren't I? Damn good suit, big house, a wife I love more than life."
"I've wondered if I'd be a good father. I think I would be. I think we'd be good at it, either despite or because of where we came from. Maybe both."
"They watched an innocent, desperate child suffer for what they deemed a bigger cause. I don't forget it, but I've made my peace with it."
"I'd have bought her off, if that had been an option. Money fixes all sorts of problems, and why have so bloody much if you can't buy what you like?"
"You steady me. I didn't even know how far off balance I'd been, and here you steady me."
"You can't deal the cards, you just play them."
"Being held like this, she knew she could go back to the hurt stronger."
"The sensation had her fingers digging into him."
"He wasn't sure he could have, not now, not with the sensations that pounded him, not with her reckless words ringing in his ears."
"It's like a mirror," Eve said. "No, like magnets. They just kept duplicating each other's moves until they slapped together."
"I hope so. I won't be going in blind," she added as she tugged the shirt back in place.
"Everyone does." When Roarke gently cleared his throat, she slid her gaze in his direction. "Even you, ace. If I wanted to find yours, I'd just put you on as consultant."
"I told Nixie the pain lessens. I think it must. But it never goes completely, does it?"
"She's lost more than I ever had. It's humbling to think of."
"I wonder how long that little girl will grieve for hers."
"Some children you could save, you could keep, he thought. And some you couldn't."
"Because your father was a good man who did good work."
"You're not supposed to understand it. Nobody's supposed to understand why some people decide to take lives instead of living decent ones of their own."
"I would have been lost without you, after Marlena."
"Every step of my life was bringing me to you."
"She needs me to close this thing, and I can't if I get jammed up with bullshit. So we straddle the line, and Webster will keep the brass off our ass until we do."
"I've got to go up, because my friend's hurt." Or dead. "Because it's my job."
"They won't. I've got to go up, because it's my job."
"You don't make a sound, not a fucking sound. You don't come out until I say so."
"She'll live a long time--the longer the better--because she'll never be free again."
"I want the evidence from this scene so clean I could eat off it."