
One Minute Out Quotes

One Minute Out by Mark Greaney

One Minute Out Quotes
"You better speak English, Niko, otherwise the only language we can communicate in is pain."
"Do not try to leave, and you will be treated with respect."
"I have never heard the term when related to trafficking, but a consortium is just an association of organizations."
"It's my job, Captain. Just as keeping people safe here in Dubrovnik is yours."
"I didn’t choose this life. Let’s leave it there."
"Guilt can be a driving force for good, for doing what’s right. Or it can be a limiting force."
"If you don’t feel guilt, then you can’t change."
"I’ve fucked up before. I’ve gotten people killed. People who didn’t deserve it. It never goes away, but I tell myself the only thing I can do is to help others."
"If she’d just trusted the American, she wouldn’t be moments away from death now."
"Walk as slowly as you can. You have to slow them down."
"Either way, right now I’m Talyssa Corbu’s only hope."
"I’m having a hard time coming up with a cogent plan, but I’m definitely preparing for a confrontation."
"But everyone below me is shouting as one as they lunge for their prisoner, who herself is screaming and shouting."
"And if these motherfuckers think she is distracting, just wait till they get a load of me."
"I’m right behind you. I need you to hold on to something, anything. I’m going to wreck the vehicle you’re in, and it’s going to be bad, but I have to do it."
"I tell myself that if I were her, I’d rather suffer a violent car crash than torture followed by a point-blank gunshot to the back of the head."
"I can’t save the women now, and in this low moment I wonder if I came all this way just to watch them sail off into oblivion."
"Not until she took some of these bastards with her."
"She knew what was happening now. It all made perfect sense."
"But the truth was that she did not want to die. Not until she took some of these bastards with her."
"It’s not rape if you want it, and you will want it."
"But, please, for your own good, listen to one piece of advice from me."
"Good things are in store for you, young lady."
"The South African. John. Do what he says, when he says it. He is not a gentle man."
"Trust me, John is the cruelest person I’ve ever met and, frankly, dear, in this organization, that is saying something."
"I am here to help you along your path, but this path will have some bumps along the way."
"John, and the Greek who owns the yacht, they are the bumps you’ll have to contend with before I get you to your final destination."
"No problem. You’re about to get one hell of a kick-ass lesson."
"It’s a hell of a thing to not know if your sibling is alive or dead, but to know, either way, that you were the one who put your sibling in peril."
"It’s best for everyone if we get right to it, don’t you?"
"Guilt can cripple you. Or it can be a driving force. Only your internal strength decides how you respond to your failures."
"Trust me, it doesn’t go away, but after a while, you get used to it."
"I fucking hate to admit it, but I live for this shit."
"You just have to go to the police there, they can find out where—"
"The cops are useless in this. The pipeline only goes places where they control a section of the police."
"I’m glad you killed that man. The Serbians had been raping the girls, anyway. That is not your fault."
"I check my air and realize the leak in my regulator is worse than I thought."
"Normally I could make a tank this size last an hour at this depth with this level of exertion, but now it looks like I have less than fifteen minutes."
"I am amazed by the reserves some people have."
"I’m not. I tell myself that nobody on or in this water tonight has more drive to execute his mission than I do."
"I accomplished nothing more tonight than finding out the city where the market is being held, but it’s enough to move forward."
"She is as strong as I’ve seen from someone in this situation."
"When I want to be seen, I can make it happen. When I want to disappear, same thing."
"I’m not trying to make life more difficult here for anyone. I just want the property back."
"None whatsoever. I just want to bring a nice girl home to her father."
"If I give you information, you must do a job for me. A difficult job."
"Listen up. We have a sixteen-passenger van waiting to take us into the city. As I told you before, our mission this evening is the location and removal of a CIA asset, code named Violator."
"Intimidation is about selling an attitude. The more they believe you will do something, the less you will have to do."
"If you talk to your lawyer, then this deal is off the table."
"I’m going to put you on the phone with someone. He’s going to give you some direction for this evening."
"Perfect sight line, close enough to see with binos, far enough away for a chance to escape and evade, and easy to get into with the activity of the patrons."
"I’ve spent the last ten minutes thinking about calling Talyssa back, but I decide against it."
"They aren’t Mala del Brenta, and they don’t have the look or feel of Italian mob."
"And maybe they’ve seen me, and they are converging for the kill."
"But no, that could lead to a bloodbath, there are still civilians around, and although the Ground Branch dudes are here to fuck up my mission, they are still my brothers."
"I start to turn to run in the opposite direction, but before I can do so, Travers yells at the top of his lungs. 'Gentry! Down!'"
"Simultaneous to me opening up on the shooter to the north, I hear the snapping of two handguns coming from the south by the canal."
"This feels like a stalemate, but I have a strong suspicion that both sides have more men with guns on the way to this fight."
"You good, Pete?" "For now, yeah. We might have to jump into this nasty-ass water behind us, though. Not looking forward to that."
"I’m just about to lean out around the scooters when behind me I hear the wail of a siren."
"I never got a chance to thank you for saving my life." "Not how I remember it. You took an unlucky hit, I bandaged you up, and then I left. You’d have made it, anyway."
"I’m targeting a massive sex trafficking consortium."
"He’s doing something we need him to keep doing."
"I can’t have you dying. I mean . . . not unless it’s on one of my ops."
"You work with the biggest shitheads on the planet so you can go after some other big shithead."
"People in the Balkan pipeline call him the Director."
"You can be deep cover, invisible, stealthy like a fucking greased ninja cat."
"Don’t die, that’s what else. I have work for you."
"I understand and wilco on all, Matt. Thanks."
"It won’t change anything. He wants this one back at the Ranch, more than I’ve ever seen him want any of the merchandise in the years I’ve worked for him."
"I prefer to see this new development as an opportunity."
"Sometimes I feel nothing at all. But sometimes, when it’s just the right person . . . I feel fan-fucking-tastic."
"I didn’t know who she was when I punched her lights out on the boat. Thought she was just some whore."
"You think you’re some kind of a hero, don’t you, mate? I know your type."
"I’d work with Satan himself to help these victims, Zack."
"You want your kid being raised by a good man, don’t you?"
"America was just as dirty as the other countries the pipeline ran through."
"I’m going to be going out hunting traffickers and abusers till I take my last fucking breath."
"I spend part of the day running simulated room-clearing drills with Rodney and Kareem, the two men who will hit the house with me."
"You think you men are the only ones who can fight?"
"You are not going to take that away. Nobody is going to take that away from us. Do you understand me?"
"You are a criminal, and I’m not talking about cooking the books. You’ve been doing that for twenty years."
"I can handle that rifle on your chest, but you won’t let me because you men are too proud to—"
"Every one of them seems happy to be free from captivity, which is a relief."
"I’ve known a few powerful assholes myself, and she’s correct about their modus operandi when dealing with trouble."
"Men like this, wealthy, powerful men. They have a lot of places they can flee to in times of danger."
"But one thing feels certain. I got us to Venice, and Talyssa got us to Rancho Esmerelda."
"It was too late to save her, Roxana was certain. They would kill her soon enough, no matter what she did."
"I’m in the utility room hiding. Please help!"
"It might be a half hour; they’ll want to know what they’re getting into."
"In my world we call my situation a deficit of initiative, but that’s just a fancy way of saying this asshole got the drop on me so now I’m fucked."
"I need a new strategy, and hope definitely isn’t it."
"I realize what I have to do now, and I don’t love it, but it’s my only play."
"I have to leave it there for now; otherwise it will only bleed more."
"The road in front of her was empty other than parked cars."
"Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future."
"I’m just a surfer, bro. I don’t need much. But I need my life."
"We aren’t all like that, you know? Some of us out here are just trying to make a living."
"I don’t make the rules. I just follow them. Sometimes."
"Hope isn’t a strategy, but sometimes it’s all you’ve got."