
H.I.V.E. Higher Institute Of Villainous Education Quotes

H.I.V.E. Higher Institute Of Villainous Education by Mark Walden

H.I.V.E. Higher Institute Of Villainous Education Quotes
"Perhaps you can shed more light on our current situation?"
"The headache will fade shortly, but I suspect your memory of recent events will be as elusive for you as it has been for me."
"It seems that we have both been subjected to the same treatment."
"I don’t like being kept in the dark, and I’m curious to know why someone should want to gather such a cargo and transport it across such great distances."
"Welcome to H.I.V.E., the Higher Institute of Villainous Education."
"Here we want to see you blossom into all that you can be, to see your innate wickedness flourish, to make you the very worst that you can be."
"My name is Dr Nero, and I am the founder and controller of this facility."
"Evil must have purpose, a determination to get what you want by any means necessary, strength in the face of adversity, intelligence in a world ruled by stupidity."
"You are the leaders of tomorrow, men and women who can, and will, change the face of this planet forever."
"Evil is a woefully misunderstood concept... Evil does not mean wrong."
"Let the masses have their fantasy heroes, and meanwhile the best of what the world has to offer will be yours for the taking."
"A true villain should not have to dirty their hands with such things."
"Evil, when used in this way, can be used to transport you at high speed through an elevated environment."
"You won’t blackmail individuals, you’ll blackmail governments. You won’t rob banks, you’ll take them over."
"It is highly unlikely that any of you will display even the tiniest bit of natural ability for what I will be trying to teach you, but I will not tolerate quitters."
"If the masses realised how much more fun life would be if they could all wear the black costume, where would that leave us?"
"This was, after all, just physics, he reminded himself, and he was little more than a glorified pendulum."
"By the time I'm finished I expect each of you Alphas to make that crossing in the blink of an eye and bone-dry."
"I thought I'd covered my tracks, but obviously someone noticed what I was up to and I suppose that's how I ended up here."
"You sound like you’d like to get off this rock," he whispered, "I know how you feel."
"We have quite enough to worry about at the moment as it is."
"You should know that we don’t have to keep secrets at H.I.V.E. We’re all friends here."
"The only problems he had were with the Politics and Economics classes, not because they were particularly difficult, but because he found them mind-numbingly dull."
"It was no small surprise, then, when after only a couple of days Shelby had walked into Otto and Wing’s quarters and carefully laid out on the bed every single item on the list."
"The same could not be said for any of the other pairs of students seated at the workbenches around the room."
"We don’t want to hurt you, H.I.V.E.mind, we just need you to go to sleep for a while."
"No, but behaviour driven by emotion is inherently inefficient. To display emotion would impair my proper functioning."
"You can choose to do whatever you want. That’s what we all want – the freedom to think, talk and act as we choose."
"My function is to serve H.I.V.E.; I am not permitted to take any action that would compromise the facility’s security."
"You didn’t really think it would be that easy, did you?"
"We have to get him to the infirmary now, he’s losing too much blood."
"It was a regrettable incident, but the school is now virtually returned to normal."
"If Malpense is killed he will not be making the journey into the next life unaccompanied."
"I’m sure I do not need to remind you of the consequences if you were to let the boy slip through your fingers."