
Tales Of The Otherworld Quotes

Tales Of The Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong

Tales Of The Otherworld Quotes
"Give me farm life any day. Plenty of shit there, too, but at least there was room to spread it around."
"The buildings not only crowded your view, they crowded out the moonlight."
"It's a gift of my blood, told to each woman before she weds."
"Always remember that it's a gift, and gifts from God are to be used in his service."
"Help those less fortunate than you, and you'll please him."
"The only thing his gut did these days was complain when he wasn't paying it enough attention."
"You have to fight back. And I would, if it was just some guy who mistook me for a helpless young woman."
"I wasn't stupid enough to piss off a guy like that. Just stupid enough to do business with him."
"I don’t deal well with authority. Never have."
"I knew better than to push my luck. I had my high school diploma."
"A single act of rebellion, quickly regretted, leaving me to pay the price."
"The supernatural underground was a tricky place to maneuver, an easy place to get lost."
"I may screw up, but as you said, I’m capable of learning."
"It's not guilt—it's wrong. Morally reprehensible. Violates the Sixth Commandment and all that."
"Sneaky is the sign of a clever manipulator. Spiteful is the sign of a petty one."
"I'm not about to get into anyone’s debt, especially yours."
"I’ve built a life here. Okay, maybe a year isn’t exactly your idea of permanency, but for me, it is."
"It didn’t matter, though, because he wasn’t falling back, and that meant it was safe."
"Hockey combines skill, strategy, and good old-fashioned brute force. I could relate to that."
"I suppose shock should have been the correct response. Now I just looked at him, sitting in the penalty box, and thought, I should have guessed."
"This is me. This is the real me. This is the me no one else gets to see."
"I trusted Kristof more than I’d ever trusted anyone in my life."
"A deep, light-my-insides-on-fire kind of kiss."
"Making me wait doesn’t seem very chivalrous."
"You could have both. A friend and a lover—one person to share everything with."
"We just wrung as much from it as we could, while we could."
"I hope you’ve had a lot more of those than I think you have, because otherwise, I don’t know what the hell is going through your head right now."
"I’d never let anything happen to you, Eve. Never."
"I want this. More than I’ve ever wanted anything, and my father will understand that."
"But now there was. And I didn’t care, because when it came down to it, there was only one question to be answered."
"For everything he’d done. I wasn’t the same person he’d met a year ago."
"I had to let him think I’d left because I wanted to."
"I’d been allowed to keep one small part of him, and I was grateful for that."
"I thought I’d come to see you. If I didn’t make plans, like meeting you for breakfast, then that’s my fault."
"I’m sorry. This weekend. It was just…I don’t know."
"I’ve never made love, so when it does happen, it’ll be my first time."
"They were pinching my feet, so I took them off by the bin. I guess I was distracted and just left them there."