
The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story Of Cold War Espionage And Betrayal Quotes

The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story Of Cold War Espionage And Betrayal by David E. Hoffman

The Billion Dollar Spy: A True Story Of Cold War Espionage And Betrayal Quotes
"No one at the CIA knew why the spy had disappeared."
"The CIA was born out of the disaster at Pearl Harbor."
"Intelligence was splintered among different agencies."
"In the early years of the Cold War, the CIA did not set up a station in Moscow."
"The battle against communism never escalated into direct combat between the superpowers; it was fought in the shadows between war and peace."
"By the 1950s, the KGB had been hardened by three decades of experience in carrying out the Stalin purges."
"The CIA’s sources were still on the outside looking in."
"Counterintelligence is essential for any spy agency to prevent penetration from the same espionage methods it uses against others."
"The strongest influence on Angleton, however, was Anatoly Golitsyn, a mid-level KGB officer who defected in 1961."
"The idea to pass a note by a car or in a car did not come at once."
"I have selected a course which does not permit me to move backwards and I have no intention of veering from this course."
"Since I have tasked myself with passing the maximum amount of information, I do not intend to stop halfway."
"Politics, literature, and philosophy had been enmeshed for a long time in such an impassable, hypocritical demagoguery."
"I was somewhat disappointed, possibly this is tied in with my having more optimistic notions concerning the development of technology in this field."
"The Pentax wasn’t obviously spy equipment; it was in use all over the world."
"Everything had to be just right. The Tropel camera could be a death warrant if discovered by the KGB."
"In Moscow, Guilsher juggled these demands and uncertainties."
"Tolkachev had told them he normally carried a pen and keys."
"Tolkachev described to Guilsher an incident in which the driver of a Moscow trolley bus had slammed on the brakes."
"According to the information available to me, his sum was equal to six million dollars."
"Today, just as before, I understood that the end may come at any moment, but it does not frighten me."
"The stakes were high, but Kalaris noted that the disagreements over money were creating 'serious doubts about us in sphere’s mind.'"
"Tolkachev was the billion dollar spy."
"Both men had been trained to carry out operations with a basic principle: once it begins, don’t think about it."
"The worst thing an intelligence professional could do would be to give in to fear."
"The intelligence was sensitive—the Soviets would never have used it for a dangle—and extremely important."
"The whole time we were meeting, I wasn’t really sure whether you were actually CIA."
"The one thing that proved to me you were CIA and not KGB is when you gave me those medicines to test on my daughter."
"In my youth, politics had played a significant role, but I had lost interest and then become scornful."
"In case of a flap, my family would face a severe ordeal."
"The hopes inspired by the Prague Spring collapsed."
"The week after the Prague Spring was crushed, Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov met for the first time."
"Sakharov had come from deep within the establishment and Solzhenitsyn from without."
"Both men, each brilliant in his own way, became beacons of inspiration."
"Sakharov was scathingly critical of the Soviet party-state for its monopoly on power."
"The KGB warned him not to meet with foreign journalists, but days later he responded by inviting foreign correspondents to his apartment."
"Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn had ignited a fire."
"Tolkachev’s expression of dissent began modestly, by writing short protest leaflets."
"His greatest weapon against the Soviet Union was not some dissident pamphlets but right in his desk drawer."
"He had a dawning realization: his greatest weapon against the Soviet Union was right in his desk drawer."
"I have never seen your country with my own eyes, and to love it unseen, I do not have enough fantasy nor romanticism."
"Despite the value of your information and the high esteem in which it is held by the most senior people in our government, your future welfare is a much more important concern to us."
"We feel you are not only a colleague but a friend; as such, we ask you to please take care of yourself."
"It’s well known that health does not improve with age."
"Unfortunately, when I was photographing the second time, I was in such a hurry that I may have forgotten to unscrew the cap from the camera lens."
"In this case, from my own experience I am once more convinced of the accuracy and truth of proverbs, such as, for example, 'character cannot be broken.'"
"To lose such information would be a severe blow to our government, gravely affecting our national posture both now and for many years to come."
"You should clearly understand that the information you provide to us, simply stated, is considered invaluable."
"He worked for the benefit of America and for freedom in our country for many years."
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page."
"Discovering the world was a voyage worth taking."
"If there had been something like coordination of information in the government it would have been difficult, if not impossible, for the Japanese to succeed in the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor."
"The CIA cables were often written in a clipped, minimalist style, with some words dropped."
"The CIA placed no restrictions on the author’s use of the documents it released."
"The CIA had several other operations planned in Moscow in the months ahead and did not want to jeopardize them."
"The CIA cannot let ourselves be carried along by the Gotterdammerung psychology which seems to drive this asset."
"In such a case it is simply better to leave the forgotten until next time."
"We must find ways to increase the number of hard facts upon which our intelligence estimates are based."
"The CIA’s analysis of the Soviet Union was based on a combination of hard intelligence, technical collection, and the art of analysis."