
Cost Efficiency Quotes

There are 1927 quotes

"By the early 2020s, an electric vehicle, the average electric vehicle will be cheaper than a gas-powered vehicle."
"To make one bird cage, it's really only two dollars and maybe 50 cents."
"The whole commercial resupply program is NASA paying private companies to send things to the International Space Station because it's proven to be cheaper and redundant."
"Sign up and save because I have done this math; this math is mathin', and Factor is less expensive than takeout."
"Social healthcare... is not 'the worst thing ever.' I have access to high-tech, state-of-the-art technology in Germany with my socialized health insurance that costs a fraction of the price of the United States."
"Factor is less expensive than takeout. I did the math."
"You can do something about it right now, for no money."
"Thank you. You saved me a lot of time, a lot of money."
"The best way to think of things is in terms of cost per use, i.e., the overall cost divided by how many times you actually use that item."
"Falcon Heavy represents a huge economic advantage...costing about a third as much per flight as a Delta 4 Heavy but carries twice as much payload to orbit."
"Modern technologies and modern improvements allow you to reduce cost while simultaneously increasing capability."
"It is much more humane, efficient, and economical to prevent disease rather than to identify, respond, diagnose, treat, and attempt to contain an outbreak."
"With a small bit of tweaking, I've done it for 90 quid."
"You don't need to pay for this stuff... breath is a healing and very nourishing modality."
"Argo implies cargo without the 'c', where 'c' stands for cost - symbolizing a vision for an affordable cargo solution."
"When you look at all of the different things... it's cheaper to buy or sorry to run an electric car on fuel."
"Solar power is getting cheaper and more powerful."
"Social media is free, posting valuable content is free. Everything you need to get started with your personal brand is going to be at zero cost."
"NASA is forced to pick the much larger, much more capable SpaceX approach, as it is much cheaper to build."
"A good public transportation service will make people spend less money, use cars less often, and cause less damage to the environment by decreasing the level of pollution."
"The patriotic conversation is what is possible and how we can get there at the lowest possible price."
"It's not exactly the same, but it's really darn close, and I only spent a few dollars."
"What we're trying to do is end up with the lowest cost solution and eventually one day probably bulk sale to... large national home builders at a lower cost than they can build for."
"Other rich countries around the world are spending half of what we do per capita on healthcare and seeing much better outcomes."
"The cost efficiency of SpaceX is the best in history, I think, for any rocket development."
"If aircraft were not reusable, how much would an air ticket cost? It would be very expensive... so that's what needs to happen for life to become multi-planetary."
"In terms of gaming, it doesn't make sense to spend more to get the 3950X; the 3900X is close enough in that regard."
"In the digital age, we can experiment a lot. It doesn't cost us anything."
"The RX 7900 XTX looks reasonably favorable here, with a cost per frame of seven dollars and four cents, which, as we've said in our day-one reviews, is the best value of the new generation models."
"Azure Function is a great tool to have in the toolbox. As you've seen, it's really, really inexpensive. So, it can be used in production for pennies a month."
"Making rocket boosters reusable means flights get cheaper."
"If you can get an equal quality for half the price, or sometimes even less than half the price, I'm gonna have to rank it higher."
"Unlike paying for ads, search traffic is free."
"And the service is great too because Ting partners with several massive networks, probably the very same one that you're using right now, but you get a huge discount."
"This video is going to be beneficial to you guys out there especially guys that are maybe getting into this and they're afraid of purchasing fakes and afraid of wasting their money and the potential headache that that brings."
"Giving them that help actually makes the community safer, and it's more effective, and it's cheaper than just going in and arresting people."
"The q50 has more power under the hood for a lower price."
"Using Affiliates to advertise your products for free - it's just a no-brainer."
"So over time what you want to do is get your target CPA down or get your target return on adspend up because you want to drive conversions at the lowest possible cost."
"Drones may not have won the war in Ukraine for either side, but it's hard to come up with many systems that have been as cost-effective in shaping it."
"Stanford's language model alpaca was trained at a fraction of the cost of GPT, opening up AI accessibility."
"For startups, the use case was immediately obvious: low-cost storage and compute."
"The Indian defence sector is capable of designing and producing some very impressive stuff at low cost under the right conditions."
"You can still have an incredible and memorable trip without blowing your budget."
"This is one of the most efficient, cost-effective teams you're likely to buy in FIFA this year."
"EVS are cheaper to run... it seems quite odd to me."
"Trezor: The best balance of security, user friendliness, integrations, and cost."
"So what we need most right now is a cost-effective long-lasting energy storage solution we can build easily and quickly anywhere in the world."
"Energy Dome's battery would be 50% cheaper than a similar-sized lithium-ion battery."
"Renewables are cheaper, cleaner, and sustainable."
"Tesla was a man who wanted to serve humanity by making their lives easier and certainly less expensive."
"Even today it is often less expensive to do a function with integrated circuits than it is with separate discrete components."
"That's the principle of fintech. If you do a bank purely based on web services and compute and computers and all from a blank sheet of paper you do things 10 times cheaper."
"Bogle's low-cost and better-performing Index Fund disrupts the mutual fund industry."
"Imagine a new path forward, health insurance that provides more choices and care at lower cost."
"But not only are we covering more people, we're doing innovative ways to deliver the care that will make it less costly."
"America versus Italy, healthcare insurance. Italy won the battle for this one."
"The amount of paint you get for the money is the best."
"Acer's Chromebook line offers a lot of value for the money."
"You don't have to spend a lot of money... you just make the cars better."
"Turns out, if you're not using the features, you don't pay for them."
"Nobody else is necessarily doing that and our strategy has been to figure out a way to get that production quality without this expense that comes along with it."
"By the time you've spent that much money on your CPU and cooler, an SSD and RAM and everything else, I think the $200 price point is where the sweet spot for 5 gigahertz overclocking is."
"This is an intervalometer... Amazon has them for like literally a tenth of the price of what Canon sells them for."
"Vanguard has much lower costs than any other financial institution."
"A gaming CPU is just a normal processor that can be used for any task, not just gaming, but one that is pretty much hitting the sweet spot for price to performance."
"The Starship can get payload into space for a hundred dollars a kilogram."
"For the majority of people in general, index funds and ETFs are going to be the better way to go because now you're going to meet the stock market returns and you don't have to pay the super high fees."
"What if you could achieve near master series level of performance with even greater brightness for about say half the price?"
"It can save you a lot of money especially if you shoot a lot and especially if you shoot calibers that tend to be more expensive such as 4570 as opposed to 45 acp or 300 weatherby magnum as opposed to 30 30."
"Ron is 100% machine washable so you can ditch the dry cleaner altogether."
"All the research suggests that 18 650 still have an upper hand when it comes to price... otherwise Tesla wouldn't use it."
"Other accommodations like Good Neighbor hotels and airbnbs can often provide more space at a better price point and still keep you fairly close to the parks."
"This can cut down on the time between tests, which reduces costs and also can really accelerate the speed of innovation."
"You really can get leads coming in and conversions at the start 100 for free by utilizing these free social media platforms."
"It makes sense to consider storing that energy when it's cheap... self-consuming that stored energy when energy from the grid is more expensive."
"If I found a three-piece suit like this in the range of like two to five hundred dollars and it looked like this I would buy it as a long-term investment."
"Tesla believes they can get better performance, better cost, and scalability."
"It required absolutely no money to fix, all I had to do was push a little storage compartment back up and we have a drop top."
"It's good, which is incredible. And no royalties, either."
"We wanted to create a watch that was able to cut out that middleman deliver products from that don't have necessarily that markup."
"The economics of biology: it's like 100 million times cheaper to make a complicated molecule than it is to make a transistor."
"Our focus on continuous and product improvement through original design and manufacturing processes has further optimized our ability to produce the best product at industry leading costs."
"With full reusability, a mission with this Behemoth could cost less than an original Falcon 1 Mission."
"I could have done the same thing by spending $300 to buy an existing silicon hand."
"The cheaper a vehicle is to produce, the cheaper it can be sold (which expands its market) and/or the better its profit margins can be."
"Index funds typically outperformed active management over time."
"Companies working remotely can provide these things for their remote employees for a lot cheaper than a $700 headset for everyone, but the VR metaverse is clearly the future of remote work."
"The production cost of a silicon anode battery is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of batteries."
"Buy underpriced attention. Whether that's buying ads or working with influencers."
"Failure and obstacles at entrepreneur does is they fail fast but fail affordable."
"There's no reason to settle for good enough when better is cheaper."
"They literally just use free stock footage in their videos where they don't even have to show their face."
"It's like as if you got you didn't even have to pay for the game."
"Take advantage of them because they're not going to come around that often in a bull run and you want to maximize your cost basis in this market."
"So when the cost of putting a new satellite, a new scientific probe or even an astronaut is almost an afterthought, imagine how much more activity will take place among the stars!"
"Before investing in expensive server hardware, ensure that a simpler solution won't suffice."
"For the price of one of these per month, you can have a business live on the internet today."
"Whisk, spoon, and spatula - these three items are so cheap yet so important to great home cooking."
"The most important thing to remember is mint is made up of cheap cuts—brisket, belly, short rib—so it needs help."
"This telescope is as good as those more expensive ones."
"Charging at home is going to be way cheaper than gas."
"You get all-wheel drive and high fuel economy for less or the same amount that you're gonna pay for any of its competitors."
"These days you can actually self publish your book completely for free."
"It's an affordable living room box, equivalent in gaming performance to a mid to high-end gaming PC from about five years ago."
"There are better systems out there that provide better outcomes for patients across the board while costing them far less."
"It could be a huge cost savings and lifesaving technology."
"So super plastic forming or warm forming whatever you want to call it this is a great thing for good inexpensive manufacturing."
"The Pixel takes amazing photos, it's a hundred dollars cheaper than the iPhone, and it's got more options."
"This is the greatest way to get around, so cheap to rent!"
"With these To-Go Power units being more robust and less expensive, they're kind of no-brainers for the camping and outdoorsy crowd."
"The capacity to get off the planet cheaply and at scale could be humanity's salvation."
"Trainium provides about 50% improvement in terms of price performance relative to any other way of training machine learning models on AWS."
"It's a new way to teach anatomy that doesn't involve costly cadavers."
"It's cheap because the Starship's intended to be cheap because it's intended to be fully reusable."
"For $500, the 3070 is faster than a $1200 GPU."
"VPNs typically cost less to implement than a traditional WAN, dang we know that to be true."
"Instead of taking years for a Model 3 to pay off, it only takes 30,000 kilometers."
"That's Maryland right there so could have saved a lot of money but that's okay."
"AMD was able to take on nvidia's RTX 4090 at so little cost... the answer is in the chips architecture and its design."
"PC gaming, however, does not have to be expensive."
"If we can reuse our Rockets instead of building brand new ones every time then reusable Rockets will help bring down the cost of space access."
"I really don't see a reason anymore to buy a G-sync display if there's a FreeSync equivalent."
"I don't want you to spend money on this dude. I want you to get him done cheap."
"Byd currently has the cheapest electric vehicle battery in the industry."
"Electric vehicles need extremely little maintenance."
"And that is how you build a budget-friendly gaming PC."
"Don't ever participate in actively traded funds; I personally just don't think their returns justify their costs."
"The Swedish-designed Enlar is an engineering marvel, packing a heavy punch at a fraction of the cost."
"For the price of essentially a Big Mac at McDonald's, you can build an online business with affiliate marketing."
"Generic brands are often very similar when it comes down to the ingredients."
"If you need help, talk to somebody, and Talkspace can make it happen for you at a fraction of the price of going to a therapist. It's totally worth it."
"Turns out, like you probably already guessed, the Austrian post figured out through real-world use that EVs have a lower total cost of ownership than gas vehicles."
"Rotation detonation engines could help Fighters fly further, missile tools fly faster, ships sail longer, and even rocket launches become cheaper."
"You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to play games at incredible performance."
"You don't need to spend money to learn how to do this, you don't have to buy an online course... I've learned this for free from other people and I'm gonna share with you for free today."
"The sooner you get representation the cheaper the next few policies are which means they're very very very strong."
"Maybe Dave, you don't need three grand to get the stuff you want. Maybe you'll be able to get that stuff a lot cheaper."
"I guarantee this is like going to college for four years. I will have, I, the videos we have on our channel I think will help you more than spending a hundred thousand dollars at a university, that's my promise to you."
"The 4080 is slightly better value than the 4090, reducing the cost per frame by a mere three percent."
"The capital required to achieve that level of output will be much less than what people think."
"The power of a large community has been game-changing for many in terms of time-saving, access to guides, and money savings."
"Southwest Airlines has a unique business model that allows it to be the world's largest low-cost carrier."
"We are here to serve you we are here to help you become not just a better angler but you know just to help you save tons of time and tons of money."
"When you design sustainably from the start, it's not more expensive."
"That's how you can do a pretty advanced mail merge entirely for free using excel online and power automate."
"Hypothetically, a pooled testing system designed by machine learning could lower the cost of a test to just $3 to $5, meaning the frequency of testing could increase dramatically."
"It became much more affordable for people to adopt these in mass."
"You can make 50 short films for the price of one year of school."
"Books could be produced more cheaply and directed to entire new audiences."
"Why spend in the thousand range if you can get one for a few hundred dollars?"
"Facebook advertising and Instagram Story advertising is the most under priced real estate grab of human attention in America ever, period."
"Start where you are with what you have, do what you can with what you have."
"The earlier we build it, the cheaper it will be."
"We are currently saving up to 30% in electric cost just by using what we have now discovered."
"Total savings won't be only the current 30% but will rise to the range of 50 to 55% which is unbelievable."
"Eating healthy meal prepping getting into the best shape of your life does not have to be expensive."
"Now remember, the original concept for this build was to do the whole thing for under 10 grand."
"Foundry makes the marginal cost of data integration approach zero."
"Believe it or not, all of the lunches I'm sharing today cost just about one dollar or less to make."
"I actually love the 7 Series and if I were buying a German option in this segment I would probably get the 7 Series over the Mercedes because it's a lot less expensive."
"GM's Ultium batteries can be produced for less than $100 per kilowatt hour."
"This 300 gaming PC here definitely puts out some really amazing performance given the price."
"Part of getting the best bang for your buck is overclocking."
"We want to have that confidence and peace of mind that we're not overpaying for something and that if there is a deal or discount to be had, that we're going to find it."
"Boring tunnels have the potential to destroy subways in terms of cost and efficiency."
"Smart concrete is filled with micro capsules of bacteria that germinate whenever water enters the cracks... reducing repair costs by half."
"desktop PCs are not only faster but cheaper."
"there is no doubt building a desktop PC and buying the necessary peripherals is a better bang for buck option than buying a gaming laptop."
"The cost of hedging is really, really cheap."
"We think at the cell level probably we can do better than a hundred dollars per kilowatt hour."
"So yes in-house movements definitely are nice to have but sometimes the cost per ownership is just not there and I think this is often not considered by buyers."
"This is like a multifunction network right so this is your access point, cloud key, 4-port switch, and unify controller all rolled into one device for a $299 price point."
"When we're talking about expanding wireless for a home network... there is no better bang for your buck than the U6 Lite."
"A cheaper alternative to shooting film in California."
"Meal planning has saved me time, money, and made meals turn out better."
"You'd be surprised, there's a lot of websites that use the basic ass templates and they just put their own photography and photos on it and it looks great."
"You can eat for cheap and still eat really well."
"Electric consumer cars, very sexy. Electric commercial vehicles, businesses care about breakeven costs."
"When it comes to electric commercial vehicles, businesses don't care about that much. Businesses care about breakeven costs."
"I'm very impressed with this aisle right now, this is how to win the budget snack game."
"Hadoop is extremely flexible, scalable, and most importantly, inexpensive."
"Electric cars are cost-efficient and easier to maintain than internal combustion engine vehicles."
"Charging at home could be very cheap to charge up and drive your EV."
"The most affordable, efficient way to feed your family good homemade food for half the cost is to do it the way I'm going to show you."
"My grocery budget is routinely extremely low because I have amassed such a backlog of pantry items."
"A great way to save money is to buy in bulk... it is going to save us so much money."
"You get thousands of hours of new enthralling content on Acorn TV for a fraction of the cost compared to most streaming services at just $5.99 a month. That is a deal!"
"WordPress is way more customizable than Shopify and way cheaper as well."
"Having better performance and a better price is a winning combination."
"Subscribing to this channel is free, absolutely free of charge."
"Even a $30 SDR is a force multiplier that can make millions of dollars of military tech irrelevant despite the hundreds of billions of dollars that nations around the world spend on defense."
"It's a win-win as we receive the waste from them for free and they don't have to pay anymore to get rid of their mango waste."
"When it comes to price to performance there is nothing that can beat the Retro Pocket 2 Plus for 100 plus shipping you're looking at a device that can play all the way up through Dreamcast with minimal issues."
"EV autonomous trucks are going to be cost competitive with freight rails."
"Tesla's already got a huge advantage in terms of price. They've got economies of scale, no one's catching up on price or safety."
"It costs less to maintain an electric aircraft to reduce fuel costs, hybrid electric propulsion systems carry the potential reduced fuel burn and operating costs."
"The rest of the developed world has figured out that you can provide much better healthcare at much lower cost, and that's what Medicare for All is all about."
"I'd rather upgrade my system once every six or seven years with a single bulk purchase than worry about shopping for individual parts every two years."
"The P6 or the P225 was actually the cheapest of the three and therefore saw the most use and purchase."