
Color Psychology Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"When I see orange, I feel warm. It's like a happy color."
"Pink is my favorite color. It makes me so happy."
"Too many people like blue. I think it's like a majority of people say blue's their favorite color. Why? Nothing's happening. These are the opinions that we actually want to see."
"If you brand yourself with a color, you are kind of brainwashing people to think of you when they see that color."
"There's something about the color [green] that calms me."
"Sunshine colors...we're all just craving some hope, some joy, some laughter."
"Why not change it to reflect a favorite color, the mood we happen to be in, or the emotion we want to feel? In dark times, a little rainbow goes a long way."
"Cadbury didn't just randomly choose purple it was of course a very well thought out and targeted choice."
"The red gets you excited and thirsty to drink the coke."
"Art with more lively and vibrant colors can be energizing."
"Color in particular helps everything from focus to memory and I think one of the things that we see in Ghost of Tsushima is a mix of that as an indicator..."
"You might start feeling drawn to kind of the colors that are more the Scorpio colors."
"The light blue represents loyalty, truth, and justice."
"Blue is used in a lot of elite logos because it makes you trust."
"Wearing color just brings out the best in me and makes me feel so happy."
"Looking at yellow just makes you feel so happy. It's like it reminds you of the sun."
"Color is such an important factor in people's purchasing decisions."
"It is such a happy color I always feel so happy and positive every time I wear this bag."
"Yellow and gold are linked to giving humans the feeling of joy and happiness."
"Yellow is the brightest color, it's so happy."
"Seeing jewel tones like this full purple look is actually really reinvigorating."
"Blue has this way of bringing us all into our hearts and making us remember who we are."
"Bold colors give us a much-needed boost to combat the current Grim political and economic landscape."
"Red triggers urgency, focus, fast decision-making."
"Blue instead encouraged people to be creative, think long term, and relax."
"Blue, on the other hand, is a calming color."
"Playful colors bring joy and fun back into interior design."
"White looks so classy and elegant and timeless."
"Blue is the color of the mind, intellect, and soul."
"Classic green evokes feelings of nature, healing, freshness, and wellness."
"Empire yellow brings out creativity, warmth, and happiness, pairing well with neutrals."
"Fiery red makes you think of strength, excitement, love, and energy."
"The colors you experience the most as a kid are usually the colors you carry the most as an adult."
"Blue colors can invoke a sense of magic and mystery."
"Wearing happy colors can make you feel better."
"Red is a defiant color, red says I'm alive and I'm joyful, and it's also our blood and it's our suffering but it's also that we deserve joy."
"It's objectively true that the best way to achieve the goal is to paint the room blue."
"Adding a little color is always needed especially when you're feeling so dull."
"A lot of us relate colors to a temperature, to a smell, to a memory, to a feeling, an emotional reaction, a texture."
"You don't have to look sloppy, you don't have to look unkempt, you don't have to wear sad colors just because you are looking for comfort, you know."
"Pink culturally punches well above its weight in terms of where other similar colors on the spectrum are. Pink is head and shoulders above them; it really has got this massive personality."
"It's red, that's a color of fast, you know."
"Different shades of blue will evoke feelings of depth and tranquility."
"Yellow is one of the most eye-catching colors and it's also a very like generally positive color."
"Blue is a very calming color, gives me peace."
"Toothpastes come multicolored with a secret meaning related to each of the colors."
"Light colors can appear pure and innocent, delicate, and uplifting, whereas soft colors can evoke elegance, sophistication, and serenity."
"...bright and vibrant colors especially reds will have the most weight because they will take your attention almost immediately."
"Incorporate more yellow, orange, and gold into your life this week. That'll help with your confidence."
"...yellow in general is just such a happy color..."
"Green is a calming, relaxing color."
"Inspired by SpongeBob's enthusiasm, playfulness, and fun-loving nature, the new SpongeBob yellow we create is a luminous golden hue that reflects the energy of the sun, radiating joy and happiness and sparking imagination."
"The color red gives the wearer feelings of audacity, passion, and energy."
"When people see somebody wearing the color red, they interpret them as confident and authoritative."
"Purple for me is all about individuality. It's also about luxury."
"When people see somebody wearing purple, they interpret it as that person is innovative."
"When people see somebody wearing light blue, they interpret them as friendly and easygoing."
"The color white gives the wearer feelings of optimism, clarity, and purity."
"Brown gives the wearer feelings of stability, dependability, and warmth."
"When you wear a color that really suits you or when you wear some kind of shimmer, the mood it sparks in you is something very different."
"Color is always linked to different emotions and different moods."
"Blue releases oxytocin, so it's like having a little cuddle. It's quite good for people who get quite nervous or struggle with communication because it keeps everyone quite calm."
"When we wear red, we get a little hint of adrenaline. So if you've been up with your little one all night and you've got a big day ahead of you, wearing red can give you that boost."
"Blue has a quality to instantly relax you, make you feel more calm and at ease."
"Green has the happiness of yellow but the calmness of blue."
"This is my color Oh blue you know it's calming it's cool it's amazing."
"Red is a color that's highly charged with emotions, and boldness is the name of the game."
"Purple projects confidence in its wearer but, on the flip side, others may also find purple a bit intimidating subconsciously."
"Yellow is connected to happiness, joy, and prosperity."
"Blue is connected to communication, reconciliation, and healing."
"The warm color creates a sunnier, happier mood."
"So if you want to redecorate your dog's house, maybe you should stick to purple and blue shades."
"Color brings us in and color gives us joy and color can give us anxiety and color can do all these different things to us."
"Gray is the color of wisdom, the ultimate sophistication."
"It seems like the design is going to be more Center chest and I'm seeing that the color designs are doing a little bit better than non-colored designs."
"Blue represents Concepts such as security trust reliability and it's very often associated with the tech world so very good choice on the blue for your logo guys"
"Bright green can feel really fresh and natural which is why fresh food brands or anything wanted to be seen as natural or organic use bright green in their logos and packaging."
"Dark green can feel really rich and grounding Moody and deep."
"Orange is the color that can heal more than anything. Healing as far as anxiety and feelings of being afraid."
"The truth is that you don't need to know how the science of color works to see that it works."
"...these colors I don't know they're kind of happy and I don't know I like seeing them they put a smile on my face I don't know about you guys."
"Red is such a cute color, such sexy color."
"It's nice to have it blue because the warm is beckoning and it wants you to come out into the warm."
"Color psychology is a great guide to help you with the tone or message that you want to convey through colors."
"Marketing is insane they can make us do anything if they put the color green in there we're like oh oh it's healthy it's healthy we're getting vegetables eat fresh"
"Color can affect your behavior, mood, and thoughts."
"Colors play an important role in a company's brand."
"That blue is absolutely right. It does work."
"The color blue is considered to have a soothing effect on moods of most people. What can you infer from this statement?"
"Psychology is an aggressive color, you know that, right? It's the most aggressive color in psychology."
"Pink is such a happy color, and I think if you find that color that makes you happy, that is something worth chasing."
"This color tone made me feel light, peaceful and safe."
"Yellow on girls, especially during the summer and holiday vibes, is literally the best color."
"Every color influences your mind, your body, and your emotions."
"Magenta uplifts a person emotionally, mentally, and spiritually."
"Orange is a very energetic color and it gives a really big sense of excitement, enthusiasm, and warmth."
"Green is good, red is bad; that's a schema."
"Certain colors make people think or feel different things which can be used to your advantage as an artist."
"I love it so much, I can't even tell you, it's just... I love blues, they're calming."
"Red is the color that really excites the eye, so of course, it's a great color to use in and around your point of emphasis."
"If you have a warm bright vibrant image, it's going to feel either aggressive or energetic."
"The use of color can move us and transport us - a tool to unlock a world that can be as normal or as fantastically different as the one we live in."
"I often think of colors having personalities."
"Red will stand out among all the other colors in the festival."
"Yellow is the brightest and happiest color."
"Yellow is the color of happiness, hope, and positivity."
"Sweet violet provides the calming effect of the blue tint that we've looked at so far but with much more natural color rendition."
"Real or imagined, make no mistake about the power of this captivating color."
"Colors give you emotion, this reacts an emotion in me."
"Color affects our mood and our perception of a piece based on their combination."
"Blue represents intelligence, green is associated with nature, and yellow signifies happiness."
"Foods that are brighter and more saturated tend to look more delicious to us."
"Purple is the color of maturity and also calm."
"Color will play a big part in your life."
"They say when you're on test day, you should wear bright colors like yellows to help open up your receptors of learning."
"I feel like bright colors are always going to make people happy, and that's great."
"Red has association with anger but also passion in general."
"Orange represents humor, warmth, flamboyance, and enthusiasm."
"Pink is associated often with contentment and of someone who is happy and healthy."
"The color red is like the most attractive color to the opposite sex or something because it's associated with power and confidence."
"People like orange food; it makes them happy."
"Each color evokes its own message, it's saying something before you get the chance to go to the next level of that nuance."
"These colors to me are so calming and comforting, I love these colors."
"Color does so much for my spirits; even in black and white films, Adrian used to dress me in Wedgewood blue because it made me feel so good."
"The color red holds a lot of importance when it comes to attraction."
"Saturated colors evoke intensity, and the soft tones, tranquility."
"Red is a color that helps to evoke both excitement and trustworthiness."
"By using different color schemes, you can create an atmosphere or express emotions."
"I really like the idea of a green, I think it's a very calming color for a bedroom."
"For a long time, it has been recognized there are four psychologically elementary colors: blue, green, yellow, and red."
"White is one of those colors that's the safest color on the road."
"If blue is your favorite color, you love harmony, reliable, sensitive, and always an effort to think of others."
"Everybody should look like a complete, strong human being, and our colors just give us different ways of doing that."
"The colors just make me so happy."
"I feel like yellow is such a happy vibrant color."
"This is really about tapping into the mood-enhancing properties of color."
"Colors that evoke different feelings in potential customers influence human psychology."
"I feel like whenever I feel down, I try to wear bright colors, and it actually does help."
"Yellow is the color of originality, intellect, happiness, and fun. Yellow tells the world you're wise, confident, and optimistic."
"Black's positive associations include sophistication, strength, power, authority, formality, elegance, luxury, intelligence, and efficiency."
"White as a color is peaceful, sophisticated, clean, and fresh; it symbolizes new beginnings."
"I fell in love with the colors; they kind of tell me what I'm thinking."
"Apparently, just looking at the color green can help fight depression and lift your mood."
"Colors can sometimes invoke powerful memories."
"Colors are so important. Eighty-five percent of purchases and services are influenced by color."
"Blue this is a great one why do you guys think social media companies like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn are all blue because they want you to trust them."
"I always like to do it in blue with the answers because one time I read that blue makes you remember things more."
"Blue, it's soothing to the brain, it's soothing to the mind, it's soothing to the soul."
"Colors have such a dramatic effect on our emotions."
"Color is one of the most important tools and it influences how people feel and creates the mood of the room."
"The more we used colors to cause well-being happiness, the more we understood the power of colors."
"Purple, which is one of the most powerful colors that exist, always being connected to wealth, to fortune."
"Warmer colors and earthier tones are more relaxing."
"People really underestimate how much colors do to your eye and how they make you feel; it's psychological."
"When you see red, when you see boring suppression, take advantage."
"It's pink and it's fun and it's summery and it just makes me happy."
"Orange stands for excitement, cheer, energy, vibrancy."
"Black works on everyone; it's sexy and mysterious, also hides a multitude of flaws."
"If you're scared, wear red; that's what I do, it works."
"Colors do subtle things to your mind."
"The power of color on a red carpet, she's only wearing a red coat and it's so much impact."
"Certain colors can affect behavior as well as mood."
"Sometimes when you wear certain colors you get way more compliments from people around you."
"Red is definitely one of those colors that can make you feel sexy but it can also make you look expensive."
"I think it's so important to have colors that make us happy, particularly when we are moving into the darker part of the year."
"Yellow is actually one of my favorite colors because it reminds me of sunshine."
"Warm colors can energize, cool colors are calming, and green is great for if you're nervous."
"The color yellow stimulates your brain, and the purple stimulates the right brain, creativity."
"I love the energy of purple and the playfulness of pink and the calming peace of blue."
"Scientists say that yellow color lifts your spirits!"
"I know why the women loved to use these bright colors during the Depression; I'm sure it just made them feel really happy."
"There's something about the color red... it's been proven to keep the body relaxed and very zen."
"The color blue... to bring calm and healing."
"It's a powerful color, it's really rich, it's attention-grabbing but the right kind of attention."
"It's really important because color not only dictates what you want to buy but it also dictates how you want to feel in the space."
"Viva magenta is brave and fearless, a pulsating color whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration."