
Human Qualities Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Curiosity, insight, spirit, opportunity. If you think about it, all of these names of past Mars rovers are qualities we possess as humans."
"The three greatest words in the human language are faith, hope, and love, and they are all contagious."
"What's the best quality of humans? The ability to love."
"Be compassionate, be loving, be a nice human being. Those are good qualities."
"God in his divinity has no soul, soul is a property only of human created nature."
"Her greatest superpower is her bottomless compassion."
"Caring is one of the most important attributes, one of the final qualifications."
"They're just good humans who happen to be wildly talented, but they're just good humans."
"True human beings with love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, wisdom, compassion."
"I breathe, I eat, hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. Robots don't bleed."
"There will be a time where other people go, 'Nah, you just hating bro, that man or that woman is doing something fire as a human.'"
"The qualities of being a good leader look eerily close to just the qualities of being a good human being."
"I don't even trust a preacher that doesn't laugh."
"Empathy is a superpower, and it's the only one that any human has to offer really."
"The kindness, compassion they show is pretty remarkable."
"This kind of courage and decency and compassion, this is who we are."
"To be a gentleman is to be a success and as an equivalent term whatever that term might be regardless of your gender or your gender orientation whatever it is to be a good human being."
"Vulcan was his greatest creation because he was a genuinely kind person, a human amongst gods."
"We have evolved these wonderful qualities: the ability to love each other, befriend each other, cooperate with each other."
"It's been a year when people are back; it's gonna feel even more special than ever, I think, isn't it?"
"Our own I could have 50 Awards today, I could have Oscars... if I'm not like a good human being, what does that all stand for?"
"Nurturing human qualities to inoculate against the machine revolution."
"We should put more emphasis and value on kindness and other human qualities."
"That's what makes you a good human man because we all know people that don't and at what cost."
"To bear misfortune with faith and patience is part of the excellence of being human."
"And for all it’s dark undertones, one that ultimately celebrates The Man of Steel as someone wonderfully, inspirationally human."
"Money and physique does not impress me; what impresses me is a real human balanced being."
"Lady Gaga can really sing... she keeps saying she's not human."
"A time has come where we are reaching the end of a cycle and the intelligent, civilized, advanced, thoughtful, caring, knowledgeable, compassionate human being is facing a future."
"Characters that are larger and stronger and cooler and better than most humans really can be, because I think it's nice to look at that and reflect."
"We as humans have qualities that AI will never have, and we just need to continue to speed up our own progress."
"They had a dignity and a generosity of spirit that really impressed me and that made me want to know more about them."
"He was one of the most extraordinary human beings I've ever met."
"The things that actually make you get along with people the best is not the very best things about them. It's the things that actually make you human."
"Love that comes from God...probably the greatest weapon...as a human being."
"I'm very drawn to people who show tremendous courage... I think often we are drawn to people who display the qualities that we don't have."
"That's a human attribute, not a godly aspect."
"Only when you really know how to love and sacrifice for others will you return to being a human being."
"Can you, the player, demonstrate that most human of characteristics: showing empathy for those outside of yourself?"
"Empathy and common sense come from being humane."
"No superpowers, just a man - that's why people relate to Batman."
"Of all the souls I've met in my travels his was the most human."
"He's just a well-rounded incredible human being."
"I love what he did. What a beautiful human being."
"Empathy is our greatest strength and that's what separates me from Dolores."
"She's very human... and doesn't mind showing it."
"As Stan said, what Marvel does is put the human in the superhuman."
"The movie conveys how Superman is a God yes but again he's a human first more so he's the best human."
"He will forever be remembered not as an AI system or a robot, but as a selfless and strong human being."
"Freedom is our most valuable asset aside from our brain and our soul and our heart."
"Humans are known for their resilience, adaptability, and endurance."
"Shane, it's the cute parts are very cute but he's not very grounded as a human. It's pretty obvious to see someone who I can right now rely on, you know, then you can rely on me."
"This was a God more like the best of us and the worst of us, a God made in our own image."
"Highly sensitive people are deeply moved by the arts or music. What an exceptional quality to have as a human being."
"Keep your eye out for a good human."
"Marlene was an outstanding human—friendly, loving, kind—always courteous and always respectful. But her end was unfortunate."
"So let's take happiness now as a way of being. So a way of being that is not just happiness on its own but a cluster of human qualities. It is inner peace, inner strength, inner freedom. It is loving kindness, compassion, friendship, resilience, inner courage."
"Sam, you are an extraordinary, loving, caring, and considerate human being that I have ever met in my life."
"Paul Lynn is such an outstanding human being, so easy to root for."
"You're also a great human, so thanks for being on the show."
"I think Jesse might be one of the kindest people I've ever met or ever encountered."
"We see qualities in Lassie that we hope are in us."
"The only distinction that counts is the distinction between human qualities whose criterion is that of taqwa."
"There are people that are amazing people who can also be clever."
"...the American portrait capturing at once the power, the restraint, the courage, and the beauty of the human spirit."
"There is integrity, empathy, caring - our values."
"It is creativity, intuition, imagination, and empathy that is what the machines can't deliver."
"In the complex tapestry of human qualities, wisdom is often highly regarded."
"When we look at the pastimes of the Hindu gods, they end up displaying the most fallible and human of qualities."
"You don't take talent to have a great attitude about you affect things or have great communication as a football player, even as a human."
"...by virtue of us being alive, breathing, and walking this Earth, there are qualities that come with that that are imbued by virtue of our existence."
"You are one of the most decent and caring human beings."
"We need not merely cleverness with which to gain a real insight into spiritual knowledge, but we need above all and with the greatest urgency the qualities of liveliness, enthusiasm, fire, and warmth in those human souls who are the recipients of these spiritual gifts."
"That is a beautiful trait in a man, but a beautiful trait in a person, period."
"Language, loyalty, community, courage, love, devotion, self-sacrifice, planning - all of these things which distinguish us from the rest of animal nature."
"Qualities like reason, compassion, and intelligence."
"In a healthy society, perception depends primarily on human qualities, not regional or national affiliation."
"There are universally admirable qualities such as bravery, loyalty, resilience, the will to live."
"Reese is perfect in every area, every avenue, flawless execution of a human."
"Mark is the most compassionate, gentle, caring, loving human being I've ever met in my life."
"She's just the most amazing human being; she's an angel."
"He's seriously one of the greatest human beings."
"He's a pure human being, bro, like what a lovely guy."
"It takes clever people, dedicated people, loving people."