
Settings Quotes

There are 464 quotes

"Let's turn the temperature down a little bit."
"Grass in sniper mode is a definite no-go, definitely switch it off."
"The most important information here, they're gonna be these three guys at the bottom of the screen: your shutter speed, aperture, and ISO."
"Disable advertising permissions to the greatest extent possible."
"Make sure that you understand I'm gonna go over all these settings from top to bottom but I just want to get out the quick tips out of the way."
"Elevators aren't just for action or ambience, they're strange little rooms that you can force characters to stand in awkwardly or use to completely subvert expectations."
"Bump up the game to hard mode for the highest tension."
"I'm running the game on the maximum settings and on my computer it seems to be performing exceptionally well."
"I think the easiest fix for this would simply be to copy Modern Warfare 2019's aim assist options so that we can just pick one that works or create a couple of different options."
"One of just my favorite settings anything could ever be in."
"Choose the highest resolution setting the camera has whatever the camera is offering you."
"Understanding what each setting does is key."
"The options Sega and M2 put throughout the settings and the software on the device are numerous little touches worth mentioning."
"This was on high and it looks absolutely beautiful."
"Apply to all inputs will indeed copy all the settings to all inputs, so this is an improvement certainly from a calibration front."
"Now speaking of the M mode, this area has changed."
"Optimize gaming experience by adjusting graphics settings."
"View Distance changes how far this threshold is, and the lower view distance the less intensive it is on your computer since the game doesn’t need to keep checking what all the other players around you are actually doing."
"Disable motion blur for clearer target acquisition."
"Talking about a little bit about Demolition, let's go over the settings."
"Filmmaker mode is correctly set as 0 which is neutral for Panasonic sets."
"And then also for your ringer I would try to set that below 50 if possible..."
"Keep the shutter speed at your frame rate or higher."
"Given that Assassin's Creed Valhalla is coming out next week, I wanted to take the time to rank all 11 of the mainline Assassin's Creed games based on something I actually think is pretty solid in each one: the setting."
"Keep your frame cap on zero so you get the most amount of FPS possible."
"Pro mode... manual access to all the camera settings."
"Post-apocalyptic settings always make for a great video game."
"Sometimes a good burger on the beach is the best thing."
"But you can play around with the strength and the color settings here until you get a bump that is desired."
"Putting the custom settings in your camera is very simple, it's very straightforward."
"For average day-to-day usage, keep it on 5500 or 6000 Kelvin."
"Make sure this is set to whatever the refresh rate of your monitor is."
"Turn off motion blur for a more competitive gameplay experience."
"The tour's first stop was the chocolate room. This room is described as having a hot chocolate waterfall, a chocolate river, and candy landscapes."
"I can intellectually disagree with them in a proper fashion, in an appropriate setting."
"I enjoy little pockets of imagination such as three Portland's, a place where nothing really overtly horrific or unimaginable might happen but is ripe for anomalous tales."
"The trigger level is set outside of the range of that signal."
"The simplified checkbox allows you to set a lot of different parameters that can reduce the computational weight of your scene when you go to render it."
"It's been three years now, you have to turn down settings if you don't want to turn down settings, you get a flagship."
"Sigma's default video settings are just completely wrong using the PC version as a base."
"To me, it felt like I had walked onto a movie set; everything had a slightly unrealistic quality to it."
"I'm going to go for the straight out of the box 3200MHz speed settings that most people dial and pretty quickly."
"It offers a number of settings with some randomized elements that do their best to elicit this feeling of decaying abundance for you to interact with and search around."
"Over-the-top Gotham with giant statues everywhere... Schumacher's Gotham was a more interesting Gotham than Chicago."
"This actually, in my opinion, is enough performance to really run Minecraft at high settings."
"Metro Exodus... running on medium settings at 100 FPS on average on a handheld."
"Mouse acceleration is disabled by default, and raw input is enabled by default. This is exactly how you should have it."
"Pass block assistance, there's no reason to have this on off."
"I feel like my aiming is a lot better now that I have lowered my sensitivity."
"Do something, but do not forget where those settings are."
"When it changed for the better when I turned crossplay off."
"These hidden folders are important if you want to backup your files and your settings."
"You can adjust your privacy settings if you want to make sure Alexa is not sending your voice recordings or any of your data to Amazon."
"Microsoft is trying to move more settings into Windows 11 settings to make it more complete."
"Most of the time, the default settings are pretty much fine for most people."
"Group Policy gives me more than 3000 settings that I can use to manage computer accounts and user accounts."
"Match content color space switches between Rec 2020 and Rec 709."
"Turn off video previews and audio previews."
"That's the computer settings I think."
"Both Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon take place in a big divided world that's fractured into opposing lands."
"You can actually turn this on and off at any time."
"My goal is to explain how this camera works and what the settings actually do."
"Set your resolution and frame rate for each mode."
"Depending on what I'm trying to capture, there are only a few settings that I'm ever worried about."
"Most of the time, however, if you're Australian like I am, or European, you might want your FPS set to 25 or 50."
"And then below here, you can set all your settings to be either automatic or you can set them up to be the way you want."
"You probably want to turn on that allowing of personal results."
"The biggest settings screen on the whole thing are the assistant settings."
"This is where you can go change the nickname of the home."
"So you can go ahead and set that as let's say the bedroom display."
"Try adding your own custom actions."
"...clicking on the gear allows us to go into site contents or site settings."
"If you're the type of person who is a stickler for security... you can turn on a glove box pin... so it'll require a PIN to get into same with pinned drive."
"You might want to turn this setting on. It's under your lock section in your settings. You want to turn on 'Close Windows on Lock' that'll automatically close your windows whenever you walk away."
"Complete equivalence: focal length, aperture, and ISO."
"Now just a final note on saving, there are some settings that you can review and customize... definitely worth coming in here, reviewing your settings, and making sure that everything is set up for you."
"You can always go back to default by clicking the reset to factory and it'll be just like you got it out of the box."
"The next couple of settings are not active by default and can help us reduce the size even more."
"Once you have all of your settings dialed in, it's time to enter the prompt and create our character."
"The settings certainly did not disappoint, though. It was beautiful."
"...we now have settings for our PID extruder and our bed."
"It's important because if your settings are off, you may get right the opposite look as what you were shooting for."
"Some people in their system preferences will opt out of having a lot lot of motion."
"Understanding default settings is crucial."
"Inside your settings, you can scroll down a bit."
"Windows 10 will essentially turn on and turn off the settings that you require based on the particular issues that you have."
"Once you set shutter speed, white balance, and ISO manually, they will be fixed in place for the duration of the time lapse."
"We have inputs, outputs, global mobs, and various rendering settings."
"You can use the config file to store parameters such as the username, hostname, port number, and other things as well."
"...it's a really nice way to be able to quickly change your settings so that you can create fast."
"A higher setting will result in a cooler temperature."
"A couple other things here to note is that I can actually come in here to my car settings under service."
"...the first is settings you don't need to pay attention to most of these except turn remix mode on."
"It's also the only USB mic that I found that has different settings for solo, meaning the mic points just at you, sitting across from somebody, meaning it points at both directions, or omnidirectional, where it records everything in the room."
"...so what I would recommend doing is just kind of going through your settings application and just kind of getting used to the panels getting used to everything getting used to the feeling of having an iPhone."
"Here's the rule of thumb: When you are going from a scene or a working space to a display space, ootf is on. Any other time it is off."
"...using the camera settings that we've discussed, you can actually maximize to get the best images possible."
"There is no magic setting on your camera that will make a low-light scene look good."
"Action mode is a good idea to have on as well, otherwise you will always have to enable it when you shoot. By default, it is turned off."
"Moving on to portrait mode, this is very similar to cinematic video mode. Portrait mode will allow you to take photos of your object sharp while you can select how sharp or how much bokeh you would like to see in the background."
"Your main tweaks will be recovery speed, your iron bias, and your sensitivity. They're the main things that you'd have to adjust."
"I know for a fact that these settings will kick ass."
"I've got them turned off right now just because we're in the middle of the build process."
"You could also customize it and come up with maybe a combination of more than 10,000 different settings."
"You can really play around with all these settings and make it uniquely yours."
"You can adjust the volume in the acara app settings."
"I'm going to select the three millimeter basswood plywood and then from there there are power and speed settings but again those are parts of the presets that are all selected for you so you can just go down and hit process."
"Once you have this set up, you don't ever need to touch it again. There's no reason to ever mess with that fan setting or the fluid setting."
"You've got to make sure that you've got all the settings correct."
"In order to change your website and add a website description all we have to do is go into the back end of our website and then go to settings and general."
"Does like a reverse shimmer verb and that's the setting that I have it on right now."
"Settings in Scrapy contain everything related to how your spider and crawling operate, from obeying robots.txt to setting the number of concurrent requests."
"So if I save that and I add my API key from here into my settings, okay so I just wanted to hear perfect."
"Let's go ahead and turn off the green."
"Once you have all of your processing just right you can save all the settings as a preset which can be loaded at any time."
"Your ISO and aperture control both flash and ambient light."
"So what I'm going to do now is simply tell the Lee Stopper what stopper I'm using, which is a 10 stopper, and I'm also going to tell it what shutter speed I'm currently at."
"I could understand all the settings."
"...I like to change this to is the one shot Servo toggle setting so when I change it to that when I hit that button it'll toggle between either one shot focusing or AF Servo focusing or Servo focusing continuous focusing..."
"Just change your JPEG control settings to be black and white. The preview on your camera screen is now going to be in black and white, but you can still switch back to color with those RAW photos when you're at your computer."
"If you look back at ICE under settings, the EAP TLS is by default turned on."
"Make sure you don't change the settings."
"Visual Basic editor settings: Set font size for easier readability."
"...the default mode is high sharpness, so if you have an older camera and the Protune is turned off, it's just always going to be set to high sharpness."
"By switching to 30 frames per second, the camera is also going to default to a slower shutter speed, which allows your scene to be a little brighter."
"For the best image quality and colors, enable 10 bit and set the bit rate to high."
"When in doubt, trust the auto settings... most of the time."
"Once you are inside your advanced settings, simply input the known coordinates: latitude and longitude, as well as the height."
"The camera will adjust the ISO as necessary but won't go over the maximum value."
"...but a couple important things to note. Let's first set it to 4K 120 and 4K 120 on here at least until there's another firmware update that could change this."
"...I recommend changing it to 4K 30 and then when we swipe up again, they've got a couple presets here like you can do hyperlapse time lapse or motion laps which is cool."
"After you've dealt with the auto start application, you can then go to default apps. Here, you've got assist app, browser app, home app, and then the opening links which will basically give you a few little options in here."
"...you want to switch this over to raw, and alpha is luminance already comes pre-checked for you, so you're fine for that one."
"...but me personally, I'm just going to leave them in full humbucking mode pretty much all the time."
"But you can still, you know, visit the App Store, head back to your main screen, see all your settings, toggle between light mode and dark mode, so that your settings look a little bit different versus dark mode."
"But I strongly, strongly, strongly, strongly recommend you untick that."
"My system is set to dark mode or this it auto to dark mode I'm going to set it very deliberately to dark mode so I don't run."
"So, the only option here, the one that makes the most sense, the one that 87% of you chose, is VT not enabled, and you'd be absolutely correct."
"Enhanced measurement events... these things are toggled on by default."
"And we should be able to enable the notifications."
"Now you can actually change your Bluetooth name so whatever you want."
"Go ahead and set up your undo send feature in your settings."
"If you have an iPhone, you have a few settings."
"Wi-Fi power saving mode: turn this on."
"...every time you go into the sport setting under your profile, it will save all these settings."
"With a mix of settings, I can still achieve 60 FPS at 1080p on this guy."
"Bluetooth is a pain in the butt to go to the Bluetooth settings within the settings menu."
"To make your music sound better go to settings music EQ and select late night."
"Really important, make sure you know where your settings are."
"But if you're buying at least a relatively decent microphone, like either of these, it's really going to come down to how you're using it, the way you have the settings set up, and maybe even most importantly, how the microphone is positioned in your environment."
"It's kind of the illustration of a universe creating machine. You gotta set all the dials just right."
"Release settings on a compressor are vital, are one of the most important parameters. Especially on the two bus, you want the release to be on groove."
"So right here we have general settings and you guys have noticed that when I create module sometimes by default it's set to Poppins."
"...you might want to control the settings a little more carefully."
"Some of these settings I don't want to be randomized for example I want max level to stay the same so I set it to const."
"...having the ability to control it even away from this is super convenient and then just being able to navigate the various different settings."
"The main focus for our export settings is to disable nla strips and all actions."
"Narcissism can show up in any setting, large or small, as a perceived sense of grandiosity."
"Right here on the timeline, you have the different strip settings."
"I love variable patterns and if you look at that setting there, it's actually going a little Omni."
"I have mine set to continuous shooting and mid."
"I use these settings for my personal day-to-day vlog videos like this. I even use these settings for my professional self from anywhere that involves product shots all the way to corporate and wedding films."
"You need to make a choice of what you're comfortable with: your ISO setting and your shutter speed."
"It's very quick and easy to just dial these settings in and out when you have the light editor open."
"Another cool setting that allows you to work efficiently is being able to close all your app related windows at once."
"Take the extra step and back up your settings file on your computer."
"In manual mode, you have complete control over all the settings."
"So, my recommendation would be to get your settings, your aperture, and your shutter speed to a safe zone and then leave them alone. So, 2.0 for aperture was safe for me in this super dark environment and then 1/125th for the shutter, that was my safe zone."
"Stick with me for those down and dirty Sports settings."
"The image size settings... the resolution of the image."
"You change it to disabled or enabled."
"...what that means is it's going to be shooting three-minute exposures with one-second delay between each shot at F 2.8 at ISO 640 until I actually come back and press the stop button on the intervalometer..."
"We're going to make sure it's set to black."
"So, why do you want to change settings? Well, there's a lot of cool stuff."
"Display mode bar, if you change that to false, it will not display. Or if you change it to hover, it would only display if you hover over your graph."
"...you may want to enable this one and optionally enable research invites so make your preferences there and tap save and continue all right."
"It's just to set options that will affect users and computers."
"You want the color space here to be set to non-color."
"So that's why they have filmic on default. So I would recommend leaving filmic on default."
"Choosing High here is going to give you better quality, but the downside is that you get larger file sizes."
"Pro settings are there for you to get the best possible quality."
"It's all about knowing what to do, getting the best possible settings."
"Another thing I like is that the base name is set to Dollar OS by default, so you have to change that."
"Now, I had you put it on auto rotation for a very specific reason because based off of how the screen is rotated, that dictates what options the camera is going to give us when it comes to frame rates and resolution."
"The Stern Ritter vs. Shinigami fights are reimagined in everyday settings, like a skate park."
"When your cut settings are correct, just look how nice and easy they pop up. Perfect!"
"...press and hold cancel to keep those settings and that is that."
"...I do have three region breaking settings so now I'm in level three which is the highest level of regen..."
"It is currently defaulted to OFF."
"Have a play around with it and see what you think, the swipe navigation settings are set for each individual dashboard, so you'll need to modify each dashboard to get it the way that you want."
"Good settings will literally save your life."
"...we want that turned on and then we also want this one turned on over here which says snap nodes pads and handles..."
"From your phone, you can actually control and adjust a lot of the settings."
"It's certainly going to hold its own on many demanding games provided you keep those settings in check."
"Copilot will simplify that simply by asking a question it can turn on settings and more."
"Most of the default settings should suit you just fine as a beginner."
"If you find me too quick to follow, there is a button somewhere on the YouTube settings where you can actually turn down the playback speed."
"I'm turning everything off, by geography, I'm turning everything off, by geography."
"These are the best DJ settings that will make you DJ better."
"The flexible priority mode allows you to determine which auto settings you want, and the camera will do the rest."