
Details Quotes

There are 1916 quotes

"Always work from the big shapes down to the smaller details."
"There's a lot of really good stuff in this show, a lot of fun little details. I very much recommend giving it a watch if you haven't."
"Sometimes a little bit of glow will work like a little bit of dust here."
"This attraction has tons of fun Easter eggs, tons of fun details."
"The details are where your player falls in love with your game."
"Little tiny details make a big difference later on."
"They don't tell you what color shoes they're wearing or what they were doing before they found them. That's storytelling."
"Despite the negative name, contagions can be good, bad, neutral, or ambiguous."
"Psycho famously departed from tradition by killing its main protagonist at the end of the First Act in one of the most famous scenes in cinema history."
"By looking at tiny details from earlier eras, you can see how vastly different their lives were."
"Mies said God is in the details, and it's the details that set this building apart."
"In the world of automotive technology, it's often the little things that make the biggest difference."
"Good ideas do help, but the devil is in the details of implementation."
"Make your city feel alive. Use cars, trucks, buses, trains, other city vehicles, cranes, planters, benches, smaller pedestrian lights, garbage cans, signs, small advertisements, places for bikes, markets, tables and chairs with umbrellas, small patches of greenery, food trucks, helicopter pads, and bus stops."
"The details matter. Details can come down to how you have a conversation, how you take a walk."
"In today's competitive market for adventure bikes, often it's the details that make the difference between which bike, which model, what you fall in love with."
"I loved it that he wrote 'sucks'...see, these little things make the movie satisfying."
"It's the little things that really change a city's vibe."
"Even with great intentions, the little details make all the difference in how the final game feels."
"It's the little things that really make a difference."
"But really think about all the little details in the prototype that were changed and the effect they had on the actual story of Berserk."
"There's just so much there, so many little things that add up."
"I love those little details, I'm gonna steal that one, put that in my pocket for later."
"It's a very popular option amongst enthusiasts who are really into all the bells and whistles and controlling the detector."
"Tend to the small things. Notice the small things and appreciate it."
"Minor differences matter a lot, especially in the quality of certain features."
"Don't overlook small golden pieces of writing in fiction."
"I could spend all day just sitting in here enjoying the details."
"His stripy leggings suggest there was at least some consideration of personal appearance."
"It's just confusing, what's coming out of his bracer?"
"It's like details you're weaving, what you are doing specifically is you really are telling a story because that's how humans consume facts."
"When examining the crime scene they look in the kitchen where Chad's body was he was lying on the floor on his back and what looked to be work clothes that he had on as well as a gun holster stir on his right hip there was defrosting chicken."
"Wally's home includes a familiar face hidden among his collection."
"Little things give us clues about our cultural and cinematic history."
"I'm not saying you have to like it, but the detail is intriguing."
"The best place to begin our Soul easter egg hunt is in the Hall of Everything."
"The Pizza Planet truck with its distinctive red and white rocket on the roof is here in the hall."
"Sometimes the smallest little details can make a big difference."
"This film is better appreciated for its cinematic details, not just a list of comic book easter eggs."
"Cars is a Pixar classic with a list of easter eggs and hidden details a mile long!"
"It’s just those details that a lot of people take for granted that do hold it back."
"They want to make things work, they want to just figure out all the little details."
"Advances in forensic science bring even the smallest details to light, revealing the fatal impressions that lead killers directly to justice."
"The letter is definitely suspicious. I think it is very strange that it was so specific about that car accident."
"These little details... can really add to the realism and the architecture of this place."
"We have them on file in the aircraft, the photograph and all the details, the latitude and longitude of where it is."
"Naruto's stats: from height to favorite food, he's a well-rounded character."
"Every little detail in the book is brilliant."
"How did you notice that?" "I lack the arrogance to ignore details. I’m not the police."
"This next version is doing a little bit less for me in some ways, but there are some nice details."
"There's so many little things in there that you can catch."
"This is the kind of game what I really like about it is that if I pause the game I can notice like little things like the school bus the destroyed highway there like this is"
"The devil is in the detail, you need to look at what's happening with regards to the latest month and the trends."
"It's just a cute little detail that there's almost no purpose but they put it in there anyway, so it is kind of fun."
"There are little minuscule behavioral details that you can notice."
"The small details make the build much better in my opinion."
"For those of you that really want to get stuck into the nitty-gritty optimizations."
"Details can add noise to an image that helps hide disbelief."
"Essential to include key components, but don't obsess over minor details."
"This seems to be the most anticipated game of this year, I won't lie."
"The dress, the texture, the brooch, the earrings, the accessories - it was on point."
"Virgo is also linked to tiny things, things like microbes and health and hygiene."
"It's the small things, it's the small things."
"That's also from Amber from Australia, um, already had that little fake plant."
"Come join us in the spoiler section if you want to know exact details and plot holes."
"Little things that you would never give a second thought to made all the difference, literally between life and death."
"It's the little stuff that's going to really mess you up."
"Clearly there's more to interpret in the details here that most seem to overlook."
"I care about the details. Facts actually matter."
"You can take any individual detail of a character and people will be able to recognize it."
"This mod is just really detailed and I've been loving having it in my own game."
"Looking around at the power tools, the spare helmet here or these canisters on the ground everything looks suitably round and actually has a certain way to look to it."
"Floyd knows the camera angles, the walkouts, the song, from detail to detail."
"I review cars and it's sort of an unusual way. I show all of like a bunch of little details and stuff that maybe you would encounter if you actually like owned the car." - Doug Demuro
"It kind of felt like a nice palette cleanser... it had a lot of stuff to love, it had a lot of nice little details." - Sean Sullivan
"Whether it's adding in a small section of different details, changing the roof levels or changing the roof heights in general, these are what really make or break a build."
"Whenever there's a really detailed amiibo I have a better appreciation for."
"Little details like that make the difference."
"Every little bit extra just makes more of the story and you tell a better story."
"There are small little tweaks here and there."
"Travel light is a perk in new vegas that increases your movement speed by 10 when wearing light armor but what if i told you that there's actually a couple of medium armors that also gain this benefit."
"These wings themselves are super detailed and unique, and the particle work they've got going on here is flat out amazing."
"One of the details that Carol Roth lays out..."
"What a machine, and all the wheel covers are there."
"The detail in this place just blows my mind away."
"The gameplay is just so satisfying and there's a lot of little things to it."
"There are a lot of movies like that where it's like the movie I like, but it's also because of the little things."
"This lens can help me zoom in and reach out and grab those details from a distance."
"You know it's him, you see the hat, you see the glasses, you see the headphones, you see the pen, you see his sketchbook, you know exactly who it is, but that image tells an incredible story."
"Many small things make a whole, and just the beauty and detail that you find in nature."
"Loki season two: Chock full of Easter eggs, ready for a wild ride!"
"Love all the details, fantastic, really, really good."
"If you are emotional, you don't see the details."
"Grab a cup of tea, sit back, and relax as we dive into all the details you need."
"It's the little things that make the biggest differences."
"Life is all about the nuance in all the small things you know."
"It’s time to peer into the grisly details and find out."
"It's just like, it's the little things, it's the intangible."
"Now that we can scrutinize the movie frame by frame, the Riddler makes a surprise appearance early in the film."
"Sometimes it's the little things on a bike that make a big difference."
"Imagine if the details were worse than that."
"Details are the most important things of all."
"The sense of smell, for instance, to be able to smell the things they smell, the cinnamon, the Lotus, the cedar."
"It's the little things in Minecraft that make it worth it."
"The Judy questline... perfect down to the last minute details."
"You can see just what a difference it makes, helping all those details really pop out."
"The ship's done, well correction, the ship is actually almost done, you see without a bed, a ship is just a ship."
"It's those little details that you don't ask for and you can't put a value on."
"Subtle things will make the difference in your videos."
"Sometimes a little detail from the past pops up and puts things in perspective."
"And the subtle references keep coming with this small boat at Log Jam Lotus."
"There's really something to be said for a hidden layer of detail."
"It's a movie on repeated viewing you find more and more subtle details."
"The little things is what matters to most for sure."
"We do agree on a lot because we do, fundamentally, we agree. But I think, unlike, there's little details, like it's just ironing out the details."
"Just like with the gameplay and character models however..."
"Dragons have four independent legs folks, that's what we're talking about."
"The little things like that make a Halo game for me."
"Leave those details in, they define you as a person."
"We generally want to draw people into details like the eyes, the lips, and the hair."
"The subtleties actually make all the difference at the end of the day."
"Those things give validity to their overall story because if they're giving you those minuscule details that they wouldn't know unless they were there, that adds to the credibility."
"The little things that make a big difference."
"Season 5 is beginning and everyone was wondering what's coming what's changing well finally the details have been announced."
"This character is my new favorite NPC besties. Just look at her, look at the detail in like her outfit, her horse, like she just seems like such a fun person."
"There's so many small things here that they're teasing."
"Minutiae is extremely unimportant...you can't see the forest for the trees."
"It's all details, but it just works so well."
"This is awesome, I love the cowboy, I love all the details, I love even like how the letters look in Saloon, the smoke is awesome. This is a 10."
"It's the little things that count, like damn, this is a look at this!"
"Every single chiseled block in Minecraft has some secrets to it."
"It's always the small details that make this game so much better. How do we not have these things?"
"This game is full to the brim with nice little moments."
"Attention to the small details can make a difference."
"I'm just gonna have them listed here and what would you like me to specifically answer in those recordings."
"He finally appreciates her for every single detail of who she is."
"It is literally full, look at the little sheep on the glasses here, so cool."
"Wow, such intricate details on everything."
"We look for God in the dramatic, but he shows up in the details."
"Do you want to see him like that? Don't look for him in just the dramatic; look for him in the details."
"It's the little details that make you successful."
"One small detail that goes a very long way when it comes to creating a luxurious feeling in your bedroom is wrinkle-free sheets."
"...viewers are less likely to blame each feature's confusing nature on the film itself but rather crave a second, third, or maybe even a fourth viewing to try and soak in every last detail..."
"...the danger is they may assume undue importance; most details are insignificant, one or two are vital."
"Those little things make such a difference."
"Remember that little things, sometimes it's all the little things, you know."
"It's these details... it's all these finishing bits that make the whole outfit."
"It's the little things that make things cool."
"There's something about the small details of very nice things that really add up over time."
"The more details they can give you, especially at the beginning, the better results you can get."
"Everything about it I absolutely love, from the small little details down to that monster of a heart and just everything else in between."
"Good conversationalists know how to keep their ears pricked for facts and details they can draw on or ask questions about."
"All right, let's talk about all the nitty-gritty details that you need to know before you make your ferry reservation."
"It's the little things that matter."
"That concludes my in-depth tour of this 2018 Mercedes-Benz A 180 D."
"Every single wire is labeled and accessible."
"This car has no glove box, so there is no glove box up here or even here."
"That is everything we found in the Fallout series. There is a LOT packed in here, and I love the care and attention to detail of everything."
"Total length of the pond from end to end is going to be 20 feet."
"It matches my house, it matches the floors, look at the details, y'all."
"I love the architectural elements and the details in this house."
"It's the small details that make me laugh the most."
"It seems like somebody needs details, and today in this reading, I will specifically be concentrated on details of your soulmate."
"It perfectly combines those play elements you look for in a Lego set with the beautiful aesthetic and those movie accurate details."
"I love to find pieces that have unique details to them."
"The cocktail hour napkins had holographic moose and diggies on them."
"This concrete slab measures 12 feet by 14 feet by 6 inches thick and is reinforced with half-inch thick rebar."
"It is the little things that make the big difference."
"Yes details I know you guys love when I have details."
"Details, everybody, every writing teacher will tell you details."
"That looks so cool just from a details perspective, really intricate."
"The later revision you would see the hump on the valve cover for better baffling notch for variable cam timing."
"Upgrading your kitchen handles is a really big change that a lot of people just kind of forget about."
"They say the devil's in the details."
"Generally, the amount of details you get while upscaling with magnific is wild."
"...let's focus in on the K itself for just a moment..."
"These are so cool, those massive louvers, the Ferrari badges or Shields, I should call them Shields."
"These little moments do stand out now on re-watch and they kind of detract from the experience a little bit."
"In the search for truth, even the smallest details matter."
"Naturally, they can't just get any ear. This guy has a distinctive spider web tattoo and a god-earring."
"As I stood there just as I said that the right half of the cerebellum, the back part of the brain fell out of that massive wound in the back of his head onto the cart."
"The supernatural car identified in the movie as a 1958 Plymouth Fury was actually two older Plymouth models."
"Oda's second favorite scene in all of One Piece is one that 99.9% of people will not even remember."
"Oda very sneakily revealing to us Luffy's devil fruit."
"Now, once your lid is on, we're gonna turn this little knob to sealing not venting."
"I personally find it incredibly hard to believe that Mrs. Weasley would not have the platform number absolutely cemented in her mind."
"The little details like the windup of lightning bending or being able to blood Bend adds so many layers to this magic system."
"All that information is in the description."
"Cards are only a small part of this story."
"It's hard to overstate the sheer amount of details the artists have put into these sets."
"I'll take the camera off the tripod now and show you a few more things in detail."
"...and it was just all the time there was little things like that that just helped color my performance."
"The fact is, guys, when it comes to exercise selection, the details matter as always."
"The little details matter more than you would think as far as, you know, colors and fonts and things like that."
"There's so much more there that I think a lot of people aren't really familiar with in terms of the details of the story."
"It feels more ingrained into the shirt than the screen print so I would say that if you were gonna pick between high color screen print and high color DTF I would pick the DTF for sure just because of the details you can get."
"You're a painter. You're a baker. You like to sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. And you always double-knot your shoelaces."
"Filled with Easter eggs, hidden details, and lots of things going on with it, this tops off what's arguably one of the greatest trilogies of all time."
"Did it answer all your hard-hitting questions? I mean, it might have if you really cared about the name of the reporter and where Oda got the reference from."
"It makes me really happy when I see other people also noticing and appreciating and loving the little details."