
Historical Quotes

There are 1699 quotes

"And here we are with Mars Perseverance, 51 years later, getting ready to do the first ever Mars return mission."
"The end game idea is to become the supreme controller of Rome and also have 50 provinces under your empire."
"The great sword we're specifically looking at right now is called the Great Wyvern Jaw Blade."
"This is the actual car that won the 1952 Mille Miglia and a host of other achievements as well."
"The [__] up thing about leper colonies is, so this is like before germ theory, but people still did have some idea of like contagiousness."
"They even claim he carried the Ark of the Covenant with him."
"Even in the afterlife, Irukaptah will be comfortable."
"Himmler's intention was to negotiate a peace settlement with the Western powers."
"The fact of the matter is the accounts in the Bible, the historical accounts we looked at today outside the Bible, and the Christian accounts from outside the Bible all hold themselves out to be historical."
"The Aztec flower wars served a far darker purpose than merely the slaying of foes in combat."
"Truman won't need to use the atomic bomb, because he can count on a man, General MacArthur."
"This is a moment that really is making history."
"A sign of his growing influence is seen, in the increasing number of petitions which Cromwell was receiving."
"Slicer 0.9.7 from 10 years ago: a snapshot back in time."
"Fine, but it'll be $2000 continental money for me and my brother. Deal?"
"That's one small step for men, one giant leap for mankind."
"Here men from the planet Earth First set foot on the moon July 1969 A.D we came in peace For All Mankind."
"I think we may now have the most conservative Supreme Court in maybe a hundred years."
"There is only a photo. It's an old tin ax type or chroma print."
"The tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of every generation."
"Lovely lovely Ghent looks almost just as it did in the Middle Ages when it was the capital of Flanders."
"We have tried to make sure this game is as historically authentic as we possibly can make it."
"You can't have a Bronze Age game without chariots."
"He's going to be considered one of the best presidents of history."
"There's basically never been a gigantic social, political or economic paradigm shift that was perfectly planned out prior to its implementation."
"Welcome to GMT, obviously. 400-year-old student accommodation, that's very cool."
"The Great Pyramid was the national project of the whole nation."
"Nelson's tactic: 'If you meet two enemies, do not each attack one. Combine both on one of the enemy...'"
"I have made a very important and historical discovery."
"Love was on board the Titanic, a love letter was found in the ancient artifacts that were recovered almost 70 years after the accident."
"The truth is, not since 1916 could you go up into the torch."
"Employees and customers have reported seeing the ghost of a man in a World War II-era military uniform inside of this location."
"Gibson’s ‘68 was one of the most remarkable athletic achievements of all time."
"Total War: Three Kingdoms: a hybrid historical and fantasy total war game inspired by the Romance of the Three Kingdoms novel."
"President Truman soon initiated the three-year-long six million dollar restoration."
"In an infamous 1981 conference she claimed that it’s 'beautiful for the poor to accept their lot'."
"SCP-1981 was a Betamax tape featuring Ronald Reagan, but now consists of recordings of a skinless humanoid giving a speech at the World Economic Forum in 2013."
"Much of the first half of Saddam’s reign over Iraq was dominated and shaped by conflict with Iraq’s eastern neighbour, Iran."
"The hauntings began as soon as the bull family moved into the rectory in 1863."
"Surely in a sense, Caesar must be the first emperor."
"The president who saved America from traitors and communists."
"In February 2021, Italian plumber Luciano Faggiano was called out to what he expected to be a standard job in Puglia, Italy. He'd been told there was a broken toilet in a restaurant and he was the right man to fix it."
"This happened when did that happen last time guys? The Great Recession."
"It was so nice to like hear some stories that like my parents or grandparents have told me about about like the actual history and what was going on like actually unfold in this story as well."
"The reason why the temple wall is in front of the Sphinx is to act as the fourth barrier to the water."
"The M14 is very reminiscent of the rifle that preceded it in military service... which was the M1 Garand."
"Joe Biden will have secured the most votes in the history of the country in terms of presidential wins."
"Plato said that Alcibiades' love of distinction and love of Fame were used against him in his long troubled career."
"He had continued Nur ad-Din’s efforts to rally the Sunni community."
"Ironically, he had taken the land route due to his fear of drowning in the sea!"
"Richard was now in numerical inferiority against the Ayyubids."
"Whole family sitting by the radio, listening to a fireside chat, Roosevelt."
"These are really important moments in our history and people remember who shared the news with them."
"It's said to have so much interior space that it featured an indoor garden, a bathroom with hot water, and stunning decorations made from ivory and marble."
"With no Jackson in office, such an event like the Trail of Tears doesn't occur."
"Both Rome and America were obsessed with games and sports."
"American factories were producing an airplane every five minutes and a ship every day."
"For a time, Magor as King was said to be ruled by three queens."
"Give me ten minutes to talk away my ugly face and I'll get the Queen of France in bed." - Voltaire
"Jesus felt the same way when he was here on earth."
"Spectacle: monumental piece of historical epic filmmaking."
"That is how Civil War infantry will wake up in the mornings usually at 5am."
"Whaley House: the most haunted house in America."
"The George Stickney house: believed to be tainted by devil worshipers."
"Franklin Castle: ranked one of the most haunted places in Ohio."
"Letchworth Village: haunted by the tortured patients who inhabited the area."
"The Waverly Hills Sanatorium: one of the most haunted places in America."
"The Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece, built of such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it."
"Legend has it that the structures were erected in just 20 years time, meaning that a block had to be moved into place about every five minutes of each day."
"it's just a very kind of eerie cool feeling to look at old photographs"
"Louisville Kentucky's Waverly Hills sanatorium is believed to be one of the most haunted places."
"In just a few short years, the illegitimate son of Duke Robert the Magnificent had gone from virtual fugitive from his own vassals – presiding over an anarchic and broken duchy – to"
"Forli, a decent example of Romanesque architecture despite its muddy appearance."
"Let there be one lord, one king." - Maranzano
"It's certainly a lot more impressive government than anything that they saw under King George by orders of magnitude."
"The digital age we're going into is as profound as the renaissance or the enlightenment."
"We're gonna be playing in a complete sandbox and we're going to go for the classic colonize the colonizers run here again starting as the Sikh Empire and subjugating Great Britain is an achievement."
"Once you demand their full annexation, assign governors in both the Sinai and Arabian regions."
"We want the player to be focused on what a Roman Emperor is focused on."
"Howard Phillips Lovecraft started a flame war in the comments section of the 1914 equivalent to a YouTube video."
"Abraham Lincoln was actually liked by the American people, he was literally assassinated by a man who believed he was acting on behalf of half the country."
"Trump goes to be the first seditious president of the United States."
"Heydrich and Himmler make a formidable pair, but as they push forward their radical plans, Inner Circle Rivals are already plotted to break up the deadly partnership."
"The joust represented here is quite advanced, matching the late medieval combat technology."
"Castles were some of the most imposing structures ever built, withstanding both bloody assaults... and the test of time."
"Alcohol played an intrinsic part of pleasure in the medieval period."
"It's still talked about and still written about. He put his men who were sick because they were eating from the King's table on vegetables and water and then he reassessed them in 10 days and found that they were healthier."
"I'm gonna smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." - John F. Kennedy
"It's WCW's Great American Bash '95, a historic event!"
"North brother island...eerily quiet...haunted lighthouse...coffin corner...just cursed land."
"Overcrowded prison...55 executions...a woman named Selena...still haunts the grounds today."
"The sacrifice of VT-8 is not about dragging the zeros down to deck level; it's about taking time off the clock."
"The Astrodome held its grand opening on April 9, 1965, for an exhibition matchup between the New York Yankees and the Houston Astros."
"London had it particularly bad because of the amount of people in such a confined space."
"The Queen Mary may be haunted, but as always the answer will remain unsolved."
"Miraculously the Americans have won their first Victory on the first day of the American Revolution."
"It's a Fox Chase, boy, as Washington says as he leads his soldiers to Victory."
"Yuri's Obsession wasn't even that strange to many people in the USSR as plenty of regular citizens had the same ideas."
"The murderous reign of John Christie was just beginning."
"Hitler knows that he will have to break us in this island or lose the war." - Winston Churchill
"Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth lasts for a thousand years, men will still say this was their finest hour." - Winston Churchill
"The Battle of Britain was about to begin... the RAF faced almost overwhelming odds but it did have one secret weapon which helped level the playing field: radar."
"This new Quran that has been found in the birmingham library called the birmingham folios."
"The top man for United when it matters most."
"Babbage couldn't pay for the construction of the entire device."
"The conversation is escalating, never before in American history."
"God used Paul's imprisonment to open doors for the gospel, even among Caesar's household."
"But not only that but he even predicted the time within 25 minutes of the initial assault."
"Hamilton was your typical rags-to-riches story."
"We're going to make some history together today." - Steve Jobs
"Londoners of the late 19th century could have seen him parade through the city center wearing lavish colorful gowns and robes, donning jewel-encrusted tiaras."
"Every second those candle lights flickered in the camps, these people were risking their lives."
"An Anglo-Saxon settlement: we may have a rare Anglo-Saxon hall here."
"I really like these, you see this kind of has a historic American row home vibe."
"Fisherman discovers Message in a Bottle. Imagine fishing in the Tranquil Waters of Maryland Solomon's islands and stumbling upon a piece of History floating in the water."
"Douglass scored the upset for the ages when he knocked out Tyson in the 10th round."
"The subordinates of Hitler all followed orders willingly, enthusiastically, and effectively."
"Adolf Eichmann claimed that all he did was manage train timetables, but there's much more to it than that - he is overseeing the forced transfer of thousands of men, women, and children."
"He was an executive administrator of genocide."
"Eichmann was completely unrepentant about the extermination of the Jews - it was a policy he was proud to have carried out in the name of Germany."
"For every injury of his [ __ ] kicked in by Cornelius Vanderbilt."
"Everyone will not be Nazis anymore I mean kind of worked in a way I mean definitely there's not Nazi rule in Germany anymore."
"This election is shaping up to be one that we have never seen in American history."
"The Parthenon: a 23,000 square foot Temple held up by 69 marble columns."
"Here lies the business end of Victory, the 32 pounder long guns, capable of smashing through any ship's hull known."
"We're trying to restore the kingdom of Cornwall and then reclaim Britannia. That's the plan."
"The mythology of a mounted solar king who defeats the powers of darkness is immensely old and widespread."
"Since before the construction of the pyramids."
"They were assigned to guard restricted areas of the Grand Canyon from trespassers for decades."
"In February of 1957, something very strange was discovered across the street from a home for Wayward girls." - Aiden Mattis
"The body of a young boy between four and six years old was found in a box wrapped in a blanket just sitting there on the side of the road." - Aiden Mattis
"He formulated a theory that perhaps the boy in the Box was an illegitimate child of either Arthur Nicoletti or Anna Marie Nagel." - Aiden Mattis
"Open world samurai game exploration stealth combat sword fighting 13th century Japan like what's not to love here?"
"What boggles the mind about the tomb of morseless is not only how beautiful the finished structure was but also the pure number of man-hours that were necessary to make it so beautiful."
"Stalin inherited both Lenin's revolutionary opportunism and the tsarial problem of flanking powers."
"Stalin presides over this Victory Parade in Moscow where they throw the banners the Nazi Banners at his feet."
"The Sovereign of the Seas, or as the Dutch called her, the golden devil."
"The genuine Book of Enoch is referred to as the ethiopic Book of Enoch."
"God wills it and we'll take Jerusalem, take back the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and start building our own stuff."
"Was the fuse leading up to the Common Era uniquely preparing history for the coming of Jesus Christ?"
"Stalin wanted God off to strike with overwhelming force against the Germans."
"This tomb was started in 1869... completed and dedicated October 15, 1874."
"Lincoln's black cat of a son: Robert Todd Lincoln's uncanny encounters with death, narrowly escaping multiple fatal incidents linked to presidential assassinations."
"Passover is basically the celebration of when the Jews, the Israelis, were no longer slaves to the Egyptians. So it's not really just a Jewish thing, it's like a freedom thing."
"Annie Oakley said, 'What makes men and women equal? The gun.'"
"The hairstyles of the elites in the Bronze Age Aegean clearly represented an individual's age, status, or position."
"For the elites of Bronze Age Scandinavia, a man's hairstyle conveyed information about that man as a warrior and his role in his tribe and his wider society."
"Hairstyles were of particular importance in conveying a warrior's social status and even perhaps their seniority."
"A miraculous phenomenon occurred over Judea."
"Nellie Bly... wrote a book titled 10 days in a madhouse about the abuse and ridiculous treatment that the patients were subjected to here."
"Eugene Debs put forward socialism as the cure for the sicknesses of the Gilded Age."
"During the Reagan years, middle-class incomes went up twenty-two percent."
"The chapel is decorated with the bones and skulls of the dead."
"One dude's job was to stack all the bones. He made six pyramids of bones from 70,000 people."
"The do 17 was indeed both fast and maneuverable."
"The spectral sightings and eerie atmosphere make Shaker's Bar not just a historical landmark, but a portal to the past."
"The Last Czars is that kind of rare show that's both entertaining and educational."
"The Queen brought peace to this land and to her King, a peace so deep."
"The morning of the 18th of December, the final blow was struck. Two companies of the 39th battalion surged out of the kunai grass just 100 meters from the village into the teeth of heavy Japanese fire."
"A team of archaeologists excavated at least 30 bodies, including 20 adults and 10 children, who were buried just 1.6 feet (50 cm) in the ground."
"This scheme, which Kerr dubbed obliterative or party coloring, is not as outlandish as it sounds, being firmly based on the manner in which U-boats operated at sea."
"Enterprise, the most revered and decorated ship in World War II." - Narrator
"Hitler wanted a war with quite different goals."
"For The United States Of America The Second World war had begun."
"Cossack society was remarkably egalitarian for the time."
"The Tomb of the emperor the great Terracotta Army is one of the most amazing archaeological discoveries ever made."
"A leather shoe was recently found in a German bog that's not the most interesting headline but it gets better when you learned that the shoe was lost in that bog for 2 000 years."
"The empire of the Parthians would continue to have conflict with Rome."
"Septimius Severus would declare himself Parthicus Maximus."
"To maintain their power and to get access to the resources needed to facilitate further urban expansion, it was crucial for Italian city-states to expand and maintain control over the "contado"."
"But measurements were taken before sending and it was determined that the bones could belong to a woman of Amelia Earhart's size."
"Included among the jewelry was a ring, an arm bracelet, and a small crystal ball pendant dating back between the fifth and ninth centuries."
"It's not an allegation about your intentions, it is a documented evidence historically factual situation."
"This Holocaust Survivor escaped to the beginning of World War II."
"We were sure of victory when we began to march to the frontier on may the 9th."
"The battle you have just seen was one of the decisive battles of the second world war."
"It was a shock, on june the 4th, in a great debate in the house of commons churchill announces solemnly that if necessary england will fight to the end."
"This was part of the deal between Group 935 and the Nazi Party where the Nazi to provide Group Man 3/5 of the funding they needed."
"More than a century after it struck an iceberg and sank beneath the waves, the royal mail ship Titanic continues to capture the popular imagination."
"But more importantly, the Eddystone rocks were once again guarded."
"This is the ultimate strategy as Aztec, ladies and gentlemen."
"White folk always on a Saturday night would call all their slaves around the mansion just to entertain."
"Since its inception in 1663, many prominent geniuses have been members of this society including Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk."
"FDR gave his famous speech about the 'date that will live in infamy'."
"Australia's lead on the Paris Peace Accords and that intact was very significant."
"Sometimes releasing that March of 65 for the war, okay, somewhere running it out."
"The Morse code train station in New Orleans Square plays the first two sentences from Walt Disney's opening day speech of July 17th in 1955."
"Queen Caroline, a principled Protestant heroine."
"Caroline's political influence was very great."
"These findings are a treasure trove for historians, offering crucial insights into our past."
"For centuries in China, part of a woman's beauty was expressed by binding their feet."
"Exploring the Wii's library is a journey through gaming history."
"Control of the TDR-1 was a testament to the technological advancements of its era."
"It was 57 feet long with two luggage wagons, three carriages, two sleeper cars with beds, and a dining car with a full fine dining menu."
"He is truly the only man who can symbolize almost all of Naruto's history."
"The Emira was not only going to be a lightweight, mid-engined sports car just like its predecessors but it was also the very last lotus powered by an internal combustion engine."
"Some of the oldest cities in the United States are in New Mexico."
"Never had I seen so great courage, nay not amongst all the Nephites."
"The fleet found much more success plundering and burning the cities of Cadiz and Algeria."
"I personally I don't think it'll ever be solved mine just for me it'll go down in history the most famous unsolved mystery."