
Imaging Quotes

There are 273 quotes

"We're talking about 25 cameras on this mission. Just unbelievable, image-rich."
"What is an image? Well, recall that an image is a bunch of pixels or dots on the screen. Every one of those dots has RGB values associated with it."
"It produces the most incredible image quality possible, a real treat for the eyes."
"Down Imaging is a way that you can take pictures of what's going on underneath your boat."
"I think when we talk about Imaging in general there's still very much a future there."
"Broaden your horizons - make imaging part of a bigger role."
"Webb's unrivaled infrared coverage will help us to enhance the deep-field images."
"So in summary, we want to do for imaging what the natural world had done for optogenetics."
"This look inside the Apple Vision Pro enables us to learn things that would otherwise be nearly impossible without destroying the device."
"It can stitch together hundreds or even thousands of 2D x-rays into a full 3D model."
"If you're a person that likes that imaging like perfect and you like a lot of dynamics and depth to your speakers, they're right here."
"...to get a very significant large view of the heart from multiple different planes, including the frontal and horizontal plane."
"An x-ray doesn't do a great job of picking these things up, especially in the early phases. Really, you need some type of MRI or bone scan to pick these things up."
"It's sort of like your brain betrays you and for me imaging was so important because one people see this is a medical problem not a moral problem."
"Imaging, as you would expect, is fantastic."
"CCDs quickly took most of the Imaging Market, providing the sensors for things like camcorders and digital cameras."
"...you can generally see more fish on site imaging on these natural lakes because of that..."
"MRI: Best available imaging of soft tissue, actually approaches the sensitivity of direct visualization."
"I work with microscopy and imaging techniques that allow you to look at materials at high magnification."
"Uclid will image billions of galaxies with unprecedented accuracy out to a distance of 10 billion light years."
"Center gives you contrast, CC kind of like CC and Coke."
"Diffusion tensor allows us to create a matrix of the diffusion coefficients in the Cartesian plane."
"Signal amplitude in k-space determines contrast and spatial resolution in the final image."
"Manipulating k-space data enables accelerated imaging techniques like Keyhole Imaging."
"Exploiting k-space properties facilitates real-time imaging with high temporal resolution."
"They actually have sort of laser imaging systems that take a complete 3D image of the inside of the piping and all of that kind of stuff."
"Mega 360 imaging is awesome in terms of the detail that you can see."
"We can use this k space data as well as this one-dimensional Fourier transformation data, combine those data sets to give us ultimately the image that we're trying to create."
"We've used all of that data that we generated in k space to Fourier transform and create this frequency-based location here."
"Any individual point in k space represents the net magnetization Vector of the entire slice at a given period of time, but one data point is not enough to create this image here. We need all of these data points in combination to create the MRI image."
"There is another approach that also can allow us to break the diffraction limit and that takes advantage of single molecule imaging."
"This new strategy to overcome this problem and allow us to do subdiffraction limit imaging was by taking advantages of the photo switching property of fluorescent probes."
"The imaging quality is good enough, useful enough, and creative enough."
"Image quality can't emphasize it enough to you please take the extra time learn the maneuvers to optimize image quality."
"The Imaging is so perfect that you can almost feel like you're in the space that the thing was recorded in."
"...it's used in the enhanced thermatic mapper they use on satellites."
"Plaquenil toxicity can be detected early on OCT as outer retinal atrophy with a characteristic 'spaceship sign'."
"Combining structural data with single virus particle imaging on living cells can help answer questions about the entry process."
"What we're detecting here is contrast, it's not an absolute change in signal of the infarct, it's the contrast between the infarct and the normal tissue."
"...one of the characteristics of stir images is that they are fat suppressed images."
"...we tend to think of CT as being the modality that's most sensitive to subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this case, which was proven by an LP, you didn't really see anything on the CT, but it was detectable with flare."
"Isotropic voxels are ideal. That's what's going to give you the best images."
"You need to have both High sensitivity and high resolution image resolution because the planets will have gravitational effects on the material."
"We're gonna be imaging the entire night sky every three nights...building it for 10 years...one of the largest telescopes...to be working on the ground."
"Multi-resolution images are now possible, even within one satellite."
"It imaged deep into the moon's surface and listened to echoes of sound bouncing back off structures hidden from view."
"fMRI: The most popular and widely used technique for understanding brain function today in humans."
"The high-resolution part of it refers to the thickness of the cuts. The thinner the cuts, the better the ability to diagnose ALD."
"So, axial resolution depends predominantly on the frequency."
"So these are the main principles for resolution because that's your image."
"So, these tiny micro bubbles when you use contrast emit quite a bit of this resonant frequency so if you send it to point five they're gonna emit quite a bit at five and the image would would look quite impressive."
"...the Marantz center imaging on this amplifier, that 3D holographic center imaging is badass."
"...they benefit from a little bit of tow-in but beyond that the imaging is going to be as good as you would expect."
"You can solve any problem, no matter what it is, by using positive imaging in the ways that he talks about."
"High-resolution imaging of the black hole in the Galaxy M87."
"So, radioactive decay has a lot of applications. There are medical applications including imaging organs and bones including the heart."
"The rastering image tool is quite versatile with many options to choose, like selecting line-to-line tracing, vectorizing, one-bit black and white dithering, etc."
"Think of your working distance as a balance between depth of field and resolution."
"The Airyscan Fast is a hybrid scanning mode that significantly increases the speed of our acquisition while simultaneously improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the image compared to the standard confocal."
"Microscopy is not just a technique to generate beautiful images, but those images contain a lot of quantitative information that can be extremely important."
"It's one of the best shots ever proposed to directly image earth-sized worlds orbiting around sunlike stars in the habitable zone."
"Medical isotopes are the backbone of a lot of imaging techniques to find and treat different maladies."
"By selecting the mass of the thing you're trying to image, and the energy of the photon which you can control, you can produce as much possible contrast as you can between two different things."
"Do you need 3D data, is a 2D image good enough, or do you need 3D?"
"Two Photon microscopy's real strength is that it can image very thick specimens."
"Soundstage and imaging is very excellent... seamless center imaging is also locked in."
"The Imaging is spectacular on the speaker."
"The speaker sounds really powerful with authoritative bass and really, really phase coherent imaging perfection in the mid-range and high frequencies."
"The negative PSMA PET description is quite short, but this is what a normal bio distribution of PSMA target rate of tracer to look like."
"These are the little things we talk about, flexibility of image."
"In dementia, the coronal images are really important to look at the medial temporal lobe including the hippocampus."
"This one has a big advantage: one switching cycle is enough to record an image."
"U-Net is a deep learning architecture, and why do we use it? Well, here is a quick snapshot for especially for images that are kind of busy."
"This does work with the most type of obviously biological images, but also if you are doing drone imaging or remote sensing imaging in general, U-Net can be a great architecture."
"If you're going for the best image quality possible, this is what you would do."
"You want to produce identifiable standard views, and this is so critically important for a successful scan."
"Quality in the echo lab goes hand in hand with image optimization."
"Creating such a detailed image of the moon is not an easy task."
"The best diagnostic step for a diaphragmatic rupture is a chest x-ray."
"A basic understanding of ultrasound physics is essential to reliably acquire quality images and provide accurate interpretation."
"The more images you take, the more information you get."
"Photometric stereo seems to be the best choice."
"Photometric stereo technique was born."
"It's got better imaging than the Magical M3, better imaging than the Alexia Two."
"Good sound stage, good imaging, good sense of air, sounds great, detail control on the bass."
"Soundstage and imaging, quite good."
"Imaging is worth a thousand words."
"It makes a lot more sense to look at the brain with sophisticated imaging and then try to figure out who has salvageable tissue."
"We're going to end up with a very trustworthy image that we can use to grade our images with confidence."
"This is a great workflow to get you an accurate, trustworthy image that you can have reasonable confidence in when you're grading."
"Cardiology is lucky in that we've really had a lot of imaging advances over the last 30-40 years."
"When you combine these two together, that's when you get a high-quality image."
"I get to sit in a quiet room with this patient and take these pictures of inside of their body that will help them."
"It's very pinpoint, absolutely lovely imaging."
"One can focus these electrons and make them image things that are literally a factor of a thousand finer than what you can image with light."
"High dynamic range means that the distance between the darkest darks and the brightest brights, in terms of photon energy, is much higher."
"Pillow is the default Python image library."
"The exciting thing about JWST is not only will it be able to capture extremely high-resolution images."
"You'll be able to get incredible imaging."
"If we have this negative epsilon and mu, we can break the diffraction limit of our image."
"If you have a point source passing through that material, you can form an image at the opposite side of it."
"Maximum resolution means the clearest image possible; minimum magnification means that the image is as close to the actual size of the object as possible."
"Quantum Imaging enhances your current known imaging standards."
"High frequency, short wavelength imaging penetrates shallowly and gives high resolution."
"Secondary electron microscopy images are pretty easy for people to interpret because they get mainly topographical information."
"For diffusion weighted sequence and ADC, you can think of them as a 'stroke sequence'."
"It's actually focusing the image that the sensor sees."
"It's a very, very small footprint, very small exposure, but it gives you a great image."
"We're doing lucky imaging; we're trying to cut through the atmospheric disruption to get just that clear picture of the planet."
"The planetary and lunar imaging is extremely easy, and you can do the same thing for solar as well."
"CT angiography of the head and neck, most of us have access to these, and you're going to look at the vessels."
"By using radiopharmaceuticals, we might be able to image biokinetics of particular molecules of interest."
"An X-ray is basically a snapshot of a specific part of the body."
"Machine learning is changing medicine, particularly medical imaging."
"We're actually able to decode this latent variable to a rich high-dimensional image where all the different thousands of pixels are actually arranged correctly in relation to each other."
"These formats support unbounded pixel values and the unbounded values can then be mapped accordingly within a high dynamic range color space."
"The image that you will decode is looking straight down at you, real time. It's pretty cool."
"It's a treat to be able to take something like a video, do some lucky imaging with your Dobsonian and be able to create this magic."
"This is important if you're imaging something because eventually you're going to be wanting to take an image of something that you can't see."
"Deconvolution is simply a way to compensate for blurring effects and distortion effects in your images."
"Live stacking is a way to generate images of deep sky objects relatively easily without the complexities that you run into with astrophotography processing programs."
"After all, no one wants blurry images, and we all want the best focus we can get with our telescopes."
"The HDR tone mapping is really, really doing wonders."
"Intravascular imaging is very important both for determining the severity of calcification but also for ensuring that an excellent stenting result has been achieved."
"You see a live infrared image... it's kind of cool."
"The best harmonics for imaging come back from the midfield."
"Harmonics improves our image because we are improving the lateral resolution."
"As with all MSK applications, recognition of skeletal contours is important as landmarks for the soft tissue anatomy we're assessing."
"Our patented thermal MSX feature is a multispectral dynamic imaging which would allow us to overlay details from the visual image over the top of our infrared image."
"The sound stage is going to image wide as hell."
"As with all PSB speakers, things like imaging and vocals are phenomenal."
"I think this one stands out in its imaging performance."
"It is amazing to understand how we get these images in SPECT despite the fact that probably less than 0.001 percent of the counts end up reaching the camera and giving us those beautiful images we look at."
"The center image or the Phantom Center stays intact even when I move around."
"Imaging is very good, you can follow things across the stage, there's no gaps and no skippings whatsoever."
"Our patented technology, thermal MSX or multispectral dynamic imaging, is simply overlaying details from our infrared image over the top of our digital image."
"From a soundstage and imaging standpoint, they're absolutely wonderful."
"You can just see how well corrected these images are in there, so it's these are really designed to be serious systems."
"Two-thirds of the body is composed of water, and so therefore it gives you a very high signal when we use hydrogen-based imaging."
"It's like an MRI or a CAT scan, taking little slices of water and building a picture as you're going along."
"With multispectral imaging, we can determine the writing more easily than ever before."
"Photon attenuation is determined by photon energy, material density, and material thickness."
"It's where all the intersections occur from all these different angulations that's filtered back projection."
"The more pixels you have, the better image resolution you can have."
"The more counts you have, the less noise you have."
"We have an enormous number of pixels; each Roman image is the equivalent of a 300-megapixel photograph."
"We have to image gamma radiation because gamma radiation can only be stopped by concrete and lead."
"The best solutions in the image space are deep learning."
"Radiography is a branch of medical imaging that uses x-rays to create images of the inside of the body."
"The Imaging, the actual Center image in this speaker, is the strongest I've ever heard of any speaker."
"Biology images are fascinating because they offer a bit of a challenge."
"This allows us to do a whole bunch of very interesting image captures that normally are not possible with a single capture of these microscopes."
"This by far gave me the cleanest image."
"The imaging is fantastic, really really good."
"These have some pretty good imaging, you can definitely tell where instruments are located within the left or right sections of the sound."
"Thermal MSX combines both the thermal and digital cameras to create a blended image that better shows physical details of an object."
"A telescope with a normal 90 degree diagonal would produce a mirror image of your target."
"A high DQE means you can get a high-quality image at a lower patient dose."
"Compound imaging, which is a speckle reduction technique, can be very useful in producing a better musculoskeletal ultrasound image."
"The image quality is outstanding, the super night-vision 2.0, the 1440p 2k front-facing Sony Exmor sensor, it all looks phenomenal."
"The best next diagnostic step is abdominal CT."
"CCDs have held the mantle as the gold standard for deep space Astro imaging."
"I love NINA, nighttime imaging in astronomy; it's really nice."
"Thank you very much for your interest today and learning a bit more about cardiac and body imaging."
"Digital systems have a greater dynamic range than film screen imaging; there's more information than meets the eye."
"They're creating these maps using different imaging techniques to detect the different pigments."
"The experience of experienced imagers and how they're using it has been very, very rewarding."
"Image spaces and spatial transformations are two of the concepts which are important to understand when you're using registration."
"This allows us to obtain images of frozen material without chemical fixatives or stains or any plastic embedding."
"We're getting a beautiful 4k image on it."
"In astrophotography, we are trying to image these very faint targets in low light conditions."
"The ultimate goal is you would like these images pixel by pixel to correspond exactly to the same geometrical position in the field of view."
"Interpolating image intensities always results in loss of information."
"The first question you have to ask yourself: Do these images that I want to align look alike?"
"If they have nearly the same intensities in the corresponding pixels, then I can use intensity-based similarity measures."
"If the intensities do not look alike, if there's no clear relation, then you have to ask yourself the question: Is there still some kind of relation?"
"...we would like to do is to actually directly image a potentially habitable planet."
"When normal X-rays are taken, it gives only two-dimensional images, but our organs are in 3D shapes."
"Our main objective is not to get 2D image; our objective is to get the 3D image of the organ which is in 3D in shape."
"The terrestrial planet finder, a space born telescope like the Hubble, would probably have several telescopes all attached working in tandem an interferometer to take pictures of those earth-like planets."
"The community effort putting out what is largely the standard among amateur imagers."
"Adding HA to an RGB image on a galaxy is really, really cool."
"H is a linear operator, which means if I image part of F and then I image another part of F... if I image these separately and I get two different G's and I add those together, it's the same as if I imaged both at the same time."
"Every time you do a SPECT scan, they also do a CT scan, which gives information about the attenuation map."
"If a specular reflector were to come in at 90 degrees, it would bounce right back at 90 degrees, and we would get an amazing image from it."
"Soundstage and imaging, especially forward to aft and height-wise, is pretty spectacular with the KLH Model Fives."
"I've only started to do star reduction in the past few months, but I found that it really helps to draw your eye to what you were imaging in the first place."
"Three spectral responses, three different kinds of pixels, three different layers is enough to achieve improved dynamic range."
"Now we can tell you what these spikes and peaks are because we can actually take a picture of these sorts of features."
"Microscopy is any technique for producing visible images of structures or details too small to be seen by the human eye."
"The scanning electron microscope produces an image by using an electron beam that scans the surface of the specimen."
"Electrophysiology in general are really the best tools to do a time-resolved brain imaging and brain exploration of the brain activity."
"Any object inside this focal trough will be properly imaged."
"The structures inside the focal trough and close to the sensor are real images."
"High kVp means low contrast, and low kVp means high contrast."
"What's the advantage? No moving part, no polarization optics, just meta surfaces. It's inexpensive, detector limited resolution, full weight imaging."
"By tomography, we've been able to resolve the interior features of that cell in 3D."
"We call such a 3-dimensional reconstruction from tomography a tomogram."
"Tomography is used to produce three-dimensional reconstructions of unique objects in size all the way from an organelle like a Golgi apparatus to an individual macromolecular complex."
"The whole point of this process is to combine the true color data captured by the RGB images with the enhanced detail, enhanced contrast, smaller stars of the H-alpha frames for a dramatically improved astrophotography image."