
Scientific Investigation Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I like to call it 'CSI: Mars,' right? You know, it's, it's literally this investigation where you're finding all these little clues to put together your story."
"There is now such a growing wealth of evidence – good, sound, scientific evidence from multiple powerful detection devices and reliable, regular military pilot accounts of phenomena that cannot be explained by modern technology or our understanding of science - that the rational thing to do is to investigate with an open mind."
"That possibility alone, coupled with the numerous reports of objects, many by very credible sources, not behaving as we expect them to, is enough on its own to justify a scientific look into the phenomenon."
"The lab leak hypothesis is viable and deserves investigation."
"The readings are off the charts, I'd say we're definitely in vortex territory."
"I realized that there was a very compelling alternative hypothesis."
"Science is closing in on COVID-19's origins and the signs point to the lab leak theory."
"In 1976 James Randy co-founded the committee for the scientific investigation of claims of the paranormal."
"Pulse microwave radiation is one of two technologies scientists including those assigned by the US intelligence committee to investigate Havana Syndrome have theorized as the possible cause of the condition."
"We know a cover-up surrounding the lab leak theory took place."
"If I'm running an agency that is funding, I mustn't foreclose to study such a question."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"If there's a chance that there is something happening here that could provide evidence and could be used, could be investigated using the scientific method, that's the first place we want to go not somewhere we want to stay away from."
"Historians, scientists, and religious leaders have argued over the authenticity of the Turin Shroud for generations."
"It's important because we are attempting, as this hearing has drawn out, to understand what may just be natural phenomenon to what may be sensor phenomenology or things that were happening with sensors."
"NASA researchers formally began investigating UFOs."
"Understanding the phenomenon of crashed UFOs or UAP really does get us to the heart of this phenomenon in a lot of ways." - Richard Dolan
"We made real progress; we were able to determine that there were scientists that had become ill in the fall of 2019 that were working at the laboratory."
"Dr. J. Allen Hynek was an astronomer who rigorously investigated UFO phenomena."
"The lab leak theory went from a conspiracy to the subject of serious investigation."
"The case for lab leak theory is that circumstantially, you've got a lab that does this exact research."
"Correlation does not mean causation, but science would demand that we investigate it."
"UK researchers are looking for clues as to why this disease affects people so differently."
"Skinwalker Ranch: a decade-long study where PhDs and scientists converged on this one location and basically around the clock studied."
"We wanted to know if the substance was the same for all the samples."
"The full story of Venus may be forever lost to us, but we have been trying to stitch together what few clues we have to try and better understand what likely transpired."
"The one hypothesis continues to look weaker, the other stronger."
"Phosphine is a rare and usually poisonous gas that on earth is basically always met with the presence of living organisms."
"Skinwalker Ranch: a place so weird that it's flummoxed scientific experts and terrified even the most jaded onlookers and visitors."
"Some of the key unknowns are being investigated by intensive efforts across a spectrum of scientific projects."
"Over time, McDowell studied the mysterious substance and came to the conclusion that it was manmade."
"A proper investigation should be transparent, objective, data-driven, inclusive of broad expertise."
"Scientists have established that Pinnacle Island, a strange-looking Mars rock that appeared mysteriously in an image taken by the Opportunity rover, originated from a bigger chunk of a rock nearby."
"The regime hasn't allowed any credible scientists, doctors, or investigators to enter the Wuhan lab or the seafood market."
"The mere fact that there is a laboratory in Wuhan that does work on viruses like the coronavirus does not prove that this pandemic began with a leak."
"If the evidence holds up, evidence for some kind of mechanism of interaction between brains, human observers, and what's going on in the double slit."
"...the whole point of scientific investigation of research needs to be to adjust what we think to match our confidence when weighted by the strength of a particular evidence."
"...if we wish to understand exactly how stars work and why they do what they do, we need to go from their properties that we can observe such at their surface somehow down into the center and that's what we call stellar structure or the structure of the stars on the inside..."
"If this turns out the way I think it will, then we'll probably have a good shot at having a good answer to why it takes so much longer."
"Investigations into the origins of COVID-19 should be objective and driven by appropriate scientific and intelligence experts."
"The Shroud of Turin remains one of the most significant moments in the intersection of faith, history, and science."
"The findings aren't conclusive and more investigative work needs to be done on a bigger sample, but it's certainly food for thought."
"Factor is basically a variable or attribute which influences or is suspected of influencing the characteristic being investigated."
"Science asks questions and tries to discover the answers to them."