
Personal Achievements Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Whether you ran a marathon, read Moby-Dick, or continue the ambitious project of organically fusing your butt to the couch, you might be thinking not nearly enough."
"Here I am at age 21, and in the last few years, I have solo travelled around Europe, bungee jumped, skydived, lived alone in France to learn French, studied in Korea, published a book, and most proudly, I can take the tube alone in London."
"The stories that man has is amazing. But you know, after he was a Green Beret, he was in the CIA for years. A very driven, interesting, awesome guy, and I'm really happy to call him my friend."
"I love it, this might be one of my favorite things that I built in the game."
"You're building a highlight reel that no one can ever take away from you."
"Success ain't always what you make, you know, it's what you accomplish from... whatever you're chasing."
"For once it appears they are pleased with me for something."
"Tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge at work."
"Congratulations, you take care of so many people."
"The moment I started using my toes and my feet and my legs was the same moment I ceased to have a disability."
"His life is an endless chain of impossible achievements."
"I attempt to achieve my lifelong goal of having more followers and Sour Patch Kids."
"Success looks differently for everybody. For some people, it's financial success, for some it's health, some it is about navigating a time period and keeping afloat, some people it's looking for a job, finding a job, some people it's keeping a job."
"Success is things so if I get my degree that's a success if I if I you know get that job that's a success that bank balance that's a success this body that's a success."
"Nothing is more powerful than if I find out that you have accomplishments that you're not telling me about."
"February: a time for major wishes coming true."
"What matters is what did you use this period of time in your life for and where did they get you."
"The payoff for some is like financial resources or material resources or new job, new relationship, new friendship, new connections, just whatever for you personally."
"My parents and family have always been super supportive of everything I've done."
"It's a celebration when I come home from the penitentiary but not so much when I come home from college."
"We learned that Ollie Bridgewood is a bloody legend."
"Because I'm a woman with opportunities, I've been able to do everything and anything I ever wanted to do."
"I want you to celebrate when you win. Celebrate hardcore."
"Life is good, I ride bikes every day, I'm engaged, I've been sober one and a half years now which feels amazing."
"As long as I get on the leaderboard, I'll be happy. You know, it's like 'Hey, Creek's on the leaderboard, he's one of the fastest in the world.' I'll be happy with that."
"To making one landmark accomplishment after another."
"I was hide-and-seek Champion 1992 so I should be pretty good at this."
"Thanks for helping me achieve my life goal of beating Sour Patch Kids in follower count."
"Bezos is definitely going to space and almost certainly going to be making it back in one piece."
"The biggest moments are the ones where you overcame risk."
"True success lies not just in personal achievements but in the positive impact we leave on the lives of others."
"Lisa's achievements are to be remembered as an example of service."
"Good news about a Visa, good news about a book publishing contract."
"I find myself the recipient of the things that I was praying for because of the circumstances the hard circumstances that were thrown my way."
"It would do us well next time we come across one of his statues rather than to accuse and vandalize to instead pause and reflect on the staggering personal achievements that are possible by any one of us."
"What you are going to achieve for those two and a half years will have very long-lasting consequences."
"I don't want people out there feeling like if they don't accomplish something otherworldly if they don't win a Nobel Peace Prize by sitting at home there's somehow that they have wasted their time."
"You're worth it. I earned this. I worked hard to climb that mountain and I'm gonna stand my ground and I'm gonna fight for what's deserving."
"I realized that so many of my friends are very impressive people and they follow their dreams."
"You have the ability not necessarily to repeat history... to do amazing things."
"Expect finally getting that promotion, that engagement, marriage that maybe you've been wanting."
"I've done nothing but good stuff for the sport."
"Life is so good I can finally stop the house hunting Journey."
"I set out to bring presents to my Kerbals on Ilu, but really I brought a present to all of us in a way."
"It's nice that I have visited all of the places mentioned."
"Property is also an outward expression of your success."
"People think it's ludicrous but I'm proving that it's not."
"I'm a history maker. We're making history right now."
"Day 97, I'm back home and placed the star next to my bed along with my dragon egg."
"Her journey is a testament to resilience and determination."
"Major blessings energy and major energy past efforts finally paying off for you."
"Congratulations on getting your nails done. Good luck with the HRT."
"Easy to focus on a few mistakes versus all the great things you're already doing."
"You also gotta remember like damn I've done a lot of good."
"We're already over 500 and I haven't even done anything yet. That was my upper expectation of what we were going to be able to do."
"It's amazing how you call somebody crazy that accomplished [__] you never."
"Sticking with it, not giving up, not getting frustrated... powering through and making it happen."
"I am most proud of myself. I am just everything that I've accomplished within this space."
"I had a PhD in economics but I was also a B-2 pilot."
"It means something that our independent grind means something."
"I'm real proud of the foundation I laid where the South is concerned."
"Looking back, I've accomplished so many things on my vision board."
"I'm proud of myself... there are times where I sit back and think about the moments I've overcome."
"I proved to myself that I could do truly anything that I set my mind to."
"Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small."
"The dream fulfillment... a lot of what you wanted to accomplish is coming true."
"Diamante had this to say: 'This last year has been pretty eventful for your girl La Mas Duda Diamante.'"
"He's performing really, really well today." - Impressive Performance
"When you get to where it is that you've been trying to manifest, it doesn't look like what you thought."
"I want to show people that as far as hip-hop, and I think I was able to do that."
"Oz will always have my respect as a person for what he has done."
"So there you go Vegeta, you'll probably never fully overtake Goku in terms of power, but you show him up in plenty of other areas where it counts."
"If you really, really love large-scale PvP, it is an end goal that you can try to set for yourself."
"These are the kind of trophies I really like because it's one of those where I'm like, yeah, I would have never known what the hell this was if it wasn't for Smash Brothers."
"I don't think that Daniel was fighting for his legacy... it was already secured."
"Having accomplishments to show, having something you feel like you've done in the past, is something that can help motivate people towards the future."
"It's important to give people their flowers while they can still smell them while they're still in their Prime."
"LeBron off the court I think is probably more impressive than on the court."
"You are the joy Seeker: what little victories can you celebrate?"
"Set goals for yourself that you could knock out and feel like a boss."
"So this year and last year I did all the romantics."
"Sometimes it's really the things we work the hardest for that are the most valuable."
"This is something I've been dreaming of since I was in school and now I'm here doing it for real."
"This guy's putting up some of the best years that he's ever had in his late 30s."
"I feel like I've accomplished a lot... yeah, maybe a recent event makes me feel a little bit more ready to check out."
"I still celebrate those little small victories."
"When cool things happen to me, my instinct was to call my parents."
"I've been very lucky to live the dream fighting all over the world and representing Australia."
"A trophy to add to my retro Glory Hunter cabinet."
"Adding yet another trophy to my retro Glory Hunter cabinet."
"We have to celebrate our victories no matter how small they are, how far and few in between they are."
"That's probably one of the coolest things I've ever done."
"This guy has proven everything he has to prove."
"The things that you have worked towards... you will feel very accomplished."
"You're gonna be working super hard. Come November, you're going to just put your head down and work, and you'll be like, 'What I put out there is going to speak for itself.'"
"My life has manifested into something I could have never even dreamed for myself."
"Let's talk about the specific perfect goals that we're going to be getting into today and showcasing some of the methods I've designed for some of these goals."
"I'm dropping albums. I'm dropping at least a classic a day. Tell Hope to do the average on that because he averaged knock [ __ ] up."
"I've achieved quite a few goals, personal goals like being closer to God."
"I'm proving to the youngsters what's possible in life when you don't give up."
"I'm just really grateful that there are people out there that appreciate the things that I've done as much as I appreciate it."
"Ava went on to do many things throughout her life... she even wrote an autobiography called 'Shadow of the Titanic: A Survivor Story.'"
"There is some kind of a chapter that is coming to an end in your life, and it's the time to gather the fruit, you know, the fruit of your labors, the time to look back and to see how much you've achieved."
"It's a blessing when you know that you could do something so good and then now your kids could do it better than you." - Master P
"You're doing something for yourself that's amazing."
"My proudest moment... getting my first Guinness World Record title."
"Outside motivation can only last for so long. It is you. It's like, did you ever see that video? Like, what happens, you are celebrated in the light for what you do in the dark."
"I still had a few more things I wanted to do... but it turns out I was damn close [to breaking my save file]."
"We need to stop just minimizing people's accomplishments to who they're dating or who they're sleeping with."
"Sorry to interrupt, but your mom called. She is loving the new house you got her."
"You have been through a lot, but your tenacity and determination are almost paying off."
"Finally receiving those benefits, you're receiving that job offer, you're receiving that level up."
"We had a whole chapter in our book, 'Book of Mythicality' about stopping and celebrating."
"It wasn't the best year for me but we hit 100K which is just cool. I also felt my video quality improved a little bit this year as well and I can't wait for next year."
"You don't have to do all of these things but I am thankful and blessed that I was able to do just that."
"Celebrating little wins could be celebrating big things."
"It's really just cool to see what Jake is doing now, he's done so many cool fucking things."
"Positive indicator for his long-term success."
"The best feeling I have today is I know I can go home and my daughter will ask me what did you do today and I can say I have saved a life."
"The biggest flex I've seen maybe ever in my life was this."
"These are the moments that make me. This is the one where I get up for and really show that I'm a star."
"This has been such a tremendous honor for me."
"Enjoy this moment because this moment comes and goes. You're going to climb up there, and then who knows when it's going to be the next time where you climb even higher."
"He was a proud working-class lad from Leicester and he'd led this fantastic life."
"You're making a huge impact... but it's really hard to see that impact."
"I'm really happy for her, she got out. The way she executed her plan, amazing. Everyone take notes."
"Richards finally getting the public validation that he has long deserved."
"We've already gained and defeated a nemesis. Not a bad start."
"I've had a lot of individual success, but I just want to be known for my impact on the game."
"These are the real moments that make a career, and these are the real moments that make a life."
"It's just so crazy to me that like the dreams I've had, I'm like 'Oh, when I grow up, when I'm gonna be an adult.' But then just when I'm... I'm legit a kid, we get 500,000, which is half a million, which is crazy."
"It's been a blessing, man. It's been one of the best years of my life on a personal level."
"God was good to me in fulfilling the first dream."
"For some of you, this is a wish fulfillment or a manifestation fulfillment coming into fruition."
"I got to be on stage on Broadway. I got to eat the menu of Yankee Stadium. I got to do things that like if that was the only cool thing you ever did in your life you'd feel like that was a pretty good life and we get to do a lot of those things."
"Good for her and good for the family for doing what they continue to do."
"You're gonna be reaching some really big accomplishments."
"I learned guitar when I was eight years old. I got straight A's and I got a guitar."
"You know when you're a kid you dream of scoring like game seven overtime goal."
"Laura Ingraham was here to work on the Dartmouth Review."
"Milestone complete get married to BFF and become a parent."
"That was really sweet, I was hoping to do something cooler than a boardslide."
"Everyone has their own clock, like their own life, that certain achievements that you get will be different."
"Yeah, I freaking did that, I freaking went through it and I'm really proud of myself."
"I've won three different titles so far: Miss Staten Island, Miss Big Apple, and I am currently Miss Brooklyn for America."
"I bet you thought I was gonna get that shot either. I didn't think I was taking that shot."
"Every kid dreams of being on a cereal box or being in a video game. It's an honor."
"Why can't I be validated here on 'I Am Athlete'?"
"Saint Nicholas is going to be happy this year. I have done him proud."
"I'm not here to defend my resume or nothing like that. I think my resume speaks for itself."
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us by what we have already done."
"We got a hit! The small victories in life, those are the ones that are meaningful."
"People judge me off my Instagram stories, but judge me off my performances in the octagon."
"Stop and take in The View, take stock of the treasures you've earned."
"My children, my greatest achievement in my life."
"Celebrate those short victories on your own, but don't be too hard on yourself."
"I don't care if I win or lose I just care that I play a good clean honest game."
"You deserve it and it's everything that you've been waiting for."
"It was one of the best moments of my career."
"I retired my mom, like early. And I bought my dad a house, and you know, I was like bought my mom a car."
"I kind of want to max out as soon as possible."
"He went to an Ivy League school, he owned golf courses, iconic real estate, he had beautiful women, he was a celebrity, he was a star."
"I earned those feathers, so this is like some real indigenous people."
"You are accomplished enough to do whatever the heck you want at this point."
"Good artists steal and great artists steal and don't get caught."
"That's adulting, right? Have I for am I adulting at this point? I think you're doing it when the way that you express the freedom in your life is, I got to unload the dishwasher slightly earlier and that's like a victory."
"Although I technically didn't catch them all in the time frame I wanted I think this is just about as good as I can do believe it or not."
"Life-changing moments, launching my own collection."
"Karua had accomplished his goal, his journey started by beating Black Hassue back in 2012 with a 54-34 and culminated with a 50-57 in June 2017."
"You're being adorned, rewarded. The universe knows that you're ready for this. You've done the work, you're ready."
"It's just that was a thing why've you got terracotta or something you've made it in life."
"Being able to do this, yeah, it's truly magical."
"Imagine having that on your tombstone: 'Here lies Mark Goldbridge, loving father, billionaire, knocked out a polar bear.'"
"One of the proudest moments in my life, I never planned it, I never mapped it out."
"Everything I've ever earned everything I've ever gotten anything that belongs to me I got with these right here that's it."
"Confidence does not come from you actually truly beating someone else and being better that's that's fake confidence I'll tell you that."
"This is what it was all for, and that was so worth it."
"A key indicator of impending wealth is found in the small victories we achieve in our daily lives. These minor triumphs often overlooked can actually be precursors to greater financial success."
"It took me 20 years to earn the respect of the people in our own City."
"You're conquering everything you came after in this lifetime."
"Imagine that you come home at Thanksgiving, and you show this to your parents..."
"The big things that I've done... have involved risk or be a calculated risk."
"Those are my trophies. I have them hanging on my wall. Rips my heart right out of my chest."
"Father, husband, veteran, millionaire, teacher, leader, entrepreneur, and all-around top bloke."
"Music is just to stay grounded and do unbelievable, unbelievable things in life that makes you 3 things that makes you unstoppable, unbreakable, and unforgettable."
"Your marriage partner or business partner might have a major fulfillment or completion."
"You thought you were growing the seed for this small flower but look how big it's coming into."
"Small accomplishments can really boost your self-esteem."
"Everything I dreamed of is actually coming true."
"It took me a week to do Modern Warfare, I'm gonna move on to The Outer Worlds."
"I'm the only guy who's taking on the NRA twice."
"Every single one of these fish I put on the bank was exciting, fulfilling, and really just what fishing is all about."
"People feel like they are entitled to your success, right? The answer's [expletive] no."
"I just want to go out and do good things for my team, help my team win."
"Achievements are supposed to be like, 'How did he achieve this? It's almost impossible.'"
"The results are so much more fantastic than just losing weight."
"I don't compare myself with nobody baby so every new uh um barrier we break a new goal we hit yes I'm gonna celebrate it I'm a girl baby I celebrate the little things."
"This is great. This is your first time soloing this, but you've done some pretty epic ferry trips."
"Finally being able to share good news or get excited about something."
"Even after 20 years, you've played 20 seasons, you've accomplished probably more than you thought you would at this point, and you still want more."