
Geology Quotes

There are 3719 quotes

"Green rock, the enigma of a peculiar Martian rock."
"The sailing stones of Death Valley continue to mystify with their slow, unseen journeys."
"What's particularly interesting to us concerning this flood myth is that a great deal of historical and geological information shows us that this was an actual event."
"A network of truly enormous tunnels has been discovered deep beneath Antarctica's ice sheet, comparable in height to Paris's Eiffel Tower."
"It's actually a volcanic plug and it's connected to the mainland so you can walk all the way out to it if you're interested."
"It's amazing how much you'll be able to learn from the surface about the interior."
"The history of the Earth begins 4.6 billion years ago. At that time, everything was different from what we know today."
"This young land mass has some of the most active volcanoes in the world."
"The lessons learned from Iceland's dynamic geology will undoubtedly contribute to our global efforts to understand and protect our planet."
"Scientists say Thera's eruption was four or five times more powerful than Krakatoa."
"White sand is generally derived from the shells of other animals... much of the white sand that you see is derived from parrot fish poop."
"Our earth is continually creating new matter but it does so also episodically."
"Then about 34 million years ago, a dramatic shift in climate happened, creating an ice house at the poles that have continued to the present day."
"The prime suspect is a gradual reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere, combined with a trigger time when Earth's orbit around the sun made Antarctic summers cold enough for ice to remain frozen all year round."
"It is literally true that if there weren't volcanoes here, we would not be here either."
"Modern science tells us that the Earth is actually over 4.5 billion years old."
"Time is not a magic wand that solves all the geologic problems of the world."
"Fossilization requires very special circumstances... It requires special circumstances, not the least of which is rapid burial."
"The ancient history of Mars is in that rock record."
"The lunar surface has been preserved since its formation basically... Everything that had happened over 4.5 billion years ago is recorded in that lunar soil."
"Volcanoes exemplify the absolute force of creation."
"The earth is like four billion years old. Cavemen have been here for what, like two million? We've been around for three minutes."
"Opportunity and Spirit were primarily on Mars for its geology, the end goal being to see if Mars was ever a place that was conducive to life."
"These layers reveal a wide range of colors, ranging from deep reds, purples, and blues to various shades of green and yellow, and almost looks like if it's been painted by an artist."
"Plate tectonics is as basic to geology as evolution by natural selection is to biology."
"Heat escaping from the interior provides energy for the formation of our planet's mountains, valleys, volcanoes, and even the continents and oceans themselves."
"The rocks are part of a geological phenomenon where the rocks form and engrave a path along the smooth valley floor without any intervention at all."
"Geologists cherish some ambitious plans too, and while one part of the scientific community concerns themselves with how to reach other planets, another part studies the makeup of our own Earth."
"Pele's hair is actually lightweight glass that rains down on the surrounding areas. It's extremely harmful if ingested or if it gets into your orifices."
"It took most of his career and most of the 20th century for geologists to actually come around and for his views to be vindicated."
"In fact, George R.R. Martin did think about geology at least somewhat when inventing this universe."
"History and legends fail to really explain why guests declined and stayed that way but it turns out there is a good geological answer for this."
"The forests become dense, the last remnant of the supercontinent."
"Sea mounts due to their geological formations serve as hotpots for biodiversity."
"Having a geologist there really helped for serendipitous discoveries..."
"Geology gives me the same satisfaction that archaeology does in telling a story."
"I am a very big fan of geology. I am far from a professional geologist..."
"Volcanoes are among the most potent natural occurrences on Earth. They create new land, destroy the old, emit gases that alter the atmosphere we breathe."
"In science, we only say that something can exist beyond reasonable doubt. For example, a very old earth is consistent beyond reasonable doubt, as is agreed upon by literally all geologists, the people who study the earth for a living."
"The amount of water displaced exceeded the amount of land that fell into the bay."
"One thing that's common is the idea that... that the Earth is much older and much more to the story."
"Finland's landmass is rising due to post-glacial rebound."
"The earth itself proves the storybook is wrong."
"There is hard evidence that the earth is millions of years old."
"A new pole reversal is long overdue, and its potential impacts raise intriguing questions."
"Scientists believe the piece of rock chipped off an asteroid or comet and was sucked into the earth's gravitational field around 13,000 years ago."
"Above ice sheet there are no underground tributaries leading into this lake, hundreds of feet thick, the layers of dense ice actually cover flowing liquid."
"The volcano erupted and the pyroclastic flow has passed us."
"Yellowstone isn't merely a park, it's a living, breathing testament to the dynamic forces that shape our planet."
"I used to work as a geologist on oil exploration rigs... we now enjoy."
"Gaju caves: a honeycomb structure etched into the mountainside."
"Gold is one of the rarest elements on earth."
"Continental crust is special, like a fine whiskey to the raw grain mash of the oceanic crust."
"Gold is among the rarest of all the elements, but it makes up only three parts per billion of the Earth's crust."
"It's going to reveal the minerals so much easier and better on a fresh surface."
"Deep in the Earth's seas, there are vents where seawater comes into contact with minerals."
"By unraveling the mysteries of these Quakes, we gain a deeper understanding of the planet's geology, its potential for habitability, and the challenges that future explorers and settlers will face."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"The ancient lost city beneath Missouri would be at least 300 million years old."
"Leaving a trail of geological mysteries behind."
"But investigating the geology of the Siberian Traps is no easy task."
"Basalt is what geologists call igneous rock, and that only comes from one source, a volcanic eruption."
"Dating the oldest lava here reveals that the Siberian Traps first ripped the landscape apart 250 million years ago."
"New visual technologies for geological mapping, and a new system for tracking rock groupings across vast distances, emerged."
"I received a very welcomed email from geologist Colin Reader who could provide the hard evidence to say the runoff erosion on the Sphinx enclosure could only have happened before the fourth dynasty pyramids were built."
"Geology is the kicker, it's even a bigger effect than that."
"The ground deformation gives volcanologists another important clue in their quest to predict the coming eruption."
"The limestone is playing as a soft base for the whole structure."
"The Greeks knew the mountain had roots, so we should be able to find in their writings."
"The resulting mountain range was so vast it would make Mount Everest look puny."
"The stunning geological formations in the park's caves were formed some 215 million years ago when dinosaurs still roamed the earth."
"The crater is considered the second largest confirmed impact structure on Earth."
"The Giant Crystal Cave... a subterranean marvel of towering milky white crystals that stretched within a horseshoe-shaped cave."
"Researchers were able to date the rock at being somewhere around 313 million years old."
"Geology is offering an exclusive 70% off offer."
"Oldest known solid material on Earth found in a meteorite."
"The presence of carbonates on Ceres suggests that liquid water was present beneath the surface in the recent geologic past."
"Even the smallest streams over millions of years could make the Grand Canyon. Erosion, right? It's a current, a flow of something consistently over time, makes the deepest canyons."
"Thomas A. Murch was an American geologist and planetary scientist," he was in that position from 1960 up until his disappearance in 1980.
"When two rocks love each other very much, a stork will deliver a smaller rock to them."
"Ocean of blood: Hormuz Island's crimson waters caused by ferrous oxide."
"Mars's geology holds clues to its past and potential life."
"You matter, death threats aren't what you do for entertainment."
"If there's going to be big gold, the big gold will be sitting on the bedrock."
"Strange metallic properties and the presence of unusual minerals raise questions about the moon's composition and origin."
"Research conducted during the 1950s and 60s indicated, however, that the Richard Structure was formed by terrestrial processes."
"I am a geologist, so if I was going to love anything it would be rocks."
"Public officials are listening better to geologists."
"Unprecedented response to Iceland's lava flow."
"I think the earth is definitely spherical definitely rotates... but I think there are... cavern systems within the earth naturally that arise."
"Mercury's surface has Hollows, shallow depressions without edges and with flat bottoms."
"Bonita white formed when an oceanic plate and a crustal plate came together."
"Mother Shipton's Petrifying Well: Anything caught for too long in the petrifying off gases can indeed become petrified."
"The Quran talks about how mountains are constructed and the effect on the face of the earth."
"An important factor leading to frequent geological hazards in the Three Gorges reservoir area is the deterioration of the reservoir banks."
"The off-center dome within the crater has sparked curiosity and speculation regarding its origins and composition."
"Kingston might not exist as we know it today without a huge earthquake."
"75% of all volcanic activity on Earth happens deep under the ocean."
"Change is inevitable but how you handle it is up to you."
"Beneath Flagstaff, the Lava River Cave beckons you to unlock the secrets of our planet's fiery origins."
"Science and old Earth theology actually do agree that the Earth is very, very old."
"Yanartas, known as 'flaming stone,' is a geological hot spot in southwestern Turkey where small fires burn constantly."
"Cataclysmic pole shifts suggest that there have been geologically rapid shifts in the relative positions of the modern day geographic locations of the poles and the axis of rotation of the Earth."
"Scientists think that the volcanic rocks found on Mars formed roughly 4 billion years ago, resembling the igneous rocks present on Earth at the beginning of its history."
"The fracking itself is just breaking up the rock... and allowing the gas to escape."
"Mount Ty's Immortal Bridge... a stone going down Mount Tai and being caught between two equally sized rocks..."
"Giants Causeway... the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption..."
"That is truly a cooling agent when we get sulfur dioxide and volcanic ash particulate in the air on an eruption."
"Such eruptions typically produce low Ash blooms and release a relatively small volume of volcanic material."
"Tsunamis are caused by massive undersea earthquakes."
"Bryce Canyon National Park is famous for its rock formations."
"The red and white cliffs and buttes that make up Zion Canyon slice into the air."
"The cave of the crystals is a natural marvel."
"What was once a single island was destroyed by a massive volcanic eruption and all that remains today is the caldera rising out of the Aegean Sea."
"The biggest takeaway for me was that our Earth is super alive."
"I think it's very interesting. I mean, these are, like you said, rocks that came from the site."
"More meteorites have been found in Antarctica than on all other continents combined, making it a hotspot for extraterrestrial rock hunters."
"We've uncovered hundreds of these rocky exoplanets in the Milky Way."
"Alternate explanations like they were created there as fossils when God gave the Earth its history six thousand years ago."
"The incredible gold mine to the massive sinkhole that has confused everyone."
"It is a surprisingly accurate number, why is that? Because two million, five hundred and eight thousand years ago, our planet started to look almost what it looks like today."
"Underwater rivers and lakes are called brine pools for a reason."
"Three whales Rock in Thailand, a stunning natural formation created by sandstone erosion over millions of years."
"Yellowstone's ongoing study: Scientists unravel the mysteries of its geothermal activity and geological wonders."
"If this dating turns out to be typical of some of these landslides we're getting, that would go a long way towards showing that there were seriously catastrophic events in the Atlantic Ocean basin at the end of the last ice age."
"I would like to point out this tree, it is a petrified tree from Colorado, it would have been seven and a half feet wide and 200 feet tall."
"The Puzzle of Intra-Plate Volcanism Unraveled."
"The Bimini Road is often associated with the lost city of Atlantis... recent studies found out that it wasn't man-made but naturally formed."
"The travertine pools of Turkey are a natural phenomenon with thermal waters against a mountainous backdrop."
"The spiraling motion of column basalt structures mirrors galaxies."
"Krakatoa: the geological equivalent of a fire alarm."
"The Quran indicates that mountains have deep roots by using the word stakes to describe them."
"Enceladus: Geologically active, shooting out water vapor and dust."
"Ridges, valleys, faults, and scarps evidenced by its age, it may also be an indication of the moon's geologic activity in the past."
"This was not expected, at least at the super volcano up at Yellowstone, you know, we can see signs of magma intrusion."
"If the worldwide flood made the great majority of the fossils, then the geological periods do not exist."
"Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water... over the earth."
"Blue holes are sinkholes composed of carbonate bedrock slowly developed over the years."
"Papakalea beach near South Point in Hawaii is one of four grain sand beaches in the world..."
"The summit rock would have started life at the bottom of the sea floor, and then I've collected it from the very, very top of the world."
"A remarkable discovery unfolded on the Algerian side of the Sahara Desert."
"This incredible meteorite is classified as an acondrite indicating its origin from a parent body with a differentiated crust and core."
"Yellowstone National Park sits right on top of a massive volcano."
"The last massive Blast from the Yellowstone super volcano shot a fatal plume of hot ash, molten rock, and toxic gases thousands of meters into the air."
"The odds of Yellowstone having another massive eruption are fortunately very low, but it remains an endless source of apocalyptic fascination."
"A sleeping monster it periodically stirs but it hasn't awoken from its sleep in about 70 000 years."
"Venus is a planet that has long been perceived to be geologically dead for millions of years, but as active volcanoes were recently detected on the planet, it has brought new questions to the debate about Venus's surprising geology."
"There are craters on Venus as well, but not much. The solar system is almost empty now, but less than a billion years ago, there were still many objects moving around."
"Yellowstone National Park is in fact, a supervolcano."
"As I peered down into the crater full of billowing gases and bubbling lava, I felt like I was looking into the center of our Earth."
"So the Hawaiian volcanoes are hot spot volcanoes because of where they’re located, but they’re also the most famous of shield volcanoes, because of their type of eruption."
"The beautiful Yellowstone National Park sits atop a massive volcanic caldera, generating heat for its geothermal features."
"On Hawaii, we can see for ourselves how the Earth is made."
"A perfect example is Kilauea in Hawaii or Stromboli in Italy."
"While Yellowstone is relatively stable right now, if it were to erupt, the consequences could be extreme."
"On the timescale that geologists work to, a coming super eruption in Yellowstone may well be right around the corner."
"Yellowstone has had three massive eruptions as documented by scientists and geologists."
"640,000 years ago, the eruption poured out around 240 cubic miles of material, enough to bury the whole of New York state tens of feet deep in ash."
"The hotspot punches out a super eruption, on average, every 600,000 years."
"But geologists expect that there will be warning signs before Yellowstone explodes again."
"Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by an increasing number of earthquakes."
"The almost unimaginable size of the Yellowstone blast means that scientists now call it a super volcano."
"For nearly a century after Yellowstone National Park was established, nobody realized one astonishing fact, that the park is located inside one of the biggest volcano craters on Earth."
"Yellowstone National Park is one of the most amazing places on earth."
"Around the world some rocks do accumulate radioactivity and that's true here in the Valley of the Kings."
"The halfway point between the dinosaur extinction and today saw a very interesting and very different world ecology."
"Volcanoes are bountiful as well as destructive, they give as well as take."
"The discovery of icelandia opens up a completely new view of our geological understanding of the world."
"Simply known as The Wave, it's a geological landmark consisting of sculpted red rock."
"Petroleum is often referred to as fossil energy, however, Thomas Gold has claimed that hydrocarbons are found in many locations where a biogenic origin is improbable or impossible."
"What's the most important thing about Earth? It's the core. It's the thing that keeps the planet alive."
"Hidden in the nooks and crannies of the earth are the most beautiful cave systems you could imagine."
"Cave of Crystals: home to the largest naturally formed crystals, a glimpse into the subterranean world's wonders."
"It's like a time machine preserving the ancient history of Earth under all that sand."
"An asteroid impact played a larger role in Earth's history."
"Ice volcanoes: a surprising natural phenomenon."
"One fixed spreading ridge, according to Daryl."
"For me I have a I'm my personal list of that all right I think going to the moon and getting direct measurements of its mineral content and soil content from the coolest thing was discovering that the moon is the product of a collision."
"The higher up you go in the world, the more chances you get of iron and coal veins being exposed to the surface."
"The U.S. Sailing Stones is a bizarre phenomenon which continues to have no known explanation from the scientific community."
"To the average person, a glacial erratic just sounds like a very slow, unpredictable person. But actually, it's a lot more useful and valuable than that."
"From Asgard to Middle Earth, the world of folklore, mythology, and narrative fiction is fit to burst with wonderful mystical locations."
"Earthquakes are one of the most destructive and unpredictable forces on the planet."
"Nature is stunning and mountains especially so, a glorious natural formations some of which are hundreds of millions of years old."
"Imagine a gigantic continental glacier ice sheet like the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. It makes it grow over time in northern far northern Canada..."
"When they're moving south they grab all kinds of gravel and sediment as they gouge their way through the earth..."
"These glaciers start calving off and they sink down and all the material flows to the bottom of the ocean..."
"The Quran says that mountains have pegs that stabilize earth and prevent earthquakes."
"By the way clay clay is made of silicon so the Silicon is important to life on Earth it's just it doesn't make organic material but that's pretty pretty cool."
"The Red Sea: geologically young, created 25 million years ago."
"Continents are constantly on the move, shaping and reshaping our planet."
"Granite: the buoyant rock forming the nucleus of future continents."
"Volcanic eruptions like these are some of the most terrifying and overpowering events on our planet."
"Hutton's great gift was being able to imagine dynamic geological events that shaped our land millions of years ago."
"Convergent boundaries move toward one another and destructively collide."
"Transform boundaries slide past one another, like the San Andreas fault."
"Discover the hidden beauty within ordinary rocks."
"Moon rocks are a hundred million years younger than Earth."
"The Yonaguni monument is a series of rock formations with some reaching up to a staggering 82 ft tall."