
Engineering Challenges Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"By asking engineers to combine two separate, individually reasonable requirements—gunfire support and standoff distances—you start by taking a gun system... and then you start adding missile-like features without one of the missiles' other redeeming qualities: a larger warhead and greater destructive potential."
"It's the law of unintended consequences, but stuff like that is what makes Formula 1 engineering so fascinating."
"Our accuracy is comparable to shooting a basketball from Staples Center in downtown LA and hitting nothing but net in a basketball hoop in New York City that is moving at a speed of about two feet per second and it's spinning about its axis."
"The largest space observatory ever built had to be folded up to fit inside a rocket."
"According to the theories of the time, there was this fundamental difficulty with gas turbines: inefficient compressors, inefficient turbines."
"Even just hitting those speeds at all, you're going to need good dies and hitting those speeds consistently across all those unique pieces of silicon is going to be a whole other matter entirely."
"Tesla has been working crazy hard on self-driving, and it's a daunting task."
"If I can get a turtle into space using a cannon, I can certainly do it with a big rocket that's built for going to space."
"It feels big and expensive and getting all these parts to fit together seems like an impossible challenge."
"Building a rotating habitat with Earth gravity requires essentially the same strength as a suspension bridge on earth with the same length as the habitat’s circumference."
"In order to make a rocket fully reusable you've got to basically create a rocket that can do about four percent if not more than four percent of its mass to orbit."
"Wave energy is still a new field, and its unique and expensive engineering challenges mean that it's not nearly as ‘solved’ as wind or solar."
"This is yet another problem engineers have had to think carefully about in their quest to optimize solar cell efficiency."
"This video is less about how you yourself can build a cycal drive and more about an overconfident nerd spending over 200 hours charging head first at an extremely complex and multifaceted exercise in technical design and execution."
"There were and are multiple barriers to flying cars reaching consumers, the engineering component has always seemingly been the most surmountable."
"The Boeing 2707: pushing the boundaries of aviation technology."
"Launch is a giant engineering compromise so you're always trading one thing for the other."
"The Great Pyramid is a true masterpiece, built of such precision that our current technology cannot replicate it."
"Truly an inspiration for us all. They don't even have arms, I don't know how they do the wiring."
"A Goofy Movie might be one of the most amazing films I've ever watched."
"Some have asked why Webb cannot be assembled and tested in Earth’s orbit, but this was studied and found nearly impossible to pull off."
"It's not that these are difficult problems. We just have to change the way we think about design."
"This is a really interesting engineering challenge, that I think the internet is giving a hard time for some bizarre reason."
"Building in semitropical environments with rudimentary materials was a unique challenge, especially when the goal was to build vertically, using Stone Age technology."
"There are going to be trade-offs often you'll have conflicting requirements and you're going to have to try to optimize the design."
"The concept was very similar to the Rocket as light as possible but of course a little four-cylinder engine wasn't going to cut the mustard."
"The best analogy for rocket engineering is it's like if you want to create a really complicated bit of software, you can't run the software as an integrated whole and you can't run it on the computer it's intended to run on."
"The international team of 2000 engineers and contractors assembled at Abu Simbel were racing to beat the rising Nile in the most ambitious move of a historical site ever attempted."
"There aren't nearly as many new problems as you might think, and there's a very high probability that the problem you're trying to solve now has been solved by someone else already."
"This is not just some kind of small-scale test facility. This is a facility that needs to be built to launch the biggest rocket that's ever been launched by far."
"There must be four motors. Getting them is your concern."
"SpaceX doesn't see evidence that the rock tornado... actually damaged the engines or the heat shields in a material way."
"When the Quebec Bridge was being built in 1907, it was supposed to be the longest bridge in the world and the largest structure of its kind. It was going to be an engineering wonder of the world. Except that it wasn't."
"Every part you add costs more energy to fire, so sure, build a forty barrel gun if you want."
"The future of the entire Qantas fleet of A380s now depends on understanding what went wrong inside one single engine."
"Launching the most powerful rocket in human history from a floating oil platform may sound like the most difficult engineering challenge in history, and it may very well be."
"Until Deimos is ready to host the first fully fledged stacked Starship, the Super Heavy plus the orbiter, until this offshore platform is ready to safely test the first orbital flight of this vessel, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"Engineering is tough, and even the best engineers have their successes and failures."
"Engineering solutions are going to have to be organized, and here I think organization is the real crux."
"The question of any engineering: Can I do this? What are you trying to do?"
"Just wonder, like he said, whether it can physically be done, right? Because that's the limiting factor, is the people. And he's got the best people, right?"
"The only constant is that engineers will be unhappy with whatever new option you give them."
"Building bridges is one of the toughest projects in the engineering world."
"Light is the point... it's not so simple to make a light rifle without sacrificing things like durability and reliability."
"The hard part is not, can you design a stage combustion engine? This has been done. What is super hard about Raptor is, how do we make a Raptor where the cost per ton of thrust is under a thousand dollars?" - Elon Musk
"Catching up won't be easy for the Japanese as the competition around EVs is shifting from traditional mechanical engineering to software and services."
"Building the crossover was not a straightforward project partly because nothing like that had been done before; it was the biggest subsea excavation that had ever been built."
"This tire alone had to solve problems which never even existed."
"Tank engines must balance power with fuel consumption and safety in armored environments."
"So... you built a bridge which is not very resistant to shear forces, like a force that acts on it from the side, because it's designed to rotate, right?"
"Installing a wind turbine offshore presents a multitude of new technical challenges."
"We need to remember the extreme difficulties of creating a space suit from scratch."
"There's a lot of belief out there that AI will fix every problem... it's the job of the ML engineer to manage their expectations about what is possible." - Lawrence
"Controlling these motors is a little more difficult than the motors we've used on the small robot cars."
"It is clear by now that the old Orbital Launch Mount is here to stay, and instead, Musk’s engineers will have to do everything in their power to fix it as fast as possible!"
"There must have been some thought that there was a great experience at the end of it because you got to start building another rocket."
"To make a car sound good given that it has to have the filters... it's always going to be difficult."
"Engineering is all about taking chances and learning new things along the way."
"The success of the Columbia class will entirely be leveraged on its technological edge."
"Elon recently commented on the complexities of producing Raptor engines comparing to designing them."
"It's taken SpaceX an amazing quantity of blood, sweat, and explosions to get where they are today."
"This situation is another case of engineers and theories working out great where low tension rings aren't going to cause additional oil burning, but in practical reality... it actually has a massive impact."
"Now the show we came through, we had a problem with the heat tiles where they kept falling off. Took us a year and a half to figure out why."
"Transformers come with a whole bunch of different engineering challenges."
"The difficulties faced by the Jubilee line engineers are an integral part of London's Subway's proud engineering tradition."
"Improving on a bike that was already very good was no easy task."
"There's always compromises in engineering, and when you get down to this level, every nickel and every dime and every dollar counts."
"Calculus is usually not the hardest part of the engineering classes themselves compared to coming up with an actual solution to a real-world engineering problem."
"It's just extremely difficult to fly this close to the Sun."
"Gravity is constantly trying to make every structure collapse."
"RF constraints in the high RF low microwave regime are not intuitive."
"In order for the slab to fail, you've got to break the concrete, break the steel; it's a lot of material you've got to get through."
"The hardest problem they had to solve for the Apollo program was putting people in spacesuits and having them be able to move around on the surface of the moon."
"If we could solve the many challenges associated with aerospacecraft, what we would have is a proper spacecraft."
"Dynamic loads are far more complex to predict than static loads, especially if you're talking about a complex moving mechanism with many parts interacting with each other."
"This is a stupidly hard problem, and SpaceX engineering, I think done a great job with this design."
"We really need consistency models, since they allow a distributed system designer to explain to the engineers who are using it exactly how difficult their life will be -- all in the name of performance."
"One of the hardest things to learn when you're an engineer or when you're doing this type of project is it doesn't work, you've got to figure out why."
"Every engineer's worst nightmare."
"This tunnel is one of the most dangerous digs in the world."
"I feel like as an engineering major, I just go from one thing to the next."