
Strategic Focus Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The greatest opportunity cost, the greatest missed opportunity of the Zumwalt and LCS stories, is the loss not just of money but of a generation's worth of time and focus."
"It's no wonder that they are leaning into more core Warcraft things with the war within."
"The game is intended to be faster, with smaller units and more focus on terrain."
"The moment we get into internal squabbles rather than keep moving forward they take advantage of our division."
"We must stay humble. We know this is going to come to an end. We're going to go through a severe correction, and we have to just keep our heads down, focused on our research, to keep our conviction and drive our strategies forward."
"The major focus of the fighting over the next few days and probably weeks is going to be Bachmann City."
"The franchise leagues including the OverWatch league and it's just the Call of Duty league and the LCS and the LEC are a key focus in this downturn."
"Pay attention to what's working even when it only gives you inches. With focus, the inches add up to miles."
"Do more of what's working and less of what's not."
"Pakistan is not actively pursuing aid, we're frantically pursuing trade."
"We are fixing our eyes on devoting our resources and the challenges that hold the keys to our collective future."
"Games are won by folks who are focusing on the playing field, not the ones that are focused on the scoreboard."
"I think we're ready to move and it is to that great task if we're successful that we will address ourselves."
"Leaning towards top side knowing there's a lot of action."
"I completely agree, value is where I really want to see things shine."
"Having that capability again from US soil frees up NASA to focus on the hard things."
"The core of affiliate marketing success is choosing the right niche and focusing on one specific aspect within that niche."
"Your job is to work out what your target audience is really, really interested in."
"If I could start again, there is one thing and one thing only I would focus on more than anything, and that would be working out who my target audience is as fast as I could."
"I'm putting all my eggs in the Dune basket this year."
"Building destiny for players who loved it is and will remain our focus going forward."
"In order to succeed, businesses need to go back to the basics and focus on storytelling." - Aaron Lau
"Business is not always linear, and sometimes things outside your control happen."
"You cannot be everything to everybody. Once you find that niche, focus on the niche."
"It's really important that we pay attention to our old indicators."
"The best thing possible to focus on is that long-term time horizon."
"It was never Blender's mission to beat Adobe, maybe that was the mistake."
"Let's monolithically support one platform and watch the benefits of that."
"It seems that whatever Cobalts research entailed in the past, their interest in the island is currently focused on genetics."
"Make sure all your pieces are secure and that should absolutely be what you focus on."
"Time for my favorite focus in all of Hearts of Iron 4: continue the Bazinga Works infrastructure."
"We need to unify and start to keep an eye on our enemy."
"Don't focus elites until your run has its engine that starts to, you know, like for example you have corruption barricade and true grits or something."
"We talk about the best assets, that's all we do."
"Looks like they're all landing on the one in the middle now."
"That is where I think United should be throwing their eggs."
"If Man City are totally focused, this Clop v Pep thing is huge."
"I'm happy I was able to bring it back I think prioritizing the token guess was really good."
"They doubled down on single-player big-budget experiences and it paid off greatly for them."
"There was something that people hadn't nailed yet... Overwatch becoming Overwatch."
"Put the Manchester back into Manchester United."
"Focus on the mission. Define your targets and don't let them be defined by your competitor."
"Eisenhower said we can't get involved everywhere, you have to be focused."
"Despite difficulties, staying focused on win conditions and teamwork can lead to victory."
"ADC should focus on last hitting the minions, a fundamental and very important concept for Wild Rift."
"We're going to wait for the evidence to come out. We are going to approach this, and we're going to target the things we can definitively state."
"Right smack dab in the center it's incredibly vulnerable, so you have to be very attentive to these types of things."
"The difference between victory and defeat rests with the difference between concentration and dispersal."
"Concentrate fire on the center of the storm when all subtlety has gone out the window and you need to break through the heaviest defenses."
"Platinum have cultivated a loyal audience...doubling down here."
"Targeting a niche market: the key to standing out."
"The focus has to be how do we get back to economical freedom."
"The choice issue is going to matter a lot in the House Seats." - Celinda Lake
"This is not about a moralistic debate about an individual. It's about what is actually going to further the agenda for working people at this crucial time."
"Success is not a game won by who does the most, but by the most important."
"The only number that matters is this percentage over here."
"It's a marathon, it's not a sprint. The longer this goes on, the better. And just as long as you're really focused on the five-year plan here."
"We don't need to defeat him. We just need to get him off of our tail."
"Focus has shifted away from ascertaining the weakness of enemies... figuring out how you're trying to build your own party."
"These are something that marketers really need to be paying attention to."
"When there is a bigger devil, when that bigger devil shows its ugly head, you don't deal with the low-hanging fruit."
"Quantity, where the strategy is to produce as much content as is humanly possible, or quality, where the goal and focus is on creating fewer, but higher quality pieces of content."
"Putting workers at the center of strategy, that's what the new book is about."
"Ukraine continued to focus its offensive operations in the Avdiivka sector."
"We're probably going through the worst economic crisis that we've ever seen and people are trying to figure out, so you know, we have to stick to what we do."
"Sony doubled down on what they were known for: quality single player experiences."
"Stick to one strategy and make it work for you."
"The courts are going to be where the wins are."
"Lack of focus... all the problems with Disney's board members."
"The United States should focus on the economic contest and forget the military contest."
"I'm not in it to win the middle battle, I'm in it to win the endgame."
"No one talks about that return on invested capital number that's the stealth number that we really should be focused on."
"Vision is powerful because it gives you the legitimacy to say no to many things."
"We can only go for a big target if we know we're gonna get him."
"Critical success factors should be supported through metrics, key performance indicators. So, critical success factor provides the insight towards what needs to be measured and when you measure, what should be the focus."
"What you want to look at is what direction the company is actually going."
"Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases are a strategic focus for the Focused Ultrasound Foundation."
"Their continued focus on the overall conflict and goals rather than individual honor or glory is key."
"The advancing and very real threat requires that we expand our focus beyond integrating and fielding a single space system iteratively."
"Strategy maps are about focus and choice."
"...implementing the 2018 National Defense Strategy, which was in many regards a revolutionary document in terms of focusing the department and the country on China really for the first time."
"Romanus was free to shift his attention to the east where there were greater opportunities."
"Look where the spotlight isn't yet."
"The challenge for the West is going to be keeping US attention on Ukraine and Russia and European and allied unity in place."
"When you want to get better at something, you essentially build up what supports that something first before focusing on it specifically."
"Campaign metrics need to focus on the business objectives, not just on the external factors of rankings and visibility."
"If you're new with not a lot of money and you're trying to be scrappy, focusing on your Google business profile is key."
"I am a senior product marketing manager and I focus on the strategy and the content creation for the R Studio blog."
"You are now focusing on a much more wider value creation process which focuses on financial as well as non-financial sources of capital."
"We aren't just focusing on the short term; we're also now looking ahead to the long term as well."
"You are so set because then you stop focusing on markets, you start focusing on context."
"Which of these decisions can I focus on that will prevent a thousand decisions in the future?"