
Preciousness Quotes

There are 679 quotes

"The most precious moments in life happen when you least expect them."
"Let's make each day count, knowing that our time together is a precious gift not to be taken for granted."
"The Miracle of Life is a gift that everyone deserves because every life is precious."
"I've never felt a love like this before, yeah, it's totally unique and special, something very precious to both of you."
"There are fewer things more precious than the anointing that God places on your life."
"Time is the most important thing in the world... it's really the most precious."
"Life really is precious when we don't know when our time is up."
"You just be like, this is the most precious thing in the world."
"No gift is worth a damn unless it's the most precious thing you've got."
"A woman is the most precious jewel, more precious than the ruby, emerald, diamond, or sapphire."
"Life is so precious, that at any given point in time, anything can happen to you, to me, to our loved ones."
"In this life, every day is so precious because you don't know how many more days you've got left."
"Life is short and precious; it should be treated as such."
"This relationship is really gold, really precious."
"The most precious moment: the result of incalculable actions and reactions."
"This land is more than our mother earth, it is precious."
"Ordinary people are exposed to extraordinary circumstances, maybe it is that period of great sacrifice or the fear that you might not live to see another day, that reminds us of what is most precious."
"Being a kid is precious and special and magical, and it's just a devastating shame that some of them never get to experience that journey."
"Time is so precious... and it's so fleeting."
"God loves you so, so, so, so much, you have no idea how precious you are in the eyes of God."
"There's nothing in this world more precious than our children."
"The smaller gifts hold more value, you know, like diamonds."
"You're the most precious thing I've got, and I don't want to lose you anymore."
"Time is the most precious thing that he can give someone."
"He's not a creepy bastard and his hands are precious."
"And maybe with the gold made hot again, the writing would be refreshed. But for my part, I will risk no hurt to this thing; of all the works of Sauron, the only fair. It is precious to me, though I buy it with great pain."
"The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold."
"You are so precious and so worthy of love."
"Life is so precious and such an amazing thing to experience."
"What could be more precious than a human life?"
"It really shows you how precious life is."
"Life is precious, G. Like, it's precious, man. It's the most one last thing we got."
"Malachi is my lifeline, he is my universe, a unique gift, my special gift."
"Who we are and all the experiences that we have are precious."
"They were obsessed with her in the sweetest way, and she was just their precious Inga."
"A virtuous woman is like rubies, created under pressure and precious."
"I've learned how precious life is and how short it is."
"For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her."
"It was a kiss from a beautiful pebble, and it's a kiss I'd trade everything for. I love you, pebble."
"I just feel overwhelmed holding him in my arms. It's just so precious and so special."
"The fear of losing them is what makes them precious."
"God has precious thoughts about you. They cannot be numbered."
"Life is too precious to throw away."
"As I was feeding acorns to a squirrel, even just strolling through the market with my friends, I had this feeling—sweetness in those insignificant moments were incredibly precious."
"Even though it's not useful to me, even though I'm sure it'll never help me to multiply, to me it's a truly precious thing."
"You gave me something people search for their whole lives."
"It is the only biological originated precious gem there is."
"The Rarity of Ruby Roman grapes is precisely what makes them so precious."
"That is so precious oh my goodness."
"In ancient Rome, salt was so precious that people even called it white gold."
"Your love is so precious, so pure. It's something this person has never experienced before."
"Life is precious. Our time on Earth is precious. And we can lift each other up."
"He's literally so precious and I'm so grateful to have him."
"And those things you do have, the abilities you retain, those lifelines become all the more precious."
"Being healthy is literally the most precious thing there is in the world."
"You're like this pearl in the shell, y'all like that rare gem."
"It's more precious if you use it in the correct way."
"You're like a valuable painting on the wall, too precious to discard."
"This one should have absolutely been put in my special box and I'm gonna clean it up and put it there but I love this one so cute."
"Life is the most precious thing there is. How could anything else be?"
"Toko is the most precious element of Wano even more so than Tama she is the epitome of tragedy but also the perfect example of the future that we've been fighting for."
"It's a lot of time, man. Time is so freaking valuable."
"Life is so precious, and you need every moment to make right with anybody who you love."
"You get something like that, you'll just have to get 19 of them. I see why the parents did it. I mean, just precious."
"Time is more valuable than the purest gold."
"Humanity, the most precious thing about the species."
"No flower is so rare nor precious."
"Life is precious, hold your life."
"Life is short, it's fleeting, and it's so, so special."
"I really do have a connection with him he is absolutely precious and sweet."
"...the blood of Christ is precious"
"Family is the most precious thing in the world."
"Don't you know it's just so wholesome and precious?"
"Throughout history, many have fought and died for the right to wear the famous symbol of power, but besides being a symbol, the crown and its jewels are also very precious objects."
"Your laughter, tears, dreams, and fears, everything about you is precious to me."
"That's more valuable than a diamond, you ask. Much more valuable than a diamond."
"Allah tells you that you are precious."
"Let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."
"Life is precious. When people realize they have a shorter time than they thought was likely, actually every moment matters."
"That life is so precious and it is God's gift to each one of us from the very first moment of conception to the last moment of our lives to be cherished to be loved to be safeguarded."
"Everything at this point in time is very precious it's important."
"Life can be precious and fleeting, even through no fault of your own."
"Live your life because you only get one, and it's precious and it's a gift. Protect your babies and tell somebody that you love them today because you might not know. We never know when our time is up."
"There is only one truly precious thing a person can give, and that is love."
"life can be cruel but life can also be very precious and it is not guaranteed so no matter you may be the picture of Health you may be a young person you may be an older person it really doesn't matter you know it could all be gone in a flashh so don't take anything for granted"
"Time is the most precious asset that each of us possesses."
"Life itself is extremely priceless."
"Life itself is extremely priceless; we don't own it, we can't even create a fly."
"Life is precious cuz you can't watch it again."
"Life is precious. You gotta definitely live every day to your fullest."
"Reclaiming our lives in the only moment, each moment is very precious not to be missed."
"For life is too precious to waste."
"Time, it's possibly the most precious commodity we have."
"Every single moment's precious, how many minutes are you wasting?"
"The individual life is precious, all lives are precious."
"Life is really precious and if God gives you a life, that's amazing."
"Is there anything more precious than that? That's whom you pursue. You pursue God."
"Life is more precious than you might actually believe."
"Y is a very precious thing it goes away at any moment so treasure treasure it while it's still there right and know that you cannot stop it from disappearing in your life and you have no control over it at all."
"He's too precious to be hurt and grieved and disobeyed and rebelled against. He's too precious."
"Being a dad, it's just a very nice feeling, it's a very precious feeling to know that you're now a dad, you're someone's dad, you're someone's father."
"Death is the very thing that makes human life so precious and beautiful."
"Life is not to be wasted; it's precious."
"You are precious to me. Your parents may have never called you precious, but God does. God says you are precious to him."
"Words are valuable, as precious as nuggets of gold or diamonds."
"Life is short and life is precious."
"Recognize how inherently precious life is."
"How precious it is to have eyes to see and ears to hear."
"Life is precious and every moment matters."
"We all know how precious life can be."
"The stakes are higher and the moments are priceless."
"There is something unspeakably deep about being alive, and about me being alive, and it is so precious."
"Life is precious, and things can change quickly."
"Being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire."
"Life is precious, you only get one chance at it."
"Time is so precious and so finite."
"The most precious thing you have that you can't get back is time."
"It's a reminder of how precious time is, and what a finite amount of it we all have."
"Time is very limited, and every day, every little moment can be really precious."
"I'm so sorry oh my chippa dooodle you are far more precious to me than any ring and I'm sure it will turn up."
"What made it so precious is how labor-intensive it was, and still is to obtain."
"Friendship is more valuable than the brightest Pearl."
"Precious sapphires in velvet jewelry boxes."
"Knowing that it might all vanish tomorrow makes everything that much more precious."
"...no life is expendable, every life is precious and of value, whether you see it now or you see it later..."
"Life is precious, and I'm going to live every single day squeezing every single drop out of every moment that I can."
"There are things so precious that even in an immortal life, their coming must be seen as the rarest of all possible gifts."
"You're seen as valuable, like a gemstone, a diamond."
"Cuz it's precious so stinking precious."
"Just how every baby's precious but just how extra precious the sea one is."
"That's love - just as beautiful and just as precious as what we had."
"This person is very precious, you are about to meet a very, very precious person that is about to change your life."
"Time is really precious these days as we know."
"God, you are more precious than silver."
"Life is the most beautiful, precious gift that a creature may receive."
"Life itself is precious and short and fleeting, an incredible blessing."
"I do love life. I think life is precious."
"Every run is as dear as gold dust."
"This is life and it's always precious."
"The most precious thing you have is time."
"Time is precious. It is the most valuable and sacred gift we can ever give to another person."
"You become very aware of how precious it is."
"Knowing that our time here is so short and so precious."
"Life is a precious gift to throw yours away."
"How precious is your little time."
"This life becomes so much more precious."
"Life is precious, it could be gone like that, you know what I mean? So enjoy every moment, but responsibly, alright?"
"Not even the deaths of hell could have forged a diamond this special."
"True faith is more precious than gold."
"Wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing I have can be compared to it."
"Precious things must be defended, and things left undefended are not precious."
"It's a water. It's pretty difficult for us to get."
"Time is the most precious thing we have."
"The universe is reminding us how precious every second is."
"Life is precious. Life is really precious."
"Every year is precious, every year is new, every year is making a difference."
"Every father to a little girl knows just how precious that relationship is."
"It's so precious and I don't want to waste a moment of it."
"And I think that's what makes life so precious, so special, so beautiful."
"I feel like everybody's time is precious, you know?"
"It's the only place we have. The only place where life exists as far as we can tell. It is uniquely precious."
"That's a it's a it's a well you realize how precious life is."
"How precious life is and what each moment means."
"This is pretty much pure gold, real gold."
"There's something incredibly precious about it."
"Life is very precious, you should never take a day for granted."
"Moments like these are so precious and I wish that they could last forever but then they wouldn't be precious anymore."
"There's something about babies, baby animals of all sorts, they're just so precious."
"The most important thing we have in life is time. It's the most precious thing."
"Therefore, this sentient being is much more precious than the whole sky filled with diamond, gold, and wish-granting jewels."
"'You're precious to me like all the others,' Shigaraki admitted."
"Just a reminder of how precious life is and how we should, in Henry's words, 'accept and adapt and just keep on keeping on.'"
"She is more precious than rubies."
"Human life is the most precious thing in the universe, really."
"Every moment is precious, take advantage of it."
"Here he is with G1 cyclonus because he's precious."
"...life is precious, absolutely precious. And that's why we try and leave the most out of every single minute that we have together as a family."
"This human life that we have is so incredibly precious and valuable."
"Your person treats you like a [__] Diamond."
"Freedom is the most precious thing in the world."
"He kissed her like she was precious."
"It's impossible to explain if you haven't been through it but when you have little kids they're literally the most precious thing on this planet."
"The most precious thing in the world is not gold or money or longevity. It's other people's desire."
"She's a virtuous woman, righteous, the sister is the fest worth more than priceless rubies, pearls, and diamonds."
"Their friendship is really precious."
"They just really think you are the most precious."
"That energy is so precious and sacred."
"The braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry or the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."
"There's a preciousness when we stop."
"Children are our most prized possessions walking the face of this earth."
"Memories like that are just too precious to throw away."
"This has been a very long and difficult journey for us; it's been seven years of IVF and I'm just feeling very precious and close about the whole thing."
"This precious Liquid Gold of Life called water."
"There is nothing more precious than a parent's love."
"The Bible, word of God, covered in gold, made as precious as a jewel."
"I saw His face, and Jesus's face is precious."
"I will believe in those that are precious to me."
"How could I forget my little sister? She's my precious sister."
"Your name is more valuable than rubies, than silver, than gold."
"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies."